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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

30 weeks

(my belly always looks so red in pictures! And I am now sporting two unequal "la linea negras"... awesome!)

Thoughts: 30 weeks! I feel like I have been telling Jon I can't wait to get to 30 weeks because it feels so much safer. Not that I want to have him now but each week he stays in, the more he grows! We took a picture this weekend and it was the first time I felt like my belly looked really big and I have a feeling those thoughts will only increase the next 10 weeks. Last week a dear friend gave birth at 35 weeks to a perfect baby girl so it is hard to believe we could meet our boy so soon (or he could be stubborn and stay in for 42 weeks). I am slowing down a LOT and trying to pace myself because man even going grocery shopping is exhausting. Jon has really stepped up and is really helpful and makes sure I am always comfortable. He doesn't mind at all that I require daily naps now ;)

Baby: baby is big!! Our What To Expect App says he is 17-18 inches which is nuts because he won't get much longer before he is born! He was almost 3lbs 2 weeks ago so I am guessing he's about 3.5 or so? We will find out next week at our 31 week appointment. Even though there isn't anything to smell in the womb, his little nose works and he can perceive information from all 5 senses. 

Symptoms: 15 days Zofran free! Hallelujah. You may be wondering why I keep mentioning it each week but it is a huge step for me since I have been so sick since week 7. Tailbone pain/lower back pain are pretty regular these days. Shortness of breath and heart flutters are also here to stay. We did lots of walking last weekend and I am incredibly slow! I've noticed a major decrease in bloody noses this week which is awesome considering I've had 1-2 a day for 3 months. Hmm what else... I am still feeling a sharp pain on the left side of my pubic bone every so often. Not fun. 

Movement: all the time and to be honest, it is starting to get painful at times! I will be completely at rest and bam, a foot in my ribs. For the most part I love feeling his kicks but he is getting so big and moving into my rib cage which isn't fun. I now know his sleep patterns but it's crazy because I will still feel him roll around when he is sleeping. He seems to enjoy attempting to push his booty straight through my belly button. I will kindly pat his butt and he immediately moves it haha. 

Cravings/aversions/eating: well...2 weeks with cutting refined sugars and I miss it like crazy! I am not on a sugar free diet but just restricting any foods with a crazy amount of sugar which sucks because you know how big of a sweet tooth I have. We got froyo last night and I got sugar free chocolate but honestly it sucked because I didn't get any toppings (my normal toppings would have been Reeses or brownies). I am eating TONS of fruit, basically finishing a whole watermelon by myself in a matter of days, also loving peaches, grapes, blackberries, and strawberries. 

Workouts: I am considering going to the Silver Sneakers class at my gym because I swear some of those senior citizens move faster than me! I have been trying to go to the gym at lunch a few times a week for 30 or so minutes to do light weights or walk the track. I feel like being pregnant is a workout in itself though :). Just trying to stay healthy for baby!

Sleep: sleep has been fantastic this week! We stayed at a hotel last weekend (more on that tomorrow) and I swear I slept the best I had in months. I have to sleep with a small pillow between my knees and have started putting either a pillow or blankets under my belly for support. I can literally fall asleep at the drop of a hat and naps have been very popular!

Clothes: 100% maternity pants and shirts but excited that I can still wear a lot of non maternity dresses... although some of them are super short in the front because of the belly! I keep asking Jon if certain dresses are appropriate and I don't know if he is just being nice but we ran errands last weekend and I was wearing a dress and I am pretty sure my butt was hanging out. Whoops. I went to Forever 21 yesterday for some maxi skirts and for a second forgot I was pregnant when I was attempting to try on non elastic ones. Yeah that did NOT work. I found a pair of my favorite Old Navy skinnies in my pre pregnancy size for $8 but I was too chicken to wear them, not knowing what size I will be in the future... 

Random: We took our hospital tour last weekend and it was so exciting! I was giddy at the thought of coming to the hospital without our baby and knowing we'd leave with him. The women's center at our hospital is brand new and really nice (although I'm sure I won't care a bit when I'm in labor). I am glad we know kind of how things will work when we have the baby, I feel a lot more prepared! 

I had a surprise baby shower at work last week and I am still in shock! I figured my co workers would do something for me before baby came but I was so surprised!!! And they got us SO MUCH y'all! One of the greatest blessings during this pregnancy has been to see how many people love our family and our little boy.

Noticing some of my maternity shirts are getting kinda tight! 29 weeks

Last Wednesday (5/22) marks 4 years since Jon and I met and I managed to squeeze into the same dress I was wearing when we met. Fits a lot different these days! 29w2d

We will bring our our boy home in the same outfit my parents brought me home in in 1988 and I finally dug it out of my baby box and hung in his room. 

ADORABLE mustache boat shoes from Carolyn (who is also expecting a baby boy!)


Blair McLeod said...

you look radiant!!!
man i hear ya on the heart flutters and painful kicks. these boys!
way to go on working out! no matter how slow! so good for you and baby and I hear makes labor easier too! (I didn't work out at all with baby #1 and am trying desperately to keep up with it this time)

Unknown said...

You are adorable! I just love that you seem to really be embracing being pregnant, rather than complaining about all of the changes. That's such a breath of fresh air. ;) Excited for you!

Carolyn said...

You're SO ADORABLE! I can't believe you're 30 weeks already. This is all going SO QUICKLY! I'm so glad that you're finally getting off Zofran! (keeping my fingers crossed!)

I need to go on the hunt for some maternity shirts, but I hate them all. Ugh.

Emily said...

I've been following you along with this pregnancy (here and on IG), but I don't often comment. Just wanted to say that you look so cute and I can't believe how fast your pregnancy seems to be going. That baby will be here before you know it! :) Yay!

Candice Williams said...

I love how positive you've been this whole pregnancy. It can be easy to complain about being on medicine, swollen feet, pain you name it but it is so refreshing that you just seem to know what a blessing it is to carry a child and that's wonderful.

Unknown said...

You are too cute! Congrats on cutting Zofran! I wish I could! My first pregnancy and now 33 weeks into my 2nd I'm still taking at least one every night before bed and will probably continue until Miss M is here! Totally feel ya on the painful movement. I feel like I'm always helping her readjust limbs back into the normal area of my belly and not far off to the side like she seems to like! Congrats on 30 weeks!

Jessica said...

Time is flying by!! You will be having this baby boy before you know it!!! You are just filled with glow & so excited for you!! That is such an awesome moment, to bring him home in the same outfit you were brought home in!! :) Cant wait!!

Heather @ Finding Beauty in the Ordinary said...

oh my gosh, look at that belly! you have really popped-- baby is coming soon! i just love it! eeek!

Leilani said...

I definitely hear ya when you say the movement is starting to get painful, especially when it's just so unexpected and out of the blue.

Libby's Life said...

I got your gift finally and am going to mail it out this week! :)

Jenny said...

You look amazing and what a nice surprise to get showered by your co-workers!

Watermelon was a huge craving for me too..

Those boat shoes and adorable, so sweet!

The Olive Tree Blog said...

you look great! i hope these last fews fly by for you ... so funny about 35 weeks vs 42 ... i have 3 one born on time one born 6 weeks early and one that wanted to stay a cook a while :)

Heather Leigh_A beautiful ministry said...

Aw, this baby boy is loved already!! You look great Ruthie!!

Anonymous said...

okay, you are seriously the prettiest pregnant person ever. i can't wait for baby hart to make his appearance, that little boy is so loved. when you can have sugar again, let me know, i'm sending you cookies!

Sarah said...

i am just SO in love with your pregnancy and belly! EVERYTHING!!!
you look radiant mama :)

Erika Lee @ A Tiny Rocket said...

You look awesome mama! Wow that is amazing you can with hold sugar. I think I had a milk shake everyday when I was pregnant.

I also joined a mommy work out group which is amazing because they have all levels of mommydom.

Unknown said...

You are just the cutest! Love love love your bump! I was just telling my husband how much I missed being pregnant (I think seeing my belly flab in the full sized mirror as I left the bathroom triggered it).! Then he reminded me of all of the above you just listed in your symptoms list, haha. But, I really do miss it! Enjoy those kicks and big movements mama, they are so special :)

Ashley said...

i don't always comment on your blog but i love reading....and love following all your bump pics on instagram :)

Lindsay @ Pursuit of Pink said...

I love reading your updates. We are experiencing quite a lot of the same things, so cool to read that we have things in common. You are so close! I'm praying for you Ruthie as you enter these last 10 weeks. You look amazing my dear.

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