I think I will say this every month but holy cow! Ford is a quarter of a year! I feel like 3 months is a huge milestone because after 12 weeks you no longer use weeks to give your babies age but months. Jon and I feel like Ford is no longer a newborn but a little boy. He's so aware of his surroundings and having "fun" rather than just being a little blob. Don't get me wrong, it's not like I hated the newborn stage but we are absolutely loving life with him! I had my first "omg he is growing up and I want time to stop" moment last week. He's smiling, giving a few giggles when we blow raspberries on his tummy or tickle him, and doing lots of talking. He's getting really sturdy and is almost ready to be held on my hip without head support. We've tried the Bumbo a few times and plan on getting his highchair out soon (it reclines). I love that he can hold his head up in his baby bath and I don't have to worry about it flopping around. We have a happy and sweet boy on our hands!
Mr. Expressive Eyebrows
Weight: 14lb 15oz (taken at doctor on 11/5)
Height: 23.5 inches (attempted at home)
Doctor appointment: unfortunately Ford had his first non well check appointment this month (11/5) after fighting a nasty cold. He's actually still finishing it up because they can last 2 weeks but we ruled out an ear infection at the appointment. He is super stuffy and congested so we've been snot sucking with the nose frida, putting him in the shower for steam, and using a humidifier. Seeing your baby sick is the WORST.
Nicknames: Mister, Mr. Ford, Milky, Kick Kick, Boo
Eating: as you can tell from pictures and his weight, Ford doesn't miss a meal. He nurses every 3-4 hours during the day and we give him about 6 oz of a pumped breast milk bottle a few times a week (picky boy MUST have it scalding hot). He nurses right before bed then usually once in the middle of the night where he is basically sleeping and goes right back to sleep. The past week he's become a distracted nurser during the day and pops off to look around, smile, watch TV, etc.
Sleeping: a sore subject the past few days. Ford had been sleeping really great before he got this nasty cold. He goes to bed about 8pm (funny how once you start a routine, he starts rubbing his eyes and is ready for bed at 8) and had been sleeping 8-10 hour stretches, quick nurse, then 2-3 hours more. The poor guy can't breathe at night with this cold so we are up a few times to clear his nose and nurse to help it clear up. He is no longer swaddled at night, we kind of stopped cold turkey when we were in Ohio this month, not because he rolled over but because at night I could sometimes hear him getting frustrated in his swaddles and all I had to do was unvelcro them and he was happy. He sleeps in either a long sleeved onesie or footies (depending on the weather) and a sleep sack. He sleeps in our bathroom in the Rock and Play and once he kicks this congestion we plan on moving him to a flat surface, hopefully his crib, in his own room. He's getting a lot better at naps during the day. He naps about 1-2 hours in the morning and about 2 in the afternoon and has gotten good about sleeping in his carseat and staying asleep if we are on the go. When we are home, I mandate naps and put him down awake which he isn't a huge fan of. He is such a fighter of sleep and will fuss but fall asleep pretty quick.
Diapers: we started cloth right when he turned 2 months and love it! We did a week of disposables while traveling and couldn't wait to get back to cloth. He was in Pampers size 1 during our travels but wears Bum Genius 4.0 one size pocket diapers. I was super nervous to start, worrying about the washing routine but it is really easy to do and maintain. I love his big cloth booty.
Clothing: mostly 3-6 month clothes but depends on the brand. I feel like every week I am retiring more and more clothing that he grows out (especially since cloth diapers are so big) but we just put away all his 0-3 month jammies. He has a lot of shortalls and collared onesies and he is in 6-9 month for those...my chunkamonk! He definitely isn't your "1 more layer than mom and dad" baby because he is always hot and sweaty! Sometimes he fusses so I will strip him down to his diaper and he is a happy camper.
Social: such a social and talkative boy! The mornings are the best and he just chats chats chats. He's started noticing mommy and daddy from across the room it is SO cute. I was at lunch with friends and he was about 10 feet from me in someone's lap and he was just staring at me and smiling. He is so easy to make smile, what a joy! He has lots of baby friends that we see every week but hasn't really noticed them yet, I bet that will be soon.
New this month: he is so into his hands lately. He sucks on them which makes us believe he is in early teething but also loves grasping onto his toys (mini Sophie, rattles) and is so proud of himself. He can see farther distances and definitely recognizes me and Jon. No longer swaddled. Makes a new shrieking noise and little giggles.
Likes: loves loves loves his bath, mini Sophie giraffe, his kitty cat lovey, mornings in bed with mom and dad, watching the colors on TV, just being in his diaper
Dislikes: being hot, being in his carseat awake
Mama: doing really great (besides not getting much sleep with my sick boy). Physically I feel good and have started slowly adding workouts into my routine. I am having so much fun being a mama and feel like we have our heads above water. I am comfortable taking Ford out and about with me and 100% comfortable nursing in public haha. We joined MOPS at a church nearby and have our first meeting this week! I stay busy with my blog, weekly bible study, and playdates so I'm definitely getting that adult interaction.
Daddy: I feel like I'll say this every month but Jon is such a fantastic daddy to our little man. Ford totally recognizes him and gives lots of smiles when he sees his pops. I can tell Jon really misses Ford (and me I hope!) when he travels and comments on how much he grows in a matter of days. Jon has been incredibly helpful with rough nights with Ford and I am so thankful for that. We found out this month that Jon qualified for the president's council trip for hitting his quota at work and we will be leaving Ford for 4 days in February to go to Costa Rica!! So proud of him!!
Fun things we did:
Went to Dallas to visit Cori and Embry and went to Pumpkin Village at the Dallas Arboretum, Halloween storytime at the library, and lots of fun lunch dates with mimi
Celebrated Ford's first Halloween with a fun BBQ with lots of babies (Ford was a garden gnome) and then handing out candy on the 31st as a skeleton.
Flew on his 8th flight to Cleveland Ohio to see his "abuela" get married. Ford got to meet lots of his dad's family including his great grandpa Hart which was very special.
Mimi babysat Ford a few times for mama to run errands or get away with dad
Our cousin Claire came this past weekend to love on Ford, pictures to come!
Ford's first Thanksgiving...we will celebrate at my mom's with the whole family. Last year we found out we were pregnant the Saturday after Thanksgiving (11/24) as we were putting up our Christmas tree and can't wait to put up the tree this year and remember that special day.
Three months! Time is really flying! He is such a cutie, I especially love his expressive eyebrows! I felt like things really started getting fun when my cooper turned 4 months old, so much to look forward to!
He's so precious. My little guy is in 3 month clothes at 2 months and I think it's partly because of our cloth diaps too. Have you had any issues with leaking?
Love reading about cutie Ford! He's a month ahead of Beau, so this makes me SUPER excited for B's third month :) Baby colds are the pits, too. Let us know how the transition to the crib goes! B has been in the rock-n-play since his cold (at the beginning of month 2) and pretty much despises his crib… we might wait until the dreaded 4 month sleep regression to switch things up, but I'm always curious to hear what other momma's are doing and how they transition. Also would LOVE to hear more about your cloth diapering experience… Beau basically blows out EVERY poop diaper :/ it either comes out the sides or goes up the back… every. stinking. time!! (We use Pampers Swaddlers and have also tried Huggies.) Never thought I'd be interested in cloth diapering until now, but I'm nervous to try!
Turner has battled 2 colds already...it is so sad!!! I never thought a child could produce so much snot! Glad to hear he's getting better!!! Can't wait to see family photos!!!
Oh, Ruthie. What a sweet little boy. You are incredibly nice to him, and you make me optimistic about the future. Your website is really easy to use, and the information on it is helpful. I value the help I get from your website and would advise others to do the same. We provide low-cost management assignment help services as skilled management assignment writers. Never hesitate to contact us if you ever need help with your homework.
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What a handsome little fella! He's sooo sweet! I hope his cold hits the dust soon..we were up a lot last night with Winslow because of it. Boo!
Three months! Time is really flying! He is such a cutie, I especially love his expressive eyebrows! I felt like things really started getting fun when my cooper turned 4 months old, so much to look forward to!
He is too cute! I love that you joined a MOPS group! MOPS was a part of my life for 6 years, and it was such a blessing for me. I hope you enjoy it!
Man, he has grown a TON!
Oh my how he has grown!!! He really is precious and such a little man!
Oh, Ruthie. What an adorable little guy. You're so sweet with him and inspire me for the future. (Not immediate future, haha.) Love ya.
He's so precious. My little guy is in 3 month clothes at 2 months and I think it's partly because of our cloth diaps too. Have you had any issues with leaking?
Cutest. Boy. EVER!! What a little sweetheart!!!
Love reading about cutie Ford! He's a month ahead of Beau, so this makes me SUPER excited for B's third month :) Baby colds are the pits, too. Let us know how the transition to the crib goes! B has been in the rock-n-play since his cold (at the beginning of month 2) and pretty much despises his crib… we might wait until the dreaded 4 month sleep regression to switch things up, but I'm always curious to hear what other momma's are doing and how they transition. Also would LOVE to hear more about your cloth diapering experience… Beau basically blows out EVERY poop diaper :/ it either comes out the sides or goes up the back… every. stinking. time!! (We use Pampers Swaddlers and have also tried Huggies.) Never thought I'd be interested in cloth diapering until now, but I'm nervous to try!
Beautiful photos!! :)
oh i can not wait to see your family photos!!!!
hey ford heyyyyy! :) hope hes feeling 100% again soon soon! xxo
Turner has battled 2 colds already...it is so sad!!! I never thought a child could produce so much snot! Glad to hear he's getting better!!! Can't wait to see family photos!!!
I love love love the layout of this post (and everything in it, of course!). I may need to use this layout for Lucas's 4 month post. :)
And our boys sound so so similar! Especially the being awake in his car seat thing..omg he's SO not a fan it's of the time lol. :)
Oh, Ruthie. What a sweet little boy. You are incredibly nice to him, and you make me optimistic about the future. Your website is really easy to use, and the information on it is helpful. I value the help I get from your website and would advise others to do the same. We provide low-cost management assignment help services as skilled management assignment writers. Never hesitate to contact us if you ever need help with your homework.
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