Friday, June 27, 2014
Avocado and mozzarella chicken
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Finish This
Finish This,
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Gettin' oily
If you've spent anytime on the internet or Instagram, you'd know the essential oils are "in" right now. I am normally somewhat weary of certain internet trends and wait until they fizzle out quickly but something about essential oils grabbed me. Seeing friends post about their babies sleeping through the night despite cutting 4 teeth thanks to lavender oil or flu symptoms diminishing within hours because of thieves or lemon. Our family seems to always get hit with a slew of sicknesses and they come on pretty strong. Ford struggles with congestion and wheezing and Jon has terrible allergies. Nose Frida, steam showers, Dayquil, Tylenol...nothing was cutting it. That is when I turned to Young Living Essential Oils and I'm kicking myself for not jumping on the wagon sooner!
Essential oils are all natural oils derived from mainly plants. There are hundreds of single oils and blends and they date back to biblical days (think Frankincense and Myrrh) to help heal and cure all sorts of illnesses and ailments. The oil is taken from the most important part of the plant, its "blood" basically. It is the part of the plant that, for example, protected it from disease or insects and healed it when the plant was injured. Without this part of the plant, it would die, and so it is compared to our blood. It is SUPER concentrated, anywhere from 10,000-100,000 times more concentrated than herbs! So, one drop can do amazing things. Some people can put a drop of essential oil on their feet and taste it within 30 seconds. Pretty impressive stuff!
What are essential oils?
Essential oils are all natural oils derived from mainly plants. There are hundreds of single oils and blends and they date back to biblical days (think Frankincense and Myrrh) to help heal and cure all sorts of illnesses and ailments. The oil is taken from the most important part of the plant, its "blood" basically. It is the part of the plant that, for example, protected it from disease or insects and healed it when the plant was injured. Without this part of the plant, it would die, and so it is compared to our blood. It is SUPER concentrated, anywhere from 10,000-100,000 times more concentrated than herbs! So, one drop can do amazing things. Some people can put a drop of essential oil on their feet and taste it within 30 seconds. Pretty impressive stuff!
Young Living oils are 100% pure, and the the process from
seed to seal is so controlled so that there are no chemicals used. Because of this, you can ingest Young Living oils, where
other brands they don't recommend it. So, you can use essential oils
diffused, applied topically or by ingestion.
My favorite oils
You can diffuse oils to improve your mood {think aromatherapy without the chemicals in candles}, even helping people get off anti-depressants just by using essential oils! Peace & Calming is a great oil for this. It is awesome at helping kids {and grownups} fall asleep faster and sleep longer. When Ford wakes up extra cranky or sensitive, I rub P&C on his heels and I can instantly notice a calming come over him. It’s also been shown to help people stop snoring and others with teeth grinding!
Peppermint is another great one for kids. It lowers kids’ temperatures naturally and helps with nausea, headaches and congestion. I plan on arming myself with peppermint for my next pregnancy to ward off
Now that I am a mommy, I am willing to try anything natural and homeopathic before I go to the medicine cabinet. My story is small in this because there are so many incredible success stories from people using essential oils. ADHD controlled, cancer scans clear, asthma, diabetes, and other diseases healed. Check out these incredible testimonies here.
Free oils webinar
If you are interested in learning more about essential oils, Allena and Jenna from An Oils Adventure will also be hosting a webcast on July 1. This webinar is what got me so excited to try them out! Click here to register – there is no cost to join, and I promise it will
be 1 hour or less! Joining the webcast
will also earn you 5 extra entries into the giveaway!
Buy an oils starter kit
However, there is even a better deal
if you sign up now. For the first 10 people that sign up and buy a premium starter kit, I will send you
a free bottle of lime essential oil. Think margarita, yum. The
smell of lime and lavender in that new diffuser of yours is also heavenly.
Sign up now to get this free oil! Be sure to sign up as a wholesale member to get 24% of retail prices! It is absolutely free!
Today you have the chance to win your choice of 4 essential oil samples from An Oils Adventure! Two lucky people will win.
Thank you to An Oils Adventure for sponsoring this post.
essential oils,
Young Living
Thursday, June 19, 2014
Portillo's Copy Cat Chocolate Cake
Monday, June 16, 2014
A celebration of Fathers
Floating with Mimi and Papa...Ford is a little fish!
Summer days really wear him out...he was dozing off on Mimi in the pool
Family selfie
This is how I will remember summer
We stopped by an awesome car show yesterday before church and Ford is already enjoying daddy's favorite hobby!
Ford's first car in 15 years?
I snapped some pictures last week of Ford in Jon's office and had a big one framed for Father's Day. I remember every year growing up my mom would take us to Olan Mills in my dad's suits and ties to get our picture taken, I just had to live on the tradition!
To the one who teaches us how to be parents, who loves us unconditionally and without limit, who covers us in grace and mercy every single day, God we love you. Thank you for choosing Jon to be the father of my children and thank you for being my Father!
"I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty." -2 Corinthians 6:18
What was the highlight of your Father's Day weekend?
Friday, June 13, 2014
Being brave for your kids
mama stuff
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Ford 10 months
Dislikes: being hungry, being told "no" when he throws food or stands in the bath
- Fast crawling! He's been crawling since 8.5 months but is now an animal zooming through the house
- Letting go when he is standing and staying up on his own for a few seconds
- Going from standing to sitting really well, he knows he can let go and sit safely on his bottom
- When a toy goes under the couch or Ernie rolls his ball under something, Ford will crawl over and lean his head to look for it. It's so cute!
- Feeding mommy and daddy his food
- Waving when he hears "bye bye"
- Saying Ernie all the time "eeee kneeee", trying to say ball "ba", "mu mu mu", "da"
- Playing peek a boo
- Throwing a ball really well
- Intentionally throwing food off his highchair
- Starting swimming lessons yesterday, he loved it! He went under a few times and didn't mind it, he was also trying to drink the water. Videos below!
- Went to the splash park a few times
- Got a baby pool and splash pad for our backyard
- Set up the water table
- Had cousin Embry in town and had a blast
- Went to our first petting zoo! Ford didn't care for the bunnies but loved poking the lizards, I am learning to be brave as a boy mom
- Ford had his second haircut... of course I took a ton of pictures here
- Going to a winery this weekend with the families from my mom's group
- More days at the splash pad, pool, and lake.
- Going to South Padre with family for 4th of July, can't wait!
monthly update
Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Thursday, June 5, 2014
Shear Joy
Yesterday, at almost 10 months old, Ford got his second haircut. People may think I am crazy for getting it cut twice before his first birthday (first haircut here), but with his mama's straight body-less hair, he was rocking a mullet in the back. We went to the most adorable children's salon in Austin called KAOS, and I remember my 16 year old brother going there growing up. It was important for me to find a place that specializes in kiddos where Ford could be comfortable and entertained. Oh and quick! I am not sure when kids attention spans grow but right now we can do a certain activity for max 5-10 minutes.
I don't want to be one of those crazy moms that takes pictures of every milestone but for now, I am going to make an exception. Ford was such a ham and there were no tears! Mimi, Aunt Cori, and Embry tagged along for entertainment, snack feeding, and picture taking. I need to take a picture of the back of his head because she used the clippers on him and it is probably the most adorable thing ever. He instantly looked like a little boy and I love it. This may not have been a "first" but boy am I enjoying experiencing things with Ford. I don't think I'll ever get sick of taking pictures of him. This little boy just radiates joy!
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