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Thursday, July 28, 2016

Lucy Joy 15 Months

Lucy Joy! I cannot believe we are at your first big milestone past 1 year old. Baby hood is behind you and we are fully immersed in toddler hood (the good, the bad, the ugly). I felt like a did a good job of savoring the first months with you because I knew how quickly it flew by but now I feel like I blinked and you're a walking, talking, sassy, little thing. Your personality is SO much different than your brothers and we are enjoying watching you develop into your own little lady. You are tiny but tough. Sweet but oh so sassy and opinionated. I am seeing a lot of what I assume I was like as a little girl in you and it makes me smile (and also get gray hairs hehe). Jon and I look at you and seriously get our breath taken away because you are just such a flawless, beautiful little girl... I know we will blink and you'll be 15 and fending off all the boys. We love your strong and girly personality Lucy girl!

  • 21 lb 8oz (55th %), 30.75" (58th %), Head 47.3 cm (88th %)
  • Lucy was a champ at her well check today and is healthy and thriving. She had a double ear infection 2 weeks ago and it is healed. She showed off for the doctor by pointing to body parts and saying their names. She got 2 shots and cried for a few seconds (okay screamed her head off) and then was fine with snacks and stickers. 
  • Lucy girl started walking about 13.5 months old. She barely took any practice steps and just went for it. Now at 15 months she is basically running. It's not weird to see her running circles around the house holding the most random things (Ford's underwear, anyone's shoes, embroidery thread, essential oils, play food).
  • Sleeps 7p-7a, sometimes later. I tried to drop her to 1 nap right after 14 months and it was going good for a week and then she got a double ear infection and we went back to 2 naps and now we are just going with the flow. She naps for a total of 2-3 hours, sometimes 1 nap if we have stuff going on, sometimes 2 if we are home. She sleeps with 2 soft baby dolls, 2 loveys, a small blanket, her pillow, and a giraffe. And usually brings a random piece of play food or a dinosaur with her to bed. 
  • She still has the tiniest little newborn feet ever. Wears 0-6 month shoes, some size 2 fit her (Toms and Natives). She wears mostly 12 month clothing... 12 month onesies, 9 and 12 month rompers, 12 and 18 month shorts (cloth diaper booty!). 
  • Lots of talking! Her most popular words are: more, dada, mama, banana, ball, goggles, book, shoes, Ernie, uh oh, dog, all done, basketball, different body parts. She has full conversations of baby talk and it's hilarious, she definitely tries to reason with us. She uses correct facial expressions and mannerisms. She is going to be the kiddo who tries to sweeten her way out of things. 
  • She answers questions, yes and no. Most things are no. 
  • She knows most of her body parts... eyes, ears, hair, mouth, teeth, nose, belly, toes. She loves pointing them out on other people and saying them. 
  • She isn't the best fact she is so darn picky. She likes about 10 things total and eats those well, but refuses to try anything new. The only fruit she likes is bananas and could live on cheese and carbs... couldn't we all. She drinks a lot of whole milk and eats meats pretty well (depending on the day and her attitude). Lately I've been giving her peanut butter on a spoon for lunch because she refuses everything else. Hey it's protein! 
  • She loves books but is very picky about what we read. I will try reading 8 different books before she decides she likes one. Right now she's into Goodnight Moon and A You're Adorable.
  • She is a dancing machine! She dances every time she hears music and will dance on command.
  • She started singing in the past month and it's adorable. We sing a special song before bed called Bye Oh Bye Oh Baby and she says "byeeee byeeeeee".
  • Her favorite toy right now is dinosaurs. We have dinosaur magnets and she walks around all day holding them and saying "RAWWRRR". We got Ford a dinosaur set "from Lucy" for his birthday in a few weeks, I know they will both love them.
  • She is obsessed with the play kitchen upstairs and will play for an hour by herself. She is busy going from the food to the fridge to the grill to the shopping cart. 
  • Jumps on our kiddie trampoline with a handle bar
  • She is a shoe girl, she loves shoes of all kind. I keep a basket for kids shoes in our room and I can put her in front of it while I get ready and she plays for a solid amount of time. 
  • I started doing her hair in pony tails everyday right after she turned 1. Her hair is SO long, even though it may not look like it in pictures. When it is wet it goes down her back and it's so long in the front but I don't want to cut bangs. She is really good when we do her hair with a comb and loves her bows. 
  • We went to her first movie at a theater last week (with the exception of a few last summer when she was a newborn). Let's just say we won't be taking this lady to a movie for awhile. She loved the popcorn but was up, down and into everything. 
  • She and Ford are so adorable together. They play together really well and get each other laughing. She is still pretty darn sassy to him and pinches/swats him occasionally which really hurts his feelings... she is fiesty y'all.
  • We go to the pool multiple times a week and she has a ball. I love going to this one pool that has a covered, zero depth baby pool with a ledge that she can play in. She hates her floatie but has no fear so I have to watch her like a hawk. I think she will be full on swimming next summer. 
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