I had been hinting to Jon for a few weeks of gift ideas for Mother's Day and never did I think I'd get treated so special on my first Mother's-To-Be-Day. My late sleeper was up before 7am making breakfast, picking out flowers, and letting this tired mama sleep.
I don't think I have eaten a donut in about 10 years yet have been thinking about them non stop during this pregnancy. Jon is hypogylcemic and is really good about sugar so he just laughs when I ask for them. Well he brought home these on Sunday morning and I can honestly say I can go another 10 years without another one. They were good but I'd much rather indulge in other things :).

In the past, Jon would wish me happy Mother's Day from Ernie or tell me what a great mother I would be someday but yesterday was different. Feeling my son kick all day was just one little reminder of the wonderful privilege blessing, and job I will soon have as his mother. Yesterday I thought a lot about little moments. Jon talking to my tummy saying, "Little man, wake up!", having the song "no woman no cry" stuck in our heads for about an hour so making up our own rendition, and getting Ernie all fired up with belly rubs and kisses. This life, which is nothing extraordinary, is more than I could have ever dreamed of. Going to sleep at 8pm on a Saturday night is not desirable to most mid twenties but it is the perfect night for me. I remember meeting Jon when I was 20, he was 26 and thinking okay I need to be really fun for him. Yes we've had crazy nights, late nights, and nights we will never forget...but nothing tops the nights we choose now.
Last night we played an intense game of marbles (I told you how game obsessed we are...we play at least once a day haha) and pulled up live Louis Armstrong performances on the iPad to pretend like we were at a concert. I thought to myself, this is exactly where my life is supposed to be right now. I am to the point in my pregnancy where I am not uncomfortable (yet) but I am so anxious to meet this baby boy. I think of my sweet niece or see moms at church with newborns swaddled in their arms and my heart yearns for that right now. But it's the little moments that makes the wait worth while.
I really do think life will become so much sweeter when our baby is born but I know it will be a lot different. Last night there was a point where we were in bed and had tears coming down our cheeks and barely could catch our breath laughing about something I can't even remember. And I remember thinking... can we do this when we are parents? Will we still have our dumb inside jokes and laugh like kids together? I pray the answer is yes... that we will continue that bond with each other and our children.
Scenes from Mother's Day
We spent the beautiful morning at church with my parents and then an outdoor brunch at Blackfinn. So many cute kiddos running around the Domain (outdoor shopping center) and all dressed alike.
Mom and 3 of her 6 kids
And 2 of my 3 boys!
Thank you all for your sweet comments on IG about my belly... hard to believe he has 12 more weeks of growing to do, I think we have a big boy on our hands!
Jon surprised me with a weekend away just to San Antonio before the baby comes. Our trip to Mexico in a few weeks is acting as our baby moon but this will be a great way for us to purely relax and not too far from home. He even made me a powerpoint of the hotel amenities, activities we will do, restaurants, etc (if you remember one of our trips last year, he is good at power points!).
Happy Mother's Day! You definitely will be able to reconnect and laugh and enjoy life even more deeply with kids. And the things your kids will say will crack you up!
Love that belly! You two will definitely continue with the laughing until you cry & little mister hart will just join in on the fun :)
Sounds like the perfect Mother's Day! :) And you're looking so dang cute! :)
You are so gorgeous! That dress is so flattering on your baby bump! So happy you had a great day!!
Happy first mother's day to you, friend!! You two are gonna' be such great parents- I am truly happy for you both :)
Glad you enjoyed your Mother's Day! Pretty dress! My hubby and I love that song "no woman, no cry". We listened to it so much in Jamaica on our honeymoon! While we were running errands on Saturday we popped in the CD and started singing our hearts out...brought back some great memories! :)
happy mother-to-be day! :)
And I love that you two are game obsessed. We don't play every day but we do make games a regular occurrence over here
Happy Mother's Day Ruthie! You look gorgeous in that dress and rock that baby bump! My boyfriend and I are also game obsessed and I always enjoy imagining family game nights in our future. I am sure you and Jon will pass that love of games on to your future little one(s) and make wonderful family memories. I'm so excited for you both! :)
P.S. I went to undergrad in San Antonio, so feel free to ask any questions, though it sounds like Jon's done his research! Love that charming city, you'll have a great time.
Ruthie, I think you are one of the most genuine and true souls out there. Reading about your "normal" life and playing marbles with Jon melts my heart. I cannot WAIT to see this sweet baby boy of yours....I remember the day you sent me that email telling me your were pregnant and now he is so close to being here!! You guys are going to be the best parents. He is one lucky little guy!!
Glad you had a wonderful Mother's To be Day. :)
I just wanted to tell you that the fun and laughter doesn't have end when children come in to the picture. My husband and I have been married 13 yrs next month and we still laugh, we play around, and we make sure our kids see us do this so they know what a happy marriage looks like. My husband and I have had a few minor arguements, but nothing that we could not sit down and talk about to resolve.
Our kids enjoy seeing us play around with each other, we even include the kids in tickle matches.
I like to think that fun and laughter get better when you have kids.
I have faith that things will get even better once you guys have that little guy with you.
Have a good one. :)
You look stunning friend!
So glad you had a great Mother's Day.
It was the first year my hubby as well as all my family and his have acknowledged me as a mother and I was all emotion. I meant so much!
Have a great evening!
i can not wait to see your vacation posts!
so glad you had a wonderful mothers day to be :)
you are RADIANT ruthie!
You look so cute, great dress!! What a sweet husband for spoiling you with all those goodies!
Seems like the perfect Mother's Day! :) so glad you enjoyed it. Your little man will be here in no time!
You are going to laugh ten times more as parents. You just wait. And boys have no filter which makes it very interesting.
Yes! You WILL have your dumb inside jokes and laugh like kids together. But it's even more meaningful when your son joins in the fun. My 9-year-old boy picked out the Mother's Day card he gave me this year and it was SO hysterical. Because it was SO accurate. Just wait till your boy makes his first funny joke or sarcastic comment. It's amazing to watch a sense of humor develop! Just one of many joys you have to look forward to... :)
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