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Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Gideon 2 months old

As I blink through tired eyes, I can't help but to be in awe (and denial) that 2 months has already gone by! Christmas, New Years, lots of sickies, lots of late nights and up all nights has made the month seem to drag on but we are so in love with this little man and still can't believe he is ours. These pictures aren't the greatest but I got everything prepared for photos and he woke up from his nap cranky but we had to stick to the plan! Now here are some updates on Gideon's 2nd month:

  • 11lbs 8oz (26th %), 24" (87th %), head 39.2cm (48th %)
  • Gideon had his 2 month well check today and did great! Lots of smiles and coos for the doctor and nurses, he is such a charmer. He is a tall and skinny boy that's for sure! My tallest baby yet! He checked out great, nothing to be concerned out! He cried pretty hard during his vaccinations but quickly calmed down with some cuddles from mom. We are hoping not to go back until his 4 month well check in March
  • We moved him to his crib in his room around 6 weeks. Sleep was a tender subject for us this past month but the past few nights have been really good, praise God. Gideon is a great napper during the day but nights have been a little unpredictable. We have been putting him down at 9pm and trying to hold him off for a feed until 4am. Two nights ago he didn't wake up until 5:50am to eat (!!!) and last night he cried out at 2:30a so I gave him his paci and then fed him at 4a when he cried out. I am working on getting him on routine nap schedule, but it is also hard with two active toddlers!
  • He is pretty fussy between 7-9pm, also known as the Witching Hour. He is also in a Wonder Weeks leap so lots of bouncing and walking during that time. 
  • He is an absolute houdini in his swaddles! We have tried everything (including the Miracle Swaddle which he proudly broke out of within an hour of sleep) and are now using a Summer Infant Swaddle with another brand of velcro swaddle over it, can't remember the name but it has two extra straps on top.
  • Gideon takes the Wubbanub paci sometimes... mostly when he's trying to burn off energy or we are trying to push him longer to a feeding. He isn't great at it and doesn't take it at bedtime... it wouldn't surprise me if he ends up not taking it within the next few months.
  • This month he is talking, smiling, cooing... it is the BEST! I can't wait for the next few weeks because I know this is when it gets even cuter. He has the best gummy smile
  • He is also incredibly active! He no longer wants to snuggle on your chest calmly, he is lifting his head, moving around, looking around, kicking his legs, grabbing things with his hands, so many new things.
  • He loves kicking under his playmat and often has Ford and Lucy under there keeping him company.
  • He is pretty much over the Boppy Lounger and Rock and Play, too baby-ish for this big guy.
  • We have a swing upstairs but have only put him in it a handful of times, I should do it more now that I think of it.
  • We just started putting him in the Fisher Price Sit Me Up Chair and he likes it! I think he prefers to be sitting up and looking around and in on the action.
  • Lots of time in the Lillebaby carrier, I can't wait until I can forward face him.
  • He lost a little bit of hair up front but it is growing back in... he has such beautiful, soft hair!
  • Poor guy still has baby acne on his cheeks, I hope that goes away soon!
  • We don't bathe him often because A. babies don't really get dirty and B. he is half black and I don't want to dry out his already dry skin. The jury is still out on whether he likes bath or not... sometimes he gives me the biggest lip and cries but sometimes seems to enjoy it. 
  • He has the most beautiful big brown eyes, I love them!


The Curry Family said...

He is such a cute baby. So happy for your family.

Laura Darling said...

He is so cute! I hope you have some restful nights ahead of you! :)

Unknown said...

Such a cute little guy !!! The good news is with babies that the hard times do not last all that long !!!

Tanzir Rahman said...

So, cute baby. I love the baby photos. Thanks for sharing!
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Sumit Arefin said...

A cute baby. May I see the recent pictures of him. How old he is now?

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Dominick said...

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