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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

37 weeks

Thoughts: holy moly we are excited. Baby Hart was full term yesterday and I can honestly say my feelings have changed from "oh yeah we have X weeks left" to "omg it could be any day!". Each night I go to bed wondering if it will be the last time I fall asleep without my son, or last time I go to the grocery store without him. Like any other 9+ month pregnant mama, I am physically ready for him to be here but I can now say with confidence we are ready emotionally and spiritually. Prayers have changed from healthy growth to a healthy and peaceful labor and birth. I feel so confident knowing how many people have joined in to pray for us!

Doctor appointment: we had our weekly appointment yesterday and we are making progress!! Last week my cervix was closed and tight and this week I was 1/2cm dilated, 25% effaced and baby's head was station 2! I am just gonna say that this week's cervical check was probably the most painful thing I've gone through thus far... ouch. He doesn't expect anything to happen this week as far as labor goes but he thinks I will definitely be more dilated and effaced next week! Time to get serious about walking, spicy food, and sex (eh em, Jon). Our weekly appointments are on Monday afternoons so I should have updates for you each Tuesday. 

Baby: not anything new to report. We had our last ultrasound last week so the next time we see him will be on his birthday! He had a great heart rate yesterday and my fundal height measured right on track.

Weight: exactly 30lbs. Doctor said baby will gain 1/2lb a week and unless I start swelling and carrying water, I shouldn't gain anything but that 1/2lb for baby. 

Symptoms: just your normal 9 month prego aches and pains. Lower back pain and pelvic pain since baby is dropping. They don't lie when they talk about "lightening". Tightening and Braxton Hicks are very normal and I had my first real contraction Saturday night and it was so painful it made me cry. We waited for another but nothing happened. Jon told me it sucked watching me in pain but he was excited knowing that it may be the beginning of labor (womp womp). I noticed a drop in my heart palpitations the past few weeks but they are back at it. It is the weirdest feeling and really unpleasant.

Movement: yes and lots of it. There isn't much room for baby inside my squished belly so I definitely feel his tiniest movements. I have seen little elbows, hands, and feet poke out of my belly (nothing like those fake images on Pinterest though). I was trying to explain it to Jon that I can feel him playing with his hands and clicking his heels together inside of me... such a cool feeling!

Cravings/aversions/eating: big appetite!! I think I could eat a burger and fries every single day. Trying to fill up with lots of protein and counting down the days til I can add sugar back into my diet.

Sleep: terrible this week. Getting up so many times to pee and feeling like I don't go more than an hour without having to move to the other side which takes a LOT of energy.

Clothes: maternity is getting tight! Tanks and shorts almost everyday

Workouts: I've gone to the gym the past 2 days and walked about 30 minutes around the indoor track. I may be walking at a snail's pace but trying to make progress!

Random: we have NO baby related projects left to do! I made my last return at Target yesterday and we are ready to rock. Sunday evening we spent time deep cleaning the house so we can relax until baby is here. Jon is going to fly to Dallas Thursday morning to grab his car and drive right back (read the backstory here), so we are praying baby doesn't try to come then! 

Yesterday was rainy in Austin so we celebrated our annual August-mas, just a few weeks early since ya know, we may be busy in August! Summer in Texas is brutal so the past 4 years we've celebrated Christmas in August with decorations, lights, movies, music, and gifts (this year it was back rubs haha). I wrote about one of our August-mases here

I think Ernie is ready for his brother to be born because not only did I dress him up in garland for Christmas in July, Jon dressed him in a mini sombrero yesterday. Can't wait until I have 2 little boys to dress up haha.

When will my last pregnancy update be?! 
Be sure to follow me on Instagram where I will most likely post our son's arrival.


Karla said...

Gosh! Any day now! =)
Praying for you, Jon & the baby!
I'm mostly excited to find out baby's name!

Anonymous said...

Woohoo! You're so close! Enjoy these last few weeks/days with just you, Jon, and Ernie. It's a sweet time for you guys!

Sarah said...

Any day now!! Soooo excited for you! I'm 32 weeks and ready to have mine (2nd girl!) but still have a ways to go! I'm in AZ and it's been 115 outside, torture!!

For my first, I tried EVERYTHING to "induce" labor (spicy food, red leaf raspberry tea, running up and down the steps, walking, sex, pineapples, etc etc...basically everything except castor oil!). At my 39 week apt, my doctor stripped my membranes and I had her the next day! My water broke 16 hours after having my membranes stripped. Will you doc do that? I'm pretty sure that's what worked for me! Also, I had heard as far as sex goes...if you were having regular sex throughout your whole pregnancy it won't make a difference since your body is used to it. Thought that was a bummer LOL!

Candice Williams said...

I love your idea of Christmas in August. That is so special! I would love to do something like that!

Almost time! You're looking great and it's awesome that you are all ready for baby to come! Can't wait to see the update of when he makes his debut!

Anonymous said...

Christmas in August...I love it! I am so very much over summer time, and ready to have our first real Christmas in our new house!

37 weeks! Eek! I cannot wait to "meet" that little one!

Kaleigh said...

It's a great feeling knowing your baby is full term. Enjoy these last few days/weeks/minutes with just the two of you. Be ready to watch your love grow!!

Carolyn said...

You look so great! FULL TERM! How is that here already?!?! EEK! I will be keeping my fingers crossed that baby makes a quick, healthy and safe entrance into the world!

Tonya said...

From a mother of having 3 under 3, all I can say is: go out to eat, go to the movies & sleep while you can!!! And I don't mean this in any negative way - you just don't get to enjoy these things so easily with little ones. Enjoy these last few weeks of "you", he will be here soon enough! :)

Unknown said...

So exciting !! I am very happy for you and cannot wait to hear Baby Hart is here !! I will be keeping you in my prayers that he comes soon and you have a wonderful birth experience !!

Casey said...

Any day now!! seems like just yesterday you announced baby Hart was on the way...hard to believe it's almost time! Lots of love and prayers coming your way in the next few weeks! Can't wait to see the cutie patootie!

Erin LFF said...

You look amazing! :) Praying for his healthy, safe arrival!

PS- love that you do Christmas in August every year! Jared planned a Christmas in July date for us this weekend and I blogged about it today! ;)

Sarah said...

Ah! So close! Hoping baby makes his appearance after dad gets home! And nothing says 'ready for a brother' like wearing a sombrero! :)

Unknown said...

Seriously getting more excited by the day! Come on baby Hart! ;)

Ashley Slater said...

I am so excited! I can't wait to see him! Yesterday during my stress test the monitor showed I had two big contractions but I didn't feel anything.... hearing how yours made you cry makes me think I haven't really felt anything close to the real thing! I have two and half more weeks of work to get through and I am just hoping I can make it to week 37 before anything major happens! EEK! :)

Annie said...

You. look. fabulous!! I love your hair!! I desperately need to do something with mine. Sounds like you had a good week! Hang in there!! Can't wait to see his handsome little face :D P.S. LOVE that you do Christmas in summer.. I need to get my husband on board with that.

Amarie157 said...

Been following you since the beginning and I am so excited for you and Jon!! I think you're going to have him at 38 weeks and 4 days haha just a random guess! I am praying for a safe and easy delivery for you guys and good luck! :)

Carly said...

Yay anytime now!!! Can't WAIT!


Heather Leigh_A beautiful ministry said...

EEEK!! Any day, any second! I feel as though stalking your blog every day will be like opening a present now! lol Praying for you love!

Angie said...

Your getting so so close!!!
How exciting :)

C Mae said...

Your hair cut looks perfect! So fresh and ready for baby Hart's arrival!! Thinking of you, sorry I haven't commented much, been busy bee this summer! :)

Sarah said...

THE LIGHTENING. oh the lightening. IT IS REAL!!!!!
stalking your instagram like a hawk waiting for beebs arrival post :) i am so over the moon while waiting for you!! and the feet clicking! i totally thought i was crazy but i swear i can feel him with his feet and heals too! xxxxxoooo!!!!

Mama’s Minute said...

Yay!!! I'm so excited! I'm 36 weeks and a couple days as of this morning and totally understand your excitement! What an awesome journey this is! I can't wait to see him and hear how birth goes!

Unknown said...

Any day now!! How exciting! Maybe you will give birth on the same day as the royal baby?? Lol... :)

I saw The Heat last week with the hubby! I loved it! :)

Jamie said...

You look amazing! You're so close.

Aubrey Simons said...

You look great! Try to get lots of rest in the days leading up to your little bundle's birth - so excited for you!

Celeste said...

First of all, you look FABULOUS for 37 weeks. Are you not swelling at all? Lucky duck. Second of all, I so sympathize with the sleep situation. Of all of my last-month-of-pregnancy woes, the non-existent sleep was the most miserable. (Aside from the swelling...seriously, so jealous) I'm SO excited that your little guy could be here any day! We just might have to bridge our three hour gap and have a playdate at some point ;)

Jess said...

Ruthie you are the cutest ever! Love that you guys have Christmas in August every year! Just wanted to let you know, even though I don't always comment, I love you blog and have been reading it since starting my own. Your love for the Lord is evident in every post you write and you encourage me greatly. Thank you :)
Praying for the time when you and Jon welcome that sweet baby boy into this world.

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