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Friday, October 28, 2016

Lucy 18 months

One and a half years with our Lucy girl, wow time flies! It is hard to believe that she is going to become a big sister any day now, I can't wait to watch her love on her baby sister. Not gonna lie, we are coming out of a difficult couple of months with Lucy... I forgot how hard the new toddler phase is where they know exactly what they want but can't talk or communicate and can't control their emotions. In the past 2 weeks Lucy's vocabulary has exploded and our sassy girl has started talking so much, it is really fun! Lucy has always been very opinionated and fiesty but she is softening up a bit and I think it's because she can finally tell us how she feels or what she wants. Oh my gosh we just love her so much. She is beautiful beyond belief, cheesy, sweet, sassy, cuddly, and so funny. 

  • Lucy had her 18 month well check today with our new pediatrician who we just love! She was chatty and happy and didn't even cry when she got her Dtap vaccine (although she did have a Dum Dum sucker in her mouth). I am happy to report that she is healthy, thriving, and not as small as we thought!
  • 23lb 4oz (60th %), 32.5" (73rd %), head 48.1cm (91st %)
  • I just got out her fall/winter clothes and put away most of her summer stuff. She wears 12-18 month and 18 month clothes, 12 month onesies, size 3 shoe, cloth diapers during the day and a size 3 or 4 disposable at night. 
  • Her hair is getting SO long and light! It reminds me of my color when I was a child and I can't wait to try pig tails on her... for now it is the Pebbles fountain. She also loves her bows and will get them and bring them to me. 
  • Lucy and Ford are hilarious together. They are really started to play together which I love and it's so cute to watch. They get into tickle fights and giggle fits and play for 45 minutes in the bath. 
  • Lucy can walk up and down the stairs all by herself... she insist on walking like a big girl and holding the rails, this will be helpful when we bring baby home! 
  • Lucy has so many new words this month! I was trying to keep track of them on my phone but there are just too many. I am going to write down a few of my favorite little things she says though.
  • She now recognizes temperature... Hot! Cold! She blows on her hot food which is adorable. 
  • She says "pee pee" and "poo poo" when she goes and I got out the little kid potty and she's been sitting on it every night before bath. She pushes like she's trying but has never gone. It's hard to believe that I potty trained Ford at 21 months.. not sure this girl will be up for it (or that I will be!)
  • I use different roller bottles of oils on the kiddos and Lucy will grab them and say OILS! Feet! And try to put them on her feet. 
  • She is obsessed with her two loveys lately... they are both basically small blankets and she has to carry them around for an hour after she wakes up.
  • Very into her baby dolls this month... which is a good sign! She will carry around 2-3 of them, push them in the shopping cart or stroller, feed them their "bottle", and rock them. I got out the baby bouncers up and downstairs and she loves sitting in them with her babies. I think she will have a hard time sharing those when baby sister comes home. 
  • Her favorite thing in the world is rocks.... we can be at a restaurant, at a store, or anywhere outside and she finds a pile of "WOCKS!" and collects them. She is very easily entertained. 
  • She says "No" a lot and scrunches her face.... girlfriend knows what she wants and is very vocal about it. 
  • She is becoming a better eater, praise the Lord! I've started just putting new foods on her table repeatedly and eventually she will try them. She loves scrambled eggs, bananas, grapes, cheese, chicken, all carbs, cottage cheese, yogurt, burgers. 
  • She sees pictures of herself and pats her chest and says "ME!"
  • She says Mama, Dada, Mimi, Papa, and certain words for Tomi, Ford, and James but not really anything recognizeable. She also recognizes people in photos on the wall. 
  • She is pretty physical with Ford... slaps and pinches him when she is mad....and when I get onto her she will walk up to him and say "OWWIE" and hug and kiss him. Obviously I don't want her to bully him but it is so cute to see her apologize!
  • We've started to do time out with her and she is livid when we do it. 
  • She will respond to questions with "Good".... How was your nap Lucy? "Good"
  • She is a little daddy's girl. She will run in to our room at the morning and say "Hi Dada!"
  • She knows all of her body parts and says the words... hair, head, eyes, nose, teeth, ears, belly, toes... she loves totally flashing her belly button lately
  • She loves hats and glasses and will put them on and say HAT! GASSSS!
  • She is obsessed with books lately. We have a big upstairs with a game room and media room and have been spending a lot of time up here lately and often times I will find her in her room on her rocking chair reading books. She asks for specific books too "Bow Bar" for Brown Bear, "Moon!" for Goodnight Moon. She has a few other favorites that we read every single night. 
  • She saw the movie Finding Nemo in our car the other day and said MEMO! I was shocked because she doesn't watch movies in our car because she's rear facing and I'm not sure she's ever seen the movie.
  • She is such a little dancing queen... she dances even when there is no music! But we can really get her going if we start dancing and she loves it.
  • She sings too... we sing Bye Oh Baby every night after prayers when we lay her in her crib and she will sing "Byeeee Byeeee" and lay her head down. 
  • She loves putting on everyone else's shoes and walking around laughing. She says shoes and socks, it is pretty darn cute.
  • She started carrying around this little tiny princess purse she got for her birthday and putting rocks in it. She says "PUR!" and knows exactly what to do with it.
  • She is obsessed with jewelry and calls it "PEEEETY" for pretties. I am going to get her ears pierced in a few months because she is obsessed with mine and it is the first thing she asks for in the morning, "Mama ear?" and points to my ears. 
  • I was at the grocery store just grabbing fruit yesterday and as I bagged apples she grabbed one and said APPLE! She also grabbed a muffin yesterday morning and said Muffin! Seriously new words every single day
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