Roly Poly
Ford is to the age where it is almost impossible to change his diaper in under a minute because I spent 75% of the time trying to get him to stay in one place. I've stopped changing him on his changing table because I can turn my back for half a second and he is popped up on his tummy. Cue mama heart attack. This is where Halo Sleepsacks come into play. Not only do we use Halo Sleepsacks for safe sleeping and SIDS prevention (read my previous review here), now that Ford is becoming mobile, we use them to keep grounded. I've heard mamas say that because their babies have been in sleepsacks since they were young, they don't climb out of their cribs. Once Ford started getting up on his knees and being able to stand, I had nightmares of hearing a thud because he'd climbed out of his crib. I immediately lowered his crib and decided he would be in a sleepsack as long as they make them big enough!
I plan on keeping Ford in a Sleepsack throughout the summer too. Paired with light cotton pajamas, it is the perfect (and safe) way to keep him comfortable in bed.
HALO Innovation’s SleepSack® wearable blankets have become the standard for hospital nurseries and parents alike. Today, 1,000 hospital nurseries use the HALO SleepSack Swaddle instead of blankets through the HALO Safer Way to Sleep Initiative. HALO Innovations also offers free Safe Sleep Practices kits to childbirth educators to help further the cause of SIDS prevention.
When Trent was not quite 2, he looked at me at naptime and said 'no sack' and decided he didn't want to sleep in his sack anymore. A month later he climbed out of his crib. Drew will sleep in a sleepsack until she goes to college!
Ford!! He is looking so grown up and cute as ever!! :)
Hi! Ford is so cute! Do you think you can explain on how these help with diaper changing? I think I missed that! Thanks! xoxo
where do you get your ideas? i am trying to start a blog on how we need to treat people?
We are also using the sleep sack, our baby girl loves it!
I Love that happy little face! :) And I found that giving Weston a toy helps diaper changes SO MUCH!
He is such a handsome fellow!!!! We didn't use sleep sacks when Kamden was smaller, but the way he's kicking and squirming at naptime and at night, it might be worth trying. I go in his room at least once to put the blanket back on his legs. The little worm!
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