1. Church clothes
2. I love being able to wear shorts to work! Especially in the Texas heat
3. More Sunday's best...Jon loved my "jest" (jean vest)
4. $5 shoes from Target! Had to get 2
1. I am an official blogger now...got me a bubble necklace
2. Loving my new stache necklace from
1. Mr. Independent
2. Snaggletooth wanted to go to the dentist with us
3. "Come on dad, I am too old for this!"
1. A face off for his "b"
2. Mornings at the Hart house
3. Ernie is excited for the bachelorette party this weekend (so excited his teeth got stuck)
1. I should have been a teacher...laminated this sign for our recycle bin
2. Our housewarming gift from my grandparents
3. The guestroom is finished!
1. Jon in my 82 year old grandpa's corvette
2. My new laptop!! It is the Macbook Air of PCs baby
3. We love checking each other for lice so Jon bought these online haha
1. Total blog husband...love him!
2. Dessert shots at PF Changs
3. Yes he subscribes to Paddle Palace magazine
4. I love being married to an engineer...comes in handy at Home Depot!
And some randoms for ya...
- This weekend I am hosting a bachelorette party at our house for a wedding we are both in in October! In Mexico :-). I couldn't be more excited
- We've had a lot of slow walkers and drive bys since House Hunters aired and I had the first person recognize me (and Ernie!)
- Jon's dad passed away 3 years ago and we are having his car shipped down here full of his belongings. I never got to meet him so I am excited to get to know him through pictures and momentos. It will arrive Tuesday. I will definitely be sharing more about this later, the mustang is a project car for Jon.
- I've been sleep walking a lot lately...and talking of course but that's not new
- Jon's latest nickname for me is shillelagh (sha-lay-lee) which is an Irish walking stick. I have no clue where he comes up with this stuff?! It's been shillelagh butt and smoochles
- Thank you for all the Facebook friend requests but I do keep my personal page for my friends "in real life" I hope yall understand! :)
- Yesterday afternoon my team had an offsite team building event at the lake. One coworker has a boat lease and we cruised Lake Austin, floated in the water and ate at Abel's on the Lake. Stuff like this keeps me sane. I love my city!

& leaving you with a pretty picture...my favorite part of our house