40+2 update
Still pregnant over here. I wasn't sure if I'd be giving you all an update or not but we got great news at the doctor and God has answered lots of prayers and we are in full on excitement mode! I still feel very calm about being overdue and have enjoyed the last few days having nothing to do (because ya know I planned on having a baby) but to be honest, I got very emotional last night and into this morning. I know our baby will come when he is ready and God's timing will be perfect, I just was going through all the different possibilities in my head of if/what/when/how. My doctor doesn't want me to go past 41w which is Monday and I wasn't sure if he would be around this weekend, etc. So I spent way too much time thinking up possible scenarios and getting worked up over something I couldn't control. I remember reading someone say that your emotions skyrocket when you are overdue and man oh man is that true! Last night I just started crying as we were praying and Jon asked why and I told him I had no clue, I just needed to cry. It felt so good!
Embry spent the day with me yesterday trying everything to get her cousin out... jumping in his crib, playing with his toys, breaking in his swing and giving him lots of kisses and raspberries.

We went to the doctor today and are making progress! I hadn't dilated since 37weeks so that was another thing that was keeping me awake at night. Despite having some good contractions since our appointment Monday, no contractions showed up on the NST but baby's heart rate was great. I am now 3cm dilated (1 up from Monday!) and 85% effaced... my body is ready but baby boy is comfy! I had my 4th membrane strip (I don't know if I could handle another) give us a 90% chance of going into labor within he next 48 hours. This was great news! Also great news, my doctor is on call all weekend so God-willing, he will deliver our son. We go back bright and early on Friday morning for another progress check and to talk about our options of getting things started. More than anything I want to go into labor on my own but I am confident that the Lord has a beautiful story already written for our son's birth and our prayers are that we calmly adapt to His will these next few days.

Y'all I think I could write a whole post on what we've done to try to induce labor and obviously failed at. 4 membrane sweeps, sex, intense walking, pineapple, spicy foods, yoga ball bouncing, using my breast pump, pressure points in my feet. Nothing. Doctor told me the best thing for me to do right now is rest so rest I will! Our bags our packed and we are ready for you baby Hart.
Thank you for praying for us! Keep praying!
(and I will most likely keep a low profile on the blog until baby is born, follow me on Instagram and Twitter for baby updates!)
Even if he stays comfy and cozy until Friday, it will be here before you know it! Praying, praying, praying!
Rest and then he'll come!! That's happened to so many of my friends.
Rest and then he'll come!! That's happened to so many of my friends.
Hi Ruthie!! I was just thinking about you and praying for you and was going to suggest you write a whole post on "Natural ways to induce labor" lol!! Then sure enough I see this post which answers questions. Do you think any of the mentioned tactics helped you progress, or do you think you'd be exactly where you're at now even if you didn't eat pineapple, get your membranes stripped, have sex, walk, etc? I could have sworn by the membrane stripping since it "worked" for me, but I honestly now believe that there is nothing we can do to get our babies out! We just gotta wait on God's timing! :)
Anyways, praying for you tons!! Hope you're able to get some rest!! :)
I can't imagine how hard it must be to to be overdue but you have such a great attitude! Yay for progress! I'll be praying that baby Hart makes his appearance very soon and that you get plenty of rest in the meantime!
Okay this may sound crazy but when Is saw the pictures for a sec I thought you had your baby!! ##Mamabeingtiredprobs!## Any who.. You got this girl! Rest and spend lots of time with Jesus. :)
aww I love how positive you are! Baby is taking his sweet time but you're right, God has already written the story and it will be beautiful!!! Praying for you and the baby and rest rest rest!
hugs, april
I hope by the time you read these....he's out and about in the world! Will be praying for y'all!
Praying for you Ruthie! You've had such a positive outlook this whole pregnancy that I've really admired and I know that God will give you the peace and patience to endure whatever is ahead in the next few days (or hours!) How exciting knowing that your little guy will be here so so soon! xoxo
our stories are so similar so you must know that I am thinking of you and understand all of your emotions! I hope baby hart makes his way on his own, 3cm is fantastic! the end result is going to be one loved beautiful baby boy! you are so close my dear!
How amazing to be this close to meeting your precious boy! Thinking of and praying for you guys!
hope things start moving for you soon! in the mean time if anyone asks, you can send them this link ;) http://haveyouhadthatbabyyet.com/
I cried and cried on my son's due date because I just 'knew' he'd be early. I was so excited to be induced and did not have a good experience. It was so bad that I ended up switching OBs with our daughter and (mostly) happily waited the 41 weeks it took her to decide to come. I don't say this AT ALL to be negative about induction just that I totally understand the intense emotions when you are overdue. Your attitude is amazing, and I wish you nothing but the best for your delivery of your healthy boy! Can't wait to see him!!
Praying. Everything in God's time. Praying for peace and lots and lots of rest for you. :)
praying for you, Ruthie!! i am hanging in there right there with you (my due date is today). It's so funny how similar I feel - I just am crying at nothing. Crying at everything. Crying crying crying.
I keep reminding myself that God has already written this birth story (as He has written yours) and it's beautiful!
Also, I love that your cousin's name is Embry. So, we don't know if we are having a boy or girl but we call our baby Embry because that is the nickname my parents had for me when they were pregnant with me (Embry short for Embryo).
Just so many crazy similarities!!
Praying for you!
I am about to be 40 weeks and totally relate with you! Just let God do his thing! You're gonna have a baby SOOOOOON!! :)
You are almost there girlie!!! I am praying for you for an awesome and quick labor/delivery. Lean on your hubby and pray through it all, that is what got me through it. XOXO
2 words: curb walking! but rest sounds much better :) enjoy this time. it really is a surreal moment when baby arrives!
Prayin for y'all Ruthie! I know waiting has to be hard but you've got so many people rallied behind you, praying and excited. Can't wait to see your sweet boy!!
the only other suggestion I have is castor oil, but I couldn't bring myself to try it myself. I just didn't want to take the chance of the after effects. I do know people who swear by it though. I ended up being induced at 41 weeks 1 day.
Praying for you! Lots of walking!!
Keeping my fingers crossed that he comes this weekend!! :)
cannot. wait. Don't worry - I am stalking you hourly on Instagram (:
Good luck Ruthie!!! I am keeping you in my prayers.
Miss talking to you girl.
-Liz Taylor
Thinking and praying for you Ruthie girl! Man! You're gonna have that baby soooo soon! Soooo exciting!! I know it must be so hard to be patient. He's already a momma's boy, not wanting to let go! :) Praying for you! "More than anything I want to go into labor on my own but I am confident that the Lord has a beautiful story already written for our son's birth and our prayers are that we calmly adapt to His will these next few days."-- I love love love this sentence. That's what we should always be doing, right? Adapting & TRUSTING His perfect plans, knowing He knows better than us! Love you sister!
Eeek! I am constantly stalking you on IG waiting for the arrival!!! I think Ernie needs to have a pep talk with his lil bro! ;)
PS- May I please have your address to send you something!? Thanks <3
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