Yesterday marked 1 month of life for Gideon and today marks 1 month since we got the call about him. Man a lot can change in 30 days! The past month has been a whirlwind...2 relaxing weeks in Las Vegas with our boy and ever since we got home, things have been nuts. Poor Gideon contracted the nasty coughing virus that big brother and sister had but we are hanging in there. He is so sweet, calm, beautiful, and the perfect addition to our family. It feels so right having him home, we love you so much Gideon Aaron! I can't believe God chose me to be your mama!
- 9lb 4oz (taken today at pedi), not sure on length, we go back in a month for his 2 month well check
- Gideon was circumcised this morning at the pediatrician so we are having a relaxing home day while he rests (okay so we've been having home days for the past month haha). It was sad to bring him into the room and see all the tools set up but Lucy and I waited in the lobby and it was quick and it will be worth it.
- Like I said above, Ford and Lucy got a nasty cough/cold virus after their strep/ear infections cleared up and unfortunately Gideon got it. We were doing a good job of keeping all of the kids separate but after Thanksgiving Jon went back to work and I was caring for all of them on my own so it was pretty inevitable that he got it. Luckily he does not have RSV and is doing a good job of eating/sucking so we are just doing albueterol breathing treatments every few hours (Ford had to do these a lot as a baby). Gideon loves the treatments and I know he will be better before we know it.
- He is drinking 3-4oz of formula every 3-4 hours during the day and night. He had been on Similac Sensitive for spitting up but was having issues pooping so we switched to Gentleease and things have been great. We use Dr. Browns bottles and those have been great too. Ford is really helpful and feeds him about once a day, I love watching him be a big brother!
- Sleep has been all over the place this month but I have to remind myself, he is a newborn! He had his days and nights mixed up while we were in Vegas and then coming home we've gotten on a better routine but being sick has been rough for him. He was sleeping flat in the pack and play but we moved him to the Rock and Play this week because he was coughing and choking on phlegm, ugh. We have been using the SwaddlePod but he seems to be getting too big for it and we are only doing his bottom. I think we will switch to a regular swaddle soon.
- I moved him out of newborn clothes last week and into 0-3m and 3 month... still a little baggy. He is so skinny with the longest feet which is so new for me since Ford and Lucy were always short and chubby. He is basically wearing socks, footie pajamas, and hats all day, every day. Gotta keep this boy warm!
- I have been wearing him in the LilleBaby the past few days and he passes right out. I much prefer a structured carrier than a wrap, lots more support and I just feel more comfortable with it on.
- Ford and Lucy are doing really good with the transition. Ford is so helpful and sweet, I melt into a giant puddle when he talks to Gideon and gives him his paci. Lucy is really sweet with him too, saying "baby", and "I know" when he cries. Lucy is also a sassy, independent 19 month old so she is having tantrums and breakdowns but not related to baby Gideon.
- Poor guy has bad baby acne but I can tell it is getting better. He is biracial, first mom is white and dad is black, and has the most beautiful skin color! His hair is really dark and fine and I am anxious to see if it falls out and becomes more "black".
- I have only given him 3-4 baths which he doesn't like... I've been bathing him on a yellow foam mat and will get out the Angel Care bath seat soon.
- He mostly chills in the boppy lounger, rock and play, Lille baby, or couch... poor 3rd baby I haven't even gotten the swing down! I am going to soon though.
- He is getting the hang of the Wubbanub paci which has been a life savor for us to stretch his feedings or keep him busy. F and L never took them and I used nursing as a pacifier way too often so I am excited for this!
- We haven't been out and about much but he has been really good on the go when we have. I had all 3 kids at Hobby Lobby last week and propped up a bottle while we walked around, so nice! Hoping that this weekend we can go to church and introduce him to our church family and then go out and about more!
- If you didn't read the story behind his name, you can read more here.
Sweet Gideon. What a precious addition to your family. So happy for y'all and glad everyone seems to be adjusting well!!
Sweet boy. In every picture he looks as if he's praising the Lord. Too beautiful. God is good.
Luv from,
San Pedro, CA
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