Tomorrow our Lucy Joy turns three! Despite being smack dab in the middle of two brothers, she is all girl. Unicorns, ponies, pink, and glitter... that is our girl. We don't do huge birthdays in our family and try to keep the gifts at a minimum but I did want to share some fun things Lucy girl is getting on her special day. Since we have grandparents on both sides and aunts and uncles who also give gifts, I try to send her top list items to family so we don't end up with a million toys. Let's face it, birthdays can overwhelming for little ones (read the Berenstain Bears book Too Much Birthday!) and they are perfectly happy with a few new toys/games/items vs 20 that they never end up playing with. Below is what Lucy will be opening up tomorrow, a mix of stuff from mom and dad and family members. I love knowing what other kiddos are enjoying and playing with so I can get ideas!
Shape Sorting Cupcakes ($13)
Unicorn Beanie Boo ($8)
Kids Hair Chalk ($6)
Lucy is also getting/got.....
- Two hand me down nightgowns (Belle and Elsa) from cousin Embry, she is going to be so excited!
- New Play-Doh from her Aunt Tomi.... my kids are pros at drying out PlayDoh so to have back up is great.
- A doll stroller from Aunt Cori....she got it 2 weeks ago and won't let it out of her sight!
- Real makeup....Lucy knows what's real and what's pretend and even though I know she will LOVE her Click N Play Makeup, I grabbed some real makeup brushes, eye shadow applicators, and eye shadow pallets all from the Dollar Tree. This will only be used on special occasion and I know she will be in heaven.
- Unicorn coloring book and smock... this came from my aunt who knows her so well! She (and Ford) have already colored in it.
- A talking baby doll from her Abuela....Lucy is in such a baby phase right now and often goes to bed with at least 3-4 babies. A girl can never have enough dolls!
We always had dried play-do problems but then we found this stuff called mad matter. It is THE BEST! It doesn't have a weird smell like play-do and you can leave it out all the time (we purchased the 'laptop tray' to store ours in) and it never dries out. Might be worth checking into!
I have been struggling to keep up with my university tasks recently, especially when the due dates are so close. Lucy's 3-year-old birthday list seems really cute, and it would be ideal for making her special day unique. I came across the idea of working with university assignment writers, but I’m not sure if it’s the right option for me. Has anyone here tried this before? Does it actually help with managing time and improving work quality? I really want to stay on track with my studies, but it feels like there’s always too much to do. I’d appreciate any suggestions or experiences you can share about handling assignments better.
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