Ford, Mimi and I just got home from a wonderful trip to Liberty, MO! My mom's parents live there and we spent a few days showing off our sweet little boy, visiting with family, eating, thrifting, and relaxing. To say Ford is loved is an understatement. He sure does know how to put on a show and was such a happy boy, despite a little stranger danger when he first saw my gramma and cried for 20 minutes :). We were thinking Ford was going to see his first snow but besides the dirty snow piled up in parking lots, there was nothing. It was such a nice week and a great visit, I loved having extra hands to help with Ford for 4 whole days!
Reading Charlie Brown with Gramma Great
His sleepy noise (this is how he puts himself to sleep for naps)
My sweet happy boy

such a cutie! I love his little face when he is "flying" in your mom's arms haha
Ford is just a doll! That video of him falling asleep is just precious, I remember seeing it in a snap chat and cracking up! I miss y'all!
What a fun four days!! The videos are just TOO CUTE. I miss that little man!! Glad y'all had a wonderful time. :)
Seriously, I can't imagine Ford being angry, he has the best smile! I'm glad you had fun hanging with your family Ruthie! :)
That picture with Charlie brown is about the cutest thing ever!!!
E makes that noise too before naptime! Cracks us up!
My kids called my grandmas "Grandma Great". Love that!
What a lil' ham!!! His smile is so precious!!!
He has such a great little smile! :)
He is SUCH a beautiful child!!!
Oh my gosh could he be any cutter? And those eyes!
Ford is getting so big! What a cutie. Ella calls her great grandma Grams Great too. So cute!
He is getting so big! Looks like you guys had a blast there!! Have a great week back :)
I think he is the happiest looking baby I have ever seen! He's so lucky to have you full-time mommy-ing him. Have a great weekend Ruthie!
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