4 week from yesterday Lucy Joy Hart will be born! That is unless she decides to come beforehand but if she is anything like her brother, she'll say nice and cozy until then. I kept telling myself April 1st is when it will feel real and that is tomorrow. Does it feel real? Not at all. My poor body is feeling it and more than ready to shed the 30lb basketball I am carrying opposite my bad back but I still can't believe I am almost done with my second pregnancy. Didn't I just find out in August? Whoosh that flew by. I am so excited to spend the next few weeks with Ford at the park, music class, soccer, and just fun time at home playing one on one with him!
- 24lbs gained
- I had an appointment this morning and our big girl measured 6lbs 1oz! Doctor said she'll probably be high 7's/low 8's at birth. I had my first cervical check and I am not dilated and doctor said the chances of me going into labor pre April 27th are slim. Yay. I also got another full panel blood test and should know within the next 2 days how my blood platelets are looking. I have appointments every week until I deliver and will get them tested every week so we can come up with a game plan for delivery.
- Zofran at night and sometimes in the morning... still getting sick about once a week, yuck.
- I realized a few weeks ago that I have no la linea negra this time. With Ford I had one both above and below my belly button (that didn't line up). I guess the hernia makes up for that.
- Lots of lower back pain, comes with being 9 months pregnant.
- Lots of Braxton Hicks contractions, some more painful.
- She dropped over the weekend and now I have a lot of pressure in my pelvis area but relief in my lungs where she used to crush. If you see me walk, please don't laugh.
- I got my first prenatal massage last week and it was heavenly. It is probably a good thing I waited this long to get one because I can see myself getting addicted.
- Jon, Ford, and I all got our haircut in the last 2 days... checking off the pre baby list. Other things include oil changes for the cars, hang some new light fixtures, etc.
- I got out all of my nursing gear (tanks, pads, covers) to wash and prep. I need to get out bottles and sterilize those too.
- I stocked up on disposable diapers for both babies when Target had a killer deal. Ford was in disposables for 8 weeks before we started cloth so I assume we will do the same with Lucy. Ford will be spending a lot of time at Mimi's when she is born so I got him disposables too.
- Ford is now obsessed with his 2 big brother books. He says "BIG BROBBA!!". So cute.
- I've set out all of Lucy's hospital bag items and just need to find a bag to pack them in. I had such a hard time choosing what hair accessories to bring and settled on 5 headbands and a hat :). I am going to work on my hospital bag and Ford's Mimi bag soon.
- The sonogram below is a face shot of her... her lips!