Today, friends, is the day.
The day that I've been dreaming nervous sick about for the past 3 months.
Our episode of House Hunters airs tonight, July 20th, 2012, at 9pm cst on HGTV.
If you don't hear from me by Monday, it's because Jon and I have been swept off to Hollywood by Steven Spielberg to start our lives as rich and famous TV stars. Okay no, that sounds terrible, but I am thinking there is a chance Ernie will get a spinoff show or at least a role in an upcoming Disney movie (hey he can't dribble a basketball but he can play a mean game of fetch).
I want to thank everyone, family, friends, blog readers, total strangers, for being so supportive and excited for us during this time. The plan wasn't to get rich and famous (or even make money off of the show for that matter) but for the experience, and that is exactly what we got. Getting to capture our first home hunt on TV is priceless. And we learned a little about reality TV along the way ;-). Now I want to make a disclaimer, in case I end up saying dumb things on the show or staring straight into the camera (I had a problem with that haha), we have NOT seen the show as of yet nor had any part in editing or coming up with a story line. I really hope they accurately portray the kick ass couple we are, because you know how all the drama gets blamed on editing...okay that may just be all MTV, VH1, Bravo, ABC reality shows but still! I have to say the weirdest part of the whole experience was us not being able to hold hands or really touch on camera. Odd huh? So if it looks like we hate each other, that's why :-)
Tonight we are having a houseful of family and friends over to watch the show, many of which were in on the filming with us, and we couldn't be more excited! A few people (who don't have cable) have asked me if it will be broadcast online and the short answer is maybe. Our producer said that HGTV does show full episodes on their website but it is a toss up as to which ones they play. You can find those episodes here. Also, our episode will rerun on HGTV in the and you can find the schedule, along with our press release here.
We'd love it if you helped spread the word!
For more posts on our House Hunters experience, click here.
For more posts on our house, click here.
in other news...
We are praying hard for the victims of the colorado shooting. "The LORD is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit." Psalm 34:18

So excited to see the show!
I live in FL and would like to see your show. Will it come on at a different time here? Thanks!
Just set it to record! I can't wait to see your episode :)
WOW girl that's awesome!! I'll have to remember to record it from our's so hard keeping up with American TV over here! :)
Love this show! I'll be checking it out! Hope you love how it turns out!
YOU'RE FAMOUS! eeekkk soo exciting. I really wish I wasn't going to be at work so I could watch : (
I can't wait to watch the show tonight!!!!!
Ohhh I need to figure out what time this is on for me tonight!!! I will PVR it!! Can't wait!
I've got my DVR all set just in case I don't get to watch it real time! So exciting!!
Yay! Can't wait. Enjoy watching it with family and friends!
So exciting!! I don't have a DVR #thirdworldproblems but I will try to catch the show or a re-run. Have fun tonight, you deserve it!
I don't have cable anymore but I'm hoping like heck I can catch it online or on Hulu!
Have fun tonight watching with all your family and friends Ruthie, what an adventure!
Aaah! How EXCITING!!
I've been praying for those in CO ever since I heard the news. I'm so sad, but know God will work in wonderful ways to heal those involved. Can't wait to watch your episode :)
How FUN! I love House Hunters!
Yay, so excited for you Ruthie! I'll definitely be watching tonight...I actually just checked my TV listings, and it looks like it airs at 10pm on the West Coast (and I think it airs at 10pm on the East Coast too, I was going to tell my mom to watch because she loves HH) so I'm excited to see your episode! And then when you're all famous, I can be like she guest posted for me back in the day! ;)
Have a good weekend girl!
I am way too excited to see you on tv! I just recorded it so I can watch it a few times;)
Have a great watch party and weekend1:)
I'm so excited for you!!! I'm going to try and make RJ's whole family watch it since we will be there tonight. Ill use my powers of persuasion :) Can't wait!
My husband asked if we had plans tonight. I started to say I wanted to go to the Taste of Seattle and then I consulted with my phone. COUCH BOUND! We'll be watching :)
My husband asked if we had plans tonight. I started to say I wanted to go to the Taste of Seattle and then I consulted with my phone. COUCH BOUND! We'll be watching :)
My husband asked if we had plans tonight. I started to say I wanted to go to the Taste of Seattle and then I consulted with my phone. COUCH BOUND! We'll be watching :)
My husband asked if we had plans tonight. I started to say I wanted to go to the Taste of Seattle and then I consulted with my phone. COUCH BOUND! We'll be watching :)
I'll be forcing my family in Oklahoma that I'm visiting tonight to watch it with me! Actually, the crowd I'm going to be around will probably love it...especially when I tell them I "know" the star! Woohoo! Can't wait to see it!
can't wait to see the episode!!
You couldn't touch or hold hands? Why not? That sounds weird to me.
In other news, congrats, this is an exciting day for you!
I just heard about you guys being on House Hunters from over at The {Linc} Between Us. I have been watching that show religiously as I am on bed rest, so I will look forward to seeing you guys on there tonight! :)
Can't wait to watch!!
Can't wait to see it!!! Yay!!
i have it set to record. :) i'm excited.
i'm praying for the victims and their family. i went to high school with the shooter. there are helicopters flying over the neighborhood like crazy trying to get to his mom.
Can't wait! You guys are totally going to look like the kick ass couple that you are. You've got this. ;)
I already have it set up to record! Oh, and why couldn't you guys hold hands or touch really?
Can't wait to see what happens! :o)
Ramblings of a Southern Belle
I'd buy a diffent house if it would make blogging easier too. You go girl.
I'm watching the show! It's on right now and I saw your blog's name and googled it haha :)
I'm watching House Hunters and saw your blog! I love it!!
I'm watching House Hunters and saw your blog! I love it!!
We are watching your debut from Spartanburg SC. We love HGTV and you guys are the cutest couple!
Hey I saw shalyn's tweet about her friend being on house hunter's and checked it out! but then it started storming! will have to see a rerun sometime. y'all were great! that is so weird about no hand-holding thing.
ok, this is why I hate being so busy and never being able to blog. I ALMOST miss amazing things like this!! Thank goodness for instagrams and the luck that would be my night off!!
Oh, Ruthie! I LOOOOOOOVED seeing you guys on TV and enjoying that experience with you! Your house... OH. YOUR. HOUSE.
It is so so beautiful! I absolutely love what you did with it and actually gasped when I saw the "after" of the entry way!! GORGEOUS!
Now, the only question is- when can I come visit?!?!?!?!
I saw your blog mentioned on the House Hunters program (which just finished 2 minutes ago) and am so glad I decided to check it out. You two are a sweet couple and I'm so happy you found a lovely home close to family and friends. I look forward to getting acquainted with your blog. It will be fun to see photos taken in your new home. :)
Linda Thomas
I just watched the show and guessed which house you picked correctly (dh however was wrong on his guess). Can you tell me what green and blue paint colors you used in the house? They looked so refreshing!
Saw your show. Can I ask where you got that sign about having a dog. Believe it was on your bar. Loved it. Thanks.
I saw your blog mentioned on the House Hunters program (which just finished 2 minutes ago) and am so glad I decided to check it out. You two are a sweet couple and I'm so happy you found a lovely home close to family and friends. I look forward to getting acquainted with your blog. It will be fun to see photos taken in your new home. :)
Linda Thomas
Watching you now and will follow your blog now too.
my mom & i watched the episode tonight - y'all are so precious! glad the house hunt was successful :)
- lauren
We loved your episode tonight on House Hunters and we found your blog by watching it!!! I am here with my two grandchildren Catherine and Adrienne and I love that you are a Christian!!! We were wondering if you made your blue necklace because it is beautiful and I would like my granddaughter to make it for me!! If you did make it could you please give us the insrtuctions and if you bought it, where did you buy it at and how much was it?? We looked on your Pinterest (we saw a rickrack flower and thought it was pretty) but I dont think we saw the necklace you were wearing!!
Thanks for your time,
Peggy Sigmon!!
I enjoyed watching your episode on House Hunters tonight. Your home is beautiful!
So happy to find your blog & follow here and on Pinterest, too.
I invite you to visit my blog sometime,
Just popped in to say hello! Watching ya on my fave show House Hunters. Hope ur are enjoying your new home!
Just saw the show and caught the name of your site. Loved the house you picked!!!! Off to explore your site:)
Checking you guys out right now on House Hunters! Too cool! :) Loving that kitchen in the second home. Haven't found out which home you picked yet :)
watching house hunters, you guys reminded me of everyone I know in Texas, so thought I'd do some googling! I grew up in a house just like the '96 house you looked at, too funny about the carpet + tile.
We have very different tastes though, we moved to Seattle and wouldn't look at anything newer than 1930!
Cute blog, new follower :)
Woke up after falling asleep on couch. House Hunters was on a second run, so I proceeded to watch it and saw your blog mentioned. It is a very nice blog, and you look like such a nice couple. I love Ernie. I very much like the house you chose. Very pretty. Like the paint color, which is almost the same as mine.
Hope you will continue to enjoy your house. Much success on your blog.
You can also check out my gardening blog or follow me on Pinterest.
Yael Ben-Ari from Home Garden Diggers
No just happened to be on at my grandparents house. When I saw you and jon I mightve freaked out!! Loved it!!!
Hey Ruthie!! I'm a HUGE House Hunters fan and a blogger as well!! Just watched your episode with breakfast this morning - after shooting photos with some natural light ;) I loved watching and the house y'all chose! So fun to see another blogger featured.
Kath @
Learned about your blog while watching your house hunter's episode! I guessed the house you picked too! Love your blog, new follower :)
so awesome, ruthie!!! i missed it yesterday but will totally look for it on demand or catch the recording.
watched your episode, so glad they included a shot of your blog so i could scope it out! love your blog and love the house you picked!
I loved your episode! I have seen you around in the blog world before, but had never stopped to check out your blog. I absolutely adore your chevron wall! The house you picked is perfect! Hope y'all are enjoying it!
Love the house you chose and the blog! Best of luck!!
I was cleaning for my sister's bridal shower last night and my mom had HGTV on in the background and i heard them say something about a blogger and I stopped what I was doing to watch the episode! I felt like I knew a celebrity... I was like "mom, that's the blog I follow that had the recipe for the roasted cauliflower I am obsessed with!!!" haha
I saw the show! Just loved you guys, and saw you blogging on the show. That's how I found you. :) Congratulations on your home and the show! Thanks to your episode of House Hunters, you have a new reader here. :)
How exciting to be on TV!!! And one of my favorite shows! You have a beautiful home. The two rooms they showed that ya'll had changed look absolutely gorgeous! Enjoy your new place! And fill it with lots of little Ruthies and Jons! :o)
I totally missed the episode :( I've looked to see if it re-runs any time soon but I can't find it... So sad!
Saw the name of your blog while watching the episode of House Hunters!
I've seen shows where the couple couldn't walk from room to room without holding hands so it surprises me that you said you couldn't touch each other.
Ruthie, I'm so upset! I set my DVR to record the show, I go to watch it tonight and it's not there! I have no idea what happened and am so bummed! I will be stalking that link to see when it will air again!
Just watched your show on my DVR, saw you had a cute blog and had to check it out!!! Y'all are adorable--and fellow Texans! Excited to keep up with you :?
I just saw your episode and I was all "oooh a fellow blogger, and a Texan too"
Had to come check out your space :)
Love the "behind the scenes". Looks like you are having fun in your new home. And I found your blog when I just "happened" to watch your episode!
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