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Friday, April 7, 2017

Gideon 5 months old

I've never been so happy to see 5 months come...  but never so tired. This month has been quite exhausting, but also lots of fun. The day after he turned 4 months old, 4 month sleep regression started and G man seems to think he is a newborn who wants to be up and eat all.night.long. This mama is not sure what to do but we are powering through and loving that our baby boy is sweet, easy going, happy, and laid back during the days. The smiles and laughs are golden, I love seeing his little personality develop! Gideon we love you so much  baby boy, please sleep for us!

  • 15lb 10oz (taken on home scale)
  • Like I said above, sleep has not been good at all this past month. Bedtime is between 7:30-8pm and every single night is unpredictable but he has only slept through the night once in the past 5 weeks. I know it is just a phase and we will power through. We are currently using the Merlin suit and sleep sacks instead of the swaddle.
  • He is a pretty good napper.... I am trying to get him to be flexible and nap on the go and he takes great naps in his crib at home. 
  • Wearing 6 month clothes and size 2 disposable diapers
  • Gideon's eczema just got so bad the past few weeks that we decided to switch to a hypoallergenic dairy free formula (Nutramigen). We are 1 week in and his face looks SO MUCH better thank you Lord! He seems to have adjusted pretty well to the taste of it but the smell is repulsing. We are hoping this helps clear up is "snurfiness" too. We go to the doctor in a few weeks for his 6 month appointment and I am hoping to get him some allergy testing so we can find out what he is allergic to before we start baby food. This boy is an eater! He eats 4-6oz every 2-3 hours... always eating!
  • Lots and lots of smiles and they are just infectious. He is so easy to get to smile and laugh. Ford and Lucy love singing and doing funny things to get him to belly laugh. I think he totally recognizes them as brother and sister. They also love helping with him... grabbing toys and bottles and pacifiers.
  • He rolls and rolls and rolls! I am hoping he can start sleeping on his tummy soon but anytime he flips to his tummy, he is over it in about 5 minutes. 
  • He is very ticklish!
  • He loves his Zoli teether, Freddy the Firefly, and Nubi teethers. He is getting so good at holding and grasping toys... he loves his playmat too! 
  • He prefers standing over sitting up but seems to enjoy the Sit Me Up Chair and Bumbo in 10 minute increments. He is still a little wobbly in the exersaucer but we prop him up and he thinks he is so big.
  • We got our court date to finalize his adoption at the end of May, we are so excited!


Beth in the City said...

Maybe a probiotic would be a good compliment to the allergy testing? We have babies in our family who have similar struggles and the eczema seems to wake them in the night. Sure hope you get some sleep soon, I know it's hard. He's so, so cute.

Laura Darling said...

He is so cute! Glad his skin is improving! Hopefully his sleep is the next thing to get better! :)

Unknown said...

We went through a really difficult time with sleep around the same time. We started using a Zipadee Zip, and it was a total game changer. We started with the Merlin sleep suit but switched after about a month and haven't looked back - he is about to turn 2 and he still uses one! It was on Shark Tank, and I will use them with any future babes! Good luck to you and Baby G!

research paper service said...

Good to hear that he is improving fast and he is really cute too by the way. Try to get a regular check up of him. Much Love :)

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