Cinnamon Life or yogurt with granola is my go to breakfast
Ford's down for a nap... this means chores and laundry for me
I managed to brush my teeth and put on some makeup at 10am...forgot to brush my hair, whoops
Ford had a blast at a water themed playdate (not pictured, the mountain of guacamole and strawberry margarita I indulged in)
Ernie can't let me out of his sight and loves hanging in Ford's room. Nursing before nap
Ford is into EVERYTHING these days...blinds are so fun.
He is pretty brave these days, trying to balance on everything, including Ernie.
Baby chasing is rather exhausting so we head to the grocery store to stock up for company this weekend (thank God for food pouches, great distraction while shopping).
Note to self, never get the "fun" shopping cart ever again. It is basically like driving a boat in New York City. Longest. Shopping. Trip. Ever.
I am collecting formula for Austin Life Care so we picked up and sorted donations. Ford was so interested in all the cans... ironic because he never took a bottle...
Rotisserie chicken, cauliflower, cucumbers, and yogurt were on the menu tonight...someone was having an emotional dinner.
The result of the above picture was a nice long walk with our neighbors to chill out.
This is cheating but I can't NOT post these videos of Ford in the bath! First I notice he was crouching and popping up and realized he was playing peek a boo with me. He loves when Jon and I hide from him and pop out, it is so cute watching him learn and mimic us!
Then he just couldn't shake the giggles.
Bedtime came quickly after bath was over and I finally got the chance to relax. Since Jon was gone, I ate leftovers standing up in my kitchen, caught up on DVR, and sit down with my computer. When Jon is not traveling, we try to be intentional with the time we have alone and play games, sit on the deck, or just talk, so when he's gone, I try to be productive with blogging/computer stuff/crafts/chores/etc. And balance that with relaxing or sleeping.
One more check on this boy and I am off to dreamland
Ford and his cousin Embry will be reunited later today! We are looking forward to a fun weekend with family. Be sure to follow me on Instagram for weekend pictures :).