I read a blog post a couple of weeks ago and it was along the lines of, "you know you're a blogger when..." and one of the bullets was "Kelle Hampton is a household name". I could relate to all the other bullets, camera in tow, pictures of food, tweeting like crazy, but I had no idea who Kelle was. After a simple google search, I came across her blog, Enjoying The Small Things. It didn't take more than 2 minutes for me to fall in love with Kelle's story...
Yes, Kelle wrote a book. In short, Kelle and her husband welcomed their second baby girl 3 years ago and discovered she had Down Syndrome. I don't want to give away her entire story (because I want you to read the book!) but it is a beautiful story of heartache, love, triumph, family, faith.
I immediately ran out to grab Bloom and read it quickly. I feel like finding Kelle's blog and reading her book was meant to be for me.
As Jon and I talk about our future and plan for when we want to grow our family, to be totally honest, my heart is weighed down by worry. Not once do I worry about being a great parents, providing for our children, and guiding them to Christ but I worry a lot. I worry first and foremost about not being able to conceive a baby, losing a baby, the hundreds and thousands of things that could go wrong with pregnancy, birth, life in general. What if I can't handle it? And this book gave me so much hope, and strength. The Lord gives you what you can handle. And Kelle was so lucky to get to mother Nella.
A blessing and a little bit of comfort.
As Jon and I talk about our future and plan for when we want to grow our family, to be totally honest, my heart is weighed down by worry. Not once do I worry about being a great parents, providing for our children, and guiding them to Christ but I worry a lot. I worry first and foremost about not being able to conceive a baby, losing a baby, the hundreds and thousands of things that could go wrong with pregnancy, birth, life in general. What if I can't handle it? And this book gave me so much hope, and strength. The Lord gives you what you can handle. And Kelle was so lucky to get to mother Nella.
Kelle is such a beautiful writer. She is so honest and real about the pains she felt when learning of Nella's DS. She shows raw emotion, she is human. And Nella is perfect. She is nothing short of a bright, sweet, gorgeous baby who is doing so much teaching and inspiring, just by existing. Kelle talked a lot about how our stories are written. How we all strive for that white picket fence but that she has learned to embrace the color that's been splashed on hers. You can't live for the "what if's". Life is happening right in front of our eyes.
I pray that I can be as strong of a mother as Kelle. And live honestly and out loud. The pages of this book are filled with warmth, growth, togetherness... and beautiful pictures of her family and girls. I seriously couldn't wait to turn the page.
A dear friend told me recently, the truth about children is they are a commandment from the Lord... Genesis says "God blessed them and said to them, 'Be fruitful and increase in number, fill the earth and subdue it.' God put it in most of our hearts to desire to have children and that parenting will teach you the glory of God. It will teach you to fear and trust in Him, more than ever before. I am so grateful I heard those words and am growing from them. I am praying for peace. I will be a mother one day and my God has a wonderful plan laid out for me.
So friends, take my advice and read this book. It will teach you about the power of family, the love of a mother, and the incredible journey of the Hampton family. Your soul will get lost in the depth of this wonderful book.

I've had the privilege to follow Kelle's blog for almost a year now and I think that Nella is the most precious little girl on earth. Both her girls are. Her whole family!
A few days ago she posted this super cute video of Nella on the beach, you have to check it out.
I love Kelle's blog and I loved Bloom. Her writing is amazing and she seems like an amazing mom.
I got this book for my mom for mother's day and she just finished it and now it's sitting in my car and I can't wait to start reading it. I know I'm going to be so inspired.
As of right now I feel as though I don't want children, and sometimes I wonder if most of that is out of fear... fear that I won't be a good enough parent, that my temper is way too short, and fears like yours regarding pregnancy and health. And so many more. There is a lot to fear.. but your perspective on overcoming all those fears is so refreshing. I have no doubt you'll be a wonderful mother someday :)
I've had this book on my "to-read" list for awhile...it looks amazing! And I am totally the same way, even though Cam and I are not at the stage where we're trying to start a family yet, I still worry about the zillion things that can go wrong relating to pregnancy so glad to hear I'm not the only crazy one like that :)
I absolutely love Kelle's blog and have read it for about a year and a half now. I need to get her book though, i haven't yet!!
I definitely want to read her book! I've looked at it acouple times but haven't actually picked it up yet.
And thank you for pointing out the command to be fruitful and multiply. Obviously that is always on my heart and I love encouraging other women to embrace who they are and how God made them: to be nourishing and mothers, if that is His plan!
And I know it is scary to get pregnant because of ALL the stories we hear. But honestly, thanks to modern medicine, we lose far fewer babies today than we used to. And God is SOOOOO faithful to give us the strength to go through anything that He allows to come our way. Trust Him always, follow the call He's placed on your heart and He will never ever let you down :)
Hmm, sounds like such a sweet book. I'm going to look at her website right now.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who didn't know who Kelle was, but I'll definitely go check out her blog now!
Thank you for sharing!
This sounds like an amazing story. Thanks for sharing- I hadn't heard of her blog, either!
I just finished reading Kelle's book too, and it was so so good. She's probably my favorite person to see in my Instagram feed too. The pictures of her two girls are so precious and she has such a positive outlook on life!
i have been wanting to read this book for some time now!!! I just cant decide if i want it on my kindle or in life. but you just sold me on reading the book!! thank you.
Happy Thursday!
Can't wait to read this book! Adding it to my book list.
My middle sister is deaf and now that I'm a little older, my dad has started telling me more bits and pieces about his and my mom's fears and worries about when Lauren was born. Those fears and worries and challenges have continued all the way to today, but they've shaped who I am as well. Nella's sister is going to learn a lot from her family's situation and THAT is really cool too. :)
I loved this book. It is truly special. Kelle's story is inspiring and her blog is one of my favorites.
I love Kelle's blog! I found it after hearing her on a XM radio talk show a couple of years ago. I haven't read her book yet, but am looking forward to it. Like you said, she is so real and honest as well as a great writer!
I love her blog! Such a beautiful person/story. Can not wait to read her book!
I bought her book awhile ago and have been waiting until I have a good chunk of downtime to read it...I know I'll be hooked and not able to put it down! I love Kelle's blog, it's a must read for me!
I am currently reading this book and I absolutely love it and recommend it to everyone I know!! :)
Thank you for this.
Thank you so much for more insight! I have been hearing so much about this book, and I'm definitely thinking I'll have to read it!
I've heard nothing but good things about that book. Maybe it's time I read it.
I think I may have a read similar "you know your a blogger when" post and same thing, I do not know anything about Kelle. Think I'll go ahead and check her out ;) Glad she inspired you and put your heart a bit more at ease.
Aw I'm pretty sure you're referring to my post here!! (http://www.snhblog.com/2012/05/you-know-youre-blogger-when.html) Maybe I'm wrong?! I mean, there could have been two of us that posted the exact same thing lol.
SO glad you enjoyed the book. She really is an inspiration!! If I were "ready" to be a mom, I'm pretty sure I'd be all over Beau like white on rice lol. She makes motherhood looks SO beautiful...even the not-so-beautiful moments.
I have had this book on my "must read" list for a few months now. You got me even more excited to read it!
All your fears are normal. I still get anxious about these things. We opted to not do genetic testing as we felt like that would be kinda of "playing God"... I must confess it is still always in the back burner of my mind but Kelle's story has always given me hope (despite having not read the book yet) that God would give us strength in those times and that is would still, indeed, be a more than beautiful life!
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