Last night Jon and I got home from a glorious 4 days away, sans baby, in New York City. There was no specific occasion to celebrate but we were both craving time away to pour into each other. We decided to go to NYC because it seems like one of the most miserable places to take a baby (in our opinion) and Jon had never been! It's been over 2 months since we've weaned from nursing, Ford is a great sleeper and my parents were more than willing to take in our little man for a few days. There was nothing holding us back! We used Southwest points to fly there and Starwood Points for our fabulous hotel, Sheraton New York City. It was my 4th time in the city but I loved experiencing it for the first time with Jon. We did a boat tour around the island and spent most of our days on the double decker bus tours that looped through uptown, downtown, Brooklyn, and all over Manhattan. The first afternoon we were there we grabbed a street gyro (street food was our favorite) and walked through Hell's Kitchen. I was wondering why it felt so weird and I realized Jon and I were holding hands. It was kind of a smack in the face when I realized we hadn't really held hands much since Ford was born. Sure we go out on lots of dates but rarely are we walking for a long period of time hand in hand. One of us is always pushing a stroller, carrying a diaper bag, or corralling the herd of items we cart around with our baby. Holding hands felt extra special in New York City and I didn't want to let go. I'm normally not mushy when it comes to my marriage but this trip was extra mushy. 4 days not having to cut up someone else's food, changing diapers, wiping noses, and listening to Ford's newly perfected fake cry/whine. 4 days of sleeping without the buzz of a monitor, getting to actually relax, sleep, and read a book on the plane, and 4 days of pouring into my marriage without any distractions.
I had a lot of anxiety leading up to our trip about leaving Ford. The only other time I have left him overnight was when we were sick so this was the longest by far. I wasn't worried that he would miss us because Mimi and Papa's house is so much fun, I was just anxious that something would happen to me and Jon. Silly but honest. He couldn't have been cuter and sweeter the day before we left and I felt like it was God saying, Ruthie it's okay, leave your boy in my hands. I cried a little putting him to bed but felt so much peace (and excitement!) when we left. I was never sad during our trip but actually happy seeing how much fun he was having. We FaceTimed everyday and my family sent us endless pictures and videos (Embry was in town and the two of them had a blast!). I told myself there was no use in me sulking or being sad because that would just ruin my trip. I felt so relieved and grateful that I have people in my life who love ME enough to allow me to getaway and who love my baby enough to take the best care of him. I am still blown away by that!
My Italian Stallion in Little Italy
Gelato at Ferrara, too good!
Manhattan skyline from the Manhattan Bridge
Straight from my phone, what a beautiful city!
3 nights away was perfect. We felt rested, rejuvenated, and ready to jump back into the messes of parenthood. Ford was funny when we got home. My mom was at our house and he had just gotten up from his nap. They walked down the stairs and he was giggling with excitement but when we met him at the bottom of the stairs, he clung to my mom like a spider monkey. He wasn't too happy when she left (he bawled and bawled) but quickly remembered how much fun me and Jon are and we've been back to playing like normal. I love that he had so much fun this weekend that he didn't want it to end! We take a family walk every morning and this morning we talked about how nice it is to be back in Texas where the air is clean and we actually have green grass. NYC was a thrill and we had an incredible time but boy is it always good to be home. We ate peanut butter on tortillas and canned soup for dinner after we found our milk was chunky and our bread was moldy. Life is good, marriage is good, time away from your baby is good. Not gonna lie, Jon and I are already planning our next trip around our anniversary!
Our hotel: Sheraton New York
Island boat tour: Circle Line 42
Double decker bus tour: Grayline Sightseeing
Church we visited: Hillsong NYC