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Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Some of my recent favorite iPhone pics of my little dude

Wearing a 6 month outfit... that was a little snug!

Love walks with my rosy cheeked boy

Very interested in watching the "big kids" at the park

Babies don't keep... so somedays I don't mind if the only place he'll nap is on me

Not too sure about the Bumbo

Waiting on mommy to get a flu shot at Randall's... cereal boxes are so funny!

This is why we don't co-sleep... morning cuddles turn into face punches

Chillin with papa and uncle James

Baby rolls for days

My future's so bright, I gotta wear shades

Wearing jeans for a night out

So we've figured out sometimes when he's fussy just to strip him down to his diaper and he's a happy boy!


Emily said...

He is so cute and getting so big!!!

"B" said...

They grow up too fast. He is adorbale. How are you liking cloth diapering?

"B" said...
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These Peach Roses said...

He's so big!! And so very cute! Do you think you can do a post about newborn equipment (like how you like his stroller, crib, bottles, etc)?

Kayla Peveler said...

Hahaha the one where he's "punching" you in the face - SO funny!

Carly said...

Ohhh I want that book!


Reading_with_Lace said...

He is just so cute!!! I love those shoes that have his name on them! Almost got M that "daddy's little monster" onesie, but got something else instead haha! :)

Erin LFF said...

Can't believe how fast babies change! He is looking so adorable though, as always! Love that 'little monster' onesie!

Claire Beeks said...

I love InstaFord!! He is getting so big, Ruthie!! :-)

mscdyson said...

OMG! He's so cute :)

Unknown said...

On repeat! He's so cute! Getting so big and growing so fast! I love following you, your family and your blog. You're so relate-able in so many ways!~

Krista said...

Such a sweet little munchkin!

Jessica said...

your baby is precious! the end.

Brooke (FBX Adventures - In Parenting) said...

I love that saying "babies don't keep" it's so true. Bug amazes me DAILY with what he can do!! He's 6 months and in some ways it feels like he's been here forever and other times it's like he just showed up. I couldn't imagine my life without him.

Ford is so sweet! Logan is now in 9 month clothes. Made me sad, but it means he's growing, and that's a blessing!

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