Broccoli, Rice, and Chicken Casserole
Call me old fashioned but I love a good casserole. Jon and I love mixing together all of the food on our plates anyway so why not bake it together. Casseroles are incredibly easy to prepare and make great leftovers. And the awesome thing about casseroles is that you don't always need to follow a recipe...throw together what you have an boom. Dinner. I've been wanting to make this casserole for a while now and wish I wouldn't have waited so long!! It was delicious and Ford even loved it.
3 chicken breasts, cut into 1 inch cubes, uncooked
1 cup regular white rice, uncooked, not instant (it gets too mushy while cooking with the rest of the ingredients)
2 1/4 cups whole milk
1 (10.75oz) can cream of chicken soup
2 1/2 cups broccoli florets, thawed if bought frozen
1 3/4 cups shredded cheddar cheese
1 sleeve Ritz crackers, crushed
Salt to taste
1. In a large bowl, toss all ingredients except Ritz crackers and mix
2. Pour mixture into a greased 9x13 inch glass baking dish and sprinkle Ritz crackers on top
3. Bake at 375 degrees for 45-50 minutes
4. Serve warm, season as needed
This is my most favorite meal ever, but I haven't ever found a good recipe that I am happy with. Can't wait to try this out!!
I like this because it doesn't require any prep work. Not having to cook the chicken or rice beforehand = winning!
I am in need of more easy recipes like this..thanks, lady!
Made this last night!!! It was the (dating myself I know). So easy, so good and I'm excited for leftovers for lunch. :).
That sounds really good! Thanks for sharing the recipe!
Mineral deficiencies found resep soto ayam in green vegetables, including broccoli, is one of the causes of leg cramps. But most people do not realize they are experiencing cramps induced by micro nutrient deficiencies.
People who often experience leg cramps also just doing massage around the area muscle cramps or get up and stretch their legs. Usually it is only relieve the symptoms alone because the next day will be back muscle cramps.
Two different studies concluded that taking supplements resep kuah bakso containing magnesium oxide can cope with cramps in the calves or the small muscles in the legs, especially at night.
Actually, the mineral is also found in many green vegetables, nuts, whole Cereal, and peanut butter. But required considerable quantities of minerals to meet the needs of the body.
Low magnesium levels closely associated resep opor ayam with leg cramps at night. Although magnesium is available in various forms and preparations for the body vary, but the magnesium oxide has been shown to be more effective than other types of magnesium," said John Miles, Emma Derbyshire, a nutritionist.
The content of sulforaphane in broccoli are known to inhibit inflammation and cartilage resep nasi uduk damage associated with leg cramps. Unfortunately we have to eat broccoli in large quantities every day to get the benefits.
Therefore, experts pharmaceutical synthesis to make resep mie goreng products in the form of a supplement. A single dose is equivalent to 2.5 kilograms of broccoli every day.
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