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Wednesday, February 4, 2015


This morning I have folded a load of laundry and have my 2nd in the washer now, unloaded the dishwasher, sent some emails, and am frantically trying to gather paperwork for Ford's preschool registration in an hour...all while coaxing him into eating a piece of cinnamon toast for breakfast (yes it takes coaxing). This week has flown by... Wednesday already?!... and I thought it was due time for a post with randoms, basically a check in with what is going on in our house!

  • My sciatic nerve pain is quite debilitating the last few days, and I do not mean that lightly. I can barely pick up Ford and only try to do it a few times a day. Tylenol and essential oils aren't doing much and the only relief I can get is lying on my heating pad. I won't be going to the chiropractor but does anyone else have remedies they'd recommend?
  • My grandparents from Chicago have been in town for a week and a half and Ford has loved all of the extra attention! We had so much fun at my parents for the super bowl and had lots of family time this weekend.
  • Ford is also obsessed with dancing lately, thanks to the Katy Perry halftime show. He started music class yesterday and really rocked out, I was cracking up. He loves putting in Jon's headphones and listening to the Black Keys... he will "sing along" and dance too. I have got to get a video!
  • Ford is officially in 2T pajamas, where did my tiny baby go? Okay he was never tiny but still!
  • Lucy's room is coming together and I can't wait to show you! Her bedding was handmade by Olivia from Lou Lou Made and I can't get enough of it. We need to pickup a few things for the walls and spend some time hanging stuff up. The last bit of the room won't be done until right before she is born... and that is moving Ford's changing table and rocking chair in there. I think that will be very emotional for me so I want to prolong it!
  • I don't think I've ever mentioned this but a few months ago Jon bought a 1949 Ford F1 truck and is restoring it. It is so stinkin' cool and his goal is to have it finished to take to a car show the week before Lucy is born, fingers crossed! He is out there with friends and neighbors working on it throughout the week and Ford gets a kick out of "helping" daddy with his tools. He knows that the truck says "vroom vroom!" and loves using his play drill out in the garage and in the house.
  • I host a weekly bible study with women in my neighborhood and we have 2 weeks left in The Explicit Gospel by Matt Chandler and it is ROCKING me. I highly recommend it friends! 
  • Tomorrow is our 4 year wedding anniversary and we are really looking forward to celebrating it sans kiddos. Come back to my blog for an extra mushy, lovey, dovey post.
  • We have been so busy lately that I have kind of forgotten that we are taking a baby moon/anniversary trip next week, sans Ford!! Because he didn't take a bottle, Ford tagged along on our annual February trip last year and we are really excited to spend some QT without our little man. More on that later!
  • Saturday I start my 3rd trimester....please remind me to take a deep breath :)


Unknown said...

Happy anniversary !!

Bri Runde said...

Ohhh... happy anniversary to you two! Can't wait to come back tomorrow and read your mushy post. ;) Also, thanks for sharing the name of that study you are doing. My girlfriends and I are looking for a new one to start, so I will definitely mention this one. :-)

Raena said...

Happy Anniversary! My next suggestion is for you to find a good massage therapist. You could also look into physical therapy. :)

Curly Girl Confessions said...

The hottest bath you can handle with Eucalyptus epsom salt with a dash of lavender essential oils. I did that before bed almost every night when I was pregnant and it helped a lot. BTW - I love, love, love that bedding!

Pamela said...

happy anniversary!! Loooove the deer fabric!

Carolyn said...

OMG. That last picture. SO SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

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