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Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Creating an Adoption Photo Book for Your New Child

It’s been almost three years since we brought our son Gideon home through adoption and there are moments that still take my breath away. For example, when I think of his beautiful first mom and the brave decision she chose to place her son with us. Or when I realize all that I’ve learned through the process. If there is one thing that I have learned from adopting a child it’s that most things in life are out of my control and I am slowly coming to terms with letting my love for that control go. I’ve also learned that every adoption story is incredibly unique and different and for us– “thrilling” is a word I will forever use to describe our story.


Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Date Night At Home

Last year when our 3rd kiddo turned one, my husband and I felt like we finally had our heads above water. Having 3 kids in 3 years really knocked us down and one thing that really struggled was date night. It wasn't only the physical exhaustion that got in the way of date night but also the financial cost. Babysitters, restaurants, movies, and experiences are expensive, and with my husband's travel schedule always changing, I hate to make a plan and have to cancel it. Most nights after we put the kids down we fall into bed like zombies and zone out on a show. Last summer we really hit a wall and felt a major disconnect in our marriage and Jon had the idea of a set, at home date night, once a week. Because at home date nights have been such an enjoyable part of our marriage, I wanted to share some of our favorite games, snacks, and ideas for TV free time with your spouse.


Thursday, February 28, 2019

How To Organize A Family Photo Album Or Yearbook

Here we are, the last day of February which means 2019 is in full force! If your 2019 New Year's Resolution had anything to do with organizing your pictures from last year (or maybe the last 10 years),  you are in the right place. I teamed up with Shutterfly to share how I work a little bit each  month throughout the year to create a yearbook for our family!


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