This weekend I had the honor of hosting a bridal shower for my best friend Alyssa, along with the other bridesmaids! I will be standing by her side as her matron of honor at her January 7th wedding and I couldn't be more excited. Alyssa and I became close while cheering in high school and even closer when we traveled to Southeast Asia together and ended up rooming our freshman year at A&M.
Although I've had my hand at hosting different birthday and themed parties, this was my first bridal shower :-). Here is a peek into the shower...
I love scrapbooking and crafting so immediately I knew I wanted to make the invitations.
The theme was vintage so I was sure to check out lots of thrift stores (and Goodwills) for decor. I also made buntings and paper rosettes for to add to the theme.
I fell in love with the vintage flour, sugar, tea and coffee tins I found at Salvation Army.
I made this out of a $1 Goodwill frame (which I painted), scrapbook paper and a wooden P from Hobby Lobby
I made lots of yummy foods
Check out the diamond ring shaped cookies...thank you for the help Leah!
Games are my favorite part of any shower and we played 3. I got the idea from my bridal shower decorated an apron with different kitchen/household items. Alyssa walked into the room full of guests for 1 minute while they tried to memorize the items. The person who wrote down the most correct items (after Alyssa left the room) won a prize! For the second game, I asked Alyssa 15 questions about where her and her future hubby will be in 5 years (example, what is your ideal career, will you have any babies, what will you do to celebrate your 5 year anniversary). The third game was my favorite. I teamed up with the grooms mom to get photos of him from birth-current and the guests had to guess what age he was (I made a powerpoint). It was hilarious and fun!
And of course the bride got loads of gifts!
The bride and her mom and future MIL
The bride and her swag
The bride and her bridesmaids :-)
My little sister, Tomi, and the bride!
High school friends :-)
I am not going to spoil the bridesmaids dresses but I just HAD to show yall the gorgeous necklaces Alyssa gave us to wear on her wedding day. I don't ever want to take this baby off. And yes, I am wearing clothes in the picture, the dress is strapless haha
Have you ever thrown a bridal shower? I'd love to hear about it!