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Thursday, August 11, 2016

Ford is THREE!

Oh my gosh I am not gonna lie. My heart is all over the place as I type this post. I am so excited and happy to celebrate my big 3 year old boy but kind of mourning the fact that baby hood is GONE. I mean, Ford really hasn't been a baby for a long time... he's been potty trained over a year, talks like  5th grader, and isn't exactly baby sized but something about 3 feels so different. So old. We are in a really good stage with Ford right now. Terrible 2's didn't hit us too hard so I am hoping that the Three-nager in him is mild too. If you have ever been around Ford in real life your heart was probably stolen in an instant. He is so kind, gentle, sweet, emotional, funny, goofy, and lovey. He is such a typical first born which I love. He follows the rules, listens, and obeys (I know I'll be singing a different tune with Lucy ha!). He is sensitive and snuggly, sometimes I hold him and just think about how happy he will make a woman one day. He is starting to become a lot more imaginative, which is saying a lot for him because he is very literal. He has such an engineers brain. He loves building things, fixing things, solving problems, and helping us do every day tasks. We got him this kids service car station for his birthday where you can change brake pads, oil, flat tires...I know he and Jon are going to have a blast! 

Ford is an incredible big brother and I've always thought that he'd be perfect for a bunch of little sisters... God is cool. He talks about his new baby sister all the time and tells me he wants to feed her bottles all by himself. He loves doing things by himself... brushing his teeth, going to the bathroom, showering. Gosh I feel like I am going to blink and he'll be helping me reach things in the tall cabinets. I can't even put into words how much I love my son. Something I pray for him every day is that God would use him to do something big. It is a scary prayer to pray because I know there will be a day where Ford leaves the nest but I trust Him. Ford was named after Nehemiah who was brave, dedicated, and obedient to God's calling on His life. Will God call Ford to go on mission in a 3rd world country? Or will He call him ministry? To book writing? To adoption? To justice for sex trafficking victims? 3 year old Ford has so many talents and such a big voice that I know 23 and 33 and 43 year old Ford will be incredible. 

Today we plan on going to Chuck E Cheese and then out to dinner with our family to celebrate our big boy. Oh I just love him!

Now for some fun, Ford over the years. 

(You can read Ford's birth story here.)



1 comment:

Unknown said...


As a longtime fan of your blog, you simply amaze me w/your birthday presents for both Ford and Lucy. Your intuition shows how close you and Jon are to both of your little ones. I hope you're still around when we become grandparents; I'm going to need your insight and knowledge. You're awesome! Bren

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