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Sunday, December 27, 2015

Lucy 8 months

Lucy Joy is 8 months old today! She celebrated her first Christmas last week and the celebration continues because we are in Disney World today! Lucy's middle name couldn't be more fitting for our precious girl. She is a joy giver and I am so grateful for that. She is spunky and sweet, I think more than ever we are seeing a strong personality develop (she is my daughter, I wouldn't expect anything less). It's hard to believe that a new year is right around the corner and she will be one before we know it. A few times last week I was getting nostalgic/emotional about Christmas being over and I think a lot of it stems from the fact that I love our children's ages right now. I know I will love whatever stage they are at (I'm sure I'll be singing a different tune in 13 years) but this one is so special. Like for instance next Christmas Lucy will almost be 2. Yikes. I know time will never slow down so I am very thankful that I am able to soak in all of these moments with my kiddos. Enough sap, here is our squirrely girl who was almost impossible to snap a picture of.

(We took these a few days before Christmas so I could use her Christmas dress!)

Excuse me while I start climbing... yes she climbs now...

Get this headband off of me!

Ford never put anything in his mouth and I think it is coming back to haunt me because Lucy puts EVERYTHING in her mouth. Oye!

  • 17lbs on home scale 
  • Lucy has had a cold on and off for a few weeks now but that hasn't affected her attitude or sleep, thank God! I hope I can keep her out of the doctor's office before her 9 month appointment in a few weeks.
  • We call her Peanut Lady, Peanuts, Lu Lu Bean, Lade-a, anything with Lady attached to it. Ford always calls her Babe-a (pronounced babe-uh) and it's adorable. Jon and I call her Babe-a a lot too. 
  • Her hair is getting so thick and long! So many people comment on it. I keep brushing it to the side and it is so pretty with a bow clipped in it. We got Ford's haircut at 8 months when it started growing over his ears but I'm not sure about girl hair... we are just going to let it grow. 
  • Bedtime is usually right at 7p for this lady and wakes up anywhere between 6:30-7:30am. 
  • She is ready for a nap 1.5 hours after waking up and at the beginning of the month it was around 2 hours long with an afternoon nap at 1pm also around 2 hours but girlfriend is back to 3 naps most days just depending on how long her 1st two naps are. My goal this month is to get her naps longer and cut that pesky 3rd nap.
  • Lucy is not only a tummy sleeper but basically puts her face straight down in the mattress like me. She has a few loveys and dollies in her crib and she holds them at night, so cute!
  • No crawling yet but girlfriend is close! She gets on her hands and knees and rocks and scoots and rolls to get places. Jon witnessed her Army crawling a few weeks ago towards the Christmas tree but nothing since.
  • She's been a solid sitter for a while which is a game changer. I can set her up with toys all around her and she has so much fun playing. She loves the Poppin' Pals toy and the Leap Frog activity table.
  • Other favorite toys- Ford's trains, Zoli, board books, Peek A Boo monkey, new baby doll
  • She stands now! She was standing when we'd put her up but right before Christmas she pulled up on her crib (from sitting on the ground) and her PBK Anywhere chair to stand up. Maybe she will skip crawling and just stand? I foresee this month being a little crazy.
  • Food is still iffy with Lucy. Just last week she started eating about 1 ice cube (I home make it and freeze) of food twice a day, this is a HUGE step! She likes a mix of sweet potato, pumpkin, and apple and also sweet peas and apples. She loves puffs and is really good with her pinchers but still chokes on whole foods (even tiny). She loves gnawing on fruit, veggies, bread, and anything in the mesh feeder. I am hoping this month we see a big increase in her solids intake. She loves her sippy cup and drinks water really well out of it. She sits in a chair top highchair with us at the table and has so much fun watching Ford.
  • Funny to think that even though she isn't a huge fan of food, she puts everything in her mouth. I'll turn my head for 1 second and she has 5 napkins in her mouth. Ford literally has never put anything in his mouth that wasn't food so I know I am in for it. 
  • Lucy is quite the vocal girl. She squawks and makes some really funny noises, I need to get them on video
  • Lucy celebrated her first Christmas last week! She got her first baby doll (a Madame Alexander doll) and she played with it for so long, it was adorable. 
  • Like I said in the top paragraph, Lucy got feisty this month. She is sweet as pie but she gets "offended" so easily. If you change her diaper, take away a toy....she isn't happy. She also gets very attached to me at night when she is tired and reaches for me. Ford is going to be in for it the next few months! 

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