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Saturday, February 23, 2013

Baby Hart is a....

Jon and I are overjoyed to be welcoming our son in August! It feels so good to write that because it's been 5 days of closely watching what I type or say, in hopes of not letting a he/him/his/boy slip. It's funny because there are obviously only 2 outcomes of a baby's gender but I am still so shocked...more so that we finally know and can start envisioning our family and future. I will tell you... it was one of the hardest things not to tell my mom and sisters the gender this past week but I am so so glad we got to share this moment with them in person. I've already said that I will probably call people right after we find out about baby #2 oneday... I just can't do secrets anymore! My mom, sisters and I have a group text going basically all day and my mom had an hourly countdown going all day yesterday...luckily it flew by quickly!

We had my family, grandparents from Chicago included, over last night and told them via scratch off tickets. It was such a wonderful time, I am still on a high from the excitement! We had a tripod set up to film it and the reactions are priceless. 2 of the 3 minutes is voting boy or girl, handing out cards, and my family getting so antsy but I promise they end up scratching the tickets haha.

(disclaimer...Cori lost a bet from Jacob, and says "dang he was right"...explains her furrowed brow haha)

What I love about the story is from the time we found out we were pregnant, Jon thought it was a boy. Now he had NO preference about a boy or girl because we know ideally we'd like both, he just felt like it was a boy. We found out on Monday Feb 18th at our 16 week appointment and the story was quite funny. The nurse brought us back and weighed me, took stats, and turned on the ultrasound machine to start measurements. She said she was having trouble finding the sex because the umbilical cord was in the way and she wasn't confident but would keep looking. We told her not to tell us until she was 100% confident and after a few minutes she wrapped it up and said, "Well I'm not 100% but I am pretty sure you are having a girl." So then we are alone for 25 minutes waiting on our doctor who is telling another couple next door the gender of their baby and we thought okay! We are having a girl! Jon just kept saying he was so shocked because the past couple of months he felt like God was really speaking to him that we were having a boy. So doctor comes in, sweet as can be, we really like him, turns on the machine and goes "WHOA! Get the nurse! This is 100% a boy! Look at that wiener! Wiener of the month!". Cue laughing, crying, hugging, pure shock. And there on the screen... with 100% certainty, our son was showing us his goods. We have a couple pictures of his eh em...wiener (I hate that word)... but I figured he wouldn't appreciate it one day looking back knowing I posted pictures of his goods. 

Our baby boy is already so loved and has quite the little wardrobe!! I have a few favorite thrift shops that I have been visiting this week and who can resist baby Polo for $0.75?! And I will say he already has 5 pairs of shoes...yes I ordered him TOMs :-). I can't wait to show you what we've bought and been gifted, and of course, share with you our ideas for the nursery.

As much fun as it was to tell our family and friends, I was so looking forward to sharing this news with you all on my blog. Jon and I both thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the overflowing love and support throughout this pregnancy. We know our son will be just as loved by all of you.

Let the fun (& unknown) begin!


Bridget said...

YAAAAA...I for sure thought girl!!! I am so excited for you guys! Welcome to the boy club! I can't wait to see what you have bought already! It may be bad though because I might go get the stuff too since I am only 9 weeks before you!!! CONGRATS!!!

Anonymous said...

Awww, welcome to the BOYS club! :) :) I voted girl for you! Haha.

Mrs. Kee said...

YAAAAAYYYYY!!!! Congratulations!!!!

Sara Hinton said...

So cute!!! I had guessed girl, but I'm so excited that Jon is getting a little boy. Congrats Ruthie!

Kim said...

Congratulations! It's so great you got their reactions on film. Super cute gender reveal cards!

C Mae said...

I am so happy and excited for you!! Congratulations on your darling baby boy to be!! :)

Christina L. said...

Yay!!!! How exciting!!! You and Jon will be such amazing parents to this sweet baby boy. Thank you for sharing your journey with all of us. :)

Anonymous said...

YAYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh Ruthie, the video of your family is precious, my face lit up with such a huge smile! You are so loved!

Congrats on the baby boy! The weenie story is way too funny not to document and share, hahaha!!!

Catherine said...

Wonderful news!

Everyday Adventures said...

So happy for you! Our dr couldnt see this week, the baby was on its side so I get to wait another 4 weeks! How exciting for you and your family:)

ps Do you have any suggestions on where to find cute maternity clothes online?! I have been having a hard time finding some.

KRISTIN said...

I just knew it was a boy! I am so happy & excited for you, Jon and Ernie! I'm am having so much following along with your pregnancy and can't wait to see the nursery, hear the name and meet Lil Baby Boy Hart! Congrats again my friend! xo.

Liz said...

Yep. I cried. Love your families reactions!

Ashlie Cunningham said...

I thought boy too!!!! Congrats! I love how close your guys' family is it's so extremely heart warming.

Pamela said...

Yayyyy!! Congratulations!!

Susan said...

Yay! I voted boy! Everyone we know seems to always be having girls, so I am excited to hear about someone having a boy! I had to read the part about the doctor doing the ultrasound out loud to my hubby, we both thought that was pretty hysterical! :)

Gina said...

Ahhhh a boy! BOYS are so much fun. I just got my little man some Toms too. Now, let the fun on planning/decorating being :)

Kristen said...
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Kaity said...

I had such a strong feeling that baby Hart is a boy, so clearly I'm just super in touch with your uterus. ;) congrats you guys!

Lisa @ MMT said...

Eek!!! So happy for you two! No doubt that baby boy will bring so much joy into your lives!! Congrats :)

Kaitlyn (Keeping up with Kaitlyn) said...

Congrats! I definitely thought it would be a girl! So happy for you though!!

Kaitlyn (Keeping up with Kaitlyn) said...

Congrats! I definitely thought it would be a girl! So happy for you though!!

Joeylee said...

Congrats, so exciting!!!

Unknown said...

Love your idea of the scratch off tickets, so cute!!! Congrats on the boy, they are so much fun!! Can't wait to see pics of the nursery :)

Kristen said...
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Kristen said...

First thing first: I'm apparently too observant on details because the first thing I thought of when looking at those awesome scratch tickets was your Chevron wall! :)

SO excited for you and your family. Loved the video..such a special moment! They must be overjoyed.

Cant wait to see the nursery! It's going to be so full of love :)

I have a boy cousin who is older by about the same amount as Embry will be to your baby boy. My cousin and I are like brother and sister. I can only wish the same thing for Embry and your baby boy!

Thank you again for sharing you're journey with us!

Kathrin@shopschoolsleep said...

Aw How exciting!! I guessed right!! haha...Love the idea of scratch offs!! so creative.

Candice Williams said...

I was thinking boy!! I have a boy and just thought like you seemed like you should have a son :) and I'm outnumbered too! My husband, my baby boy, and my make dog! It's really fun to be the only girl in the house though! Congrats congrats congrats!! The picture of your mom hugging you brought tears.. So beautiful. What a fabulous way to tell everyone.

Ps you are seriously the cutest pregnant woman. I felt like I looked so awful while pregnant but you are just gorgeous and glowing. Gives me hope for next time haha

Heather Leigh_A beautiful ministry said...

AHHH congrats!!!

Anonymous said...

Aww... congrats! I just love seeing the excitement from your family! What a special time!

Karla said...

GOD has trully blessed you, I had tears while reading the part about GOD speaking to Jon. And the video was soo cute your family's reaction love it! Congrats may GOD continue to bless your little family!!

Girls Love Fried Pickles said...

Yay! I guessed it. And now a little word of encouragement... Boys are so much fun. No filter and energetic! I thank God everyday I have him. Boys love so deeply. Congrats and now I can get him all kinds of goodies!

Libby's Life said...

You and your family are so cute! And I have to tell you I cried {still am crying} from their reactions! :) I am so very happy for you guys!! Boys are totally awesome.

Krysten Piano said...

Yay! Congratulations, on baby Hart and I guessed right!!! hehehe. Have a wonderful weekend, many blessings

Cori H. said...

Congratulations on your baby boy! My guess was girl. I love the way you told your family! I know I'd have a hard time keeping it a secret too! So happy for your precious little family!

Unknown said...

Awwwww yay!!!!!!! From one soon-to-be boy mama to another, congratulations!!!! I was super shocked when I found put we are having a boy, but now that I know I am so head over heels in love with the idea of a little mama's boy :) so happy for you!!!!!!!

Michelle (michabella) said...

Yay!!!!!! So excited for y'all! <3

Unknown said...

Congratulations! I'm so thrilled for you! I for one thought girl. But boys will be fun and maybe easier in the end, you'll hopefully experience both! Good luck on the adventure!

Kristen Danielle said...

Goosebumps while reading this & seeing the pictures!!! How precious! I love how intimate it was. Congrats again Hart family!!

Unknown said...

I knew it was a boy once I saw those calves in the ultrasound pictures! Like father like son! Congratulations!

Dru and Jen said...

Congrats, Ruthie! I have been following your blog since your House Hunters episode aired, and this is just SOO exciting for you guys!!:)

Elizabeth said...

I had a feeling it was a boy by the way you are carrying. Congrats to you and Jon (oh and Ernie :D)

Angela said...

You make me smile girl!~ Praise God from Whom all blessings flow..I love the story, I love the 'odd sense of humor of God at times...this is really story that will be told many times to this precious wee one....blessings to you and yours..and yahooooooooooooooooooooooo!~

Unknown said...

So incredibly happy for you!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am so excited for you guys !! That is so funny how Jon knew and he was proved right !!
Now you can have so much fun getting his room ready for him !!

Dana said...

Ahh! I thought you'd be having a girl, but as the mamma of a boy, I am SO excited for you! Little men are like nothing else. And, not being one, it's such an interesting and exciting experience. You'll get a whole new perspective on life! And so cool for your parents, to have one of each for grandchildren. Yay and many congrats to your whole family!!

Jessica said...

YAY congrats!!!! I thought you would have a girl first but boys are awesome too! Do you have a name picked out??

jessi bridges said...

Congrats! I can't imagine how thrilled Jon is. Ben absolutely adores his boys and its such a joy to watch him father the 2 of them. You will be so blessed by their relationship!!

ps- I knew it was a boy, I just knew!! It's the way you carry. Very obviously boy :)

Kelsey Eaton said...


Glorimelisa said...

I could tell it was a boy the way in one of your posts you said son first instead of daughter first when you said "son or daughter"

But yay for babies.

Annie said...

Eek! Congratulations, Ruthie! I am thrilled for y'all!

Meghan said...

Wow! That is SO exciting!!! I have to tell you that my little guy just turned two and having a boy has brought SO much joy into our lives. Watching him try to mimic and copy everything his Daddy does makes us smile ear to ear and the best part of all is how much little boys LOVE their mommas! Congratulations to you and Jon. You will be amazing parents.

Elaine said...

Awesome news! :) Little boys are the best!

Jessica said...

awe I am so excited for you & Jon & the rest of the family!! I had a feeling it was a boy... Can't wait to follow along in your journey!!! Congratulations!

Bri said...

Love love love how you did the gender reveal with your family! The decor is adorable!! Congrats on a baby boy! Can't wait to see all the fun clothing and boy decor unfold! So exciting..congrats to the both of you!!!

Pandorah's Box said...

So adorable!! Congratulations! I saw you and your husband on House Hunters and just thought that you two were the glad you are adding to your cute family!

A boy! Yay!

Anonymous said...

woohooo! i was hoping it would be a boy. :) i also hope he likes cars as much as jon does. :)

Hall Around Texas said...

Yay! So awesome. Congratulations!! You already know how much I love having a boy and you will too!

Julie Keller said...

So exciting to know the sex of your baby!!! And I guessed right! I'm getting pretty good at guessing baby sexes, maybe I should be one of those carnival games :)

Hip-Baby Mama said...

Normally I think gender reveals are kind of silly but this was awesome. Maybe it's because I have a scratch-off lottery addiction :)
Cheers to you guys!

Because Shanna Said So said...

Like I said, I soooooo thought you were having a girl! But I am so excited for you and Jon!!! The ultrasound story is hilarious...okay, now I am dying again....names???? I need to know name ideas!! I am so demanding, right!!! Congrats, Ruthie...this has been a true joy watching your journey!

Carita said...

Just let us know if you want to borrow anything at all. Jacob can't wait to share with his new BFF! :)

The Arizona Russums said...

Couldn't sleep. I was eating all the receipts out of my purse in anticipation of knowing the gender of the Hart baby... ;)

Wendy said...

So awesome Ruthie!!! Congrats to you and Jon and prayers for your little baby BOY!!!

Megan C said...

Congrats! That is such a funny story about how you find out. We get to find out in just a few weeks!!

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