I grow and nurture...my marriage. As happy and awesome as it is, we both vowed to never let things plateau. Marriage is work but it is fun work. Year after year, child after child, I want to get deeper and more intimate with my husband.
The guilt-free snack I enjoy most...Nutella and anything. In fact, I had to pry the jar out of my hands last night after eating it smeared on strawberries and pretzels. (FYI Nutella and Cheez-Its is the jam)
The best reason to stay up all night...sleep training! Total mom answer but a few days of rigorous sleep training and Ford sleeps through the night. Thinking about it now, I don't think I've ever stayed up 24 hours straight. No cram session all nighters in college, no parties til dawn. Girlfriend loves her sleep
If I were stranded on a desert island, I'd...make myself nice and comfy in the shade. You can still get skin cancer stranded on an island!
Linking up with these ladies (Nicole {Three 31} Lisa {The Coastal Chicster}, and Becky {The Java Mama} Jen {The Arizona Russums}) for a weekly series called Finish This.
I am going to assume the Nutella and Cheez It is a total pregnancy thing! Oh my goodnes... I can live on nutella but w a cheez it? (and no I am not going to try it) hee hee
Please share how you trained Ford to sleep whole night! Thanks. :) ever thankful sleep deprived mum
My kids can devour a box of wheat thins smeared in Nutella!!
OH MY STARS that pregnancy belly is too cute!!!!! It took about three nights of letting Kamden "fuss" (he's never shed a real tear) for him to sleep 8+ hours. He's like his mommy and daddy and LOVES his sleep. Now, he easily gets 10+ hours a night. It's all about consistency and routine for us. Thanks for joining the link up again, I'm having so much fun with this!
xo, Nicole
How did you sleep train Ford???? Parker's up every 3 hours! He's like a newborn at 6 months old!!! I miss sleep!! Ha
It took me 3 years to sleep train my boy. NOT KIDDING!!! He has night terrors which threw a wrench in the whole thing. I'm just glad that he's finally outgrew them and most nights sleeps like a champ :)
That baby belly...precious!!!
Hey did you post about your sleep training method? I am in the trenches now!
OMGosh! I love Nutella! I eat it on graham crackers or a rice cake. YUMMM! Loved reading your answers!
I am just like you...no all nighters or staying up late in college for this chick. I am a grouch at night when I am tired! I need my sleep!
Ruthie, what form of sleep training did you do and at what age with your little man? My 19 week old refuses to sleep!
Want to hear something crazy? I've never tried Nutella! Eeek, I know! I think I might need to after reading this because the strawberry-Nutella combo sounds delish:) I'd also be curious to hear about your sleep training methods with Ford. I have a little man not much older than your son, and his sleep is still a bit hit or miss. He usually goes down consistently every night, but at some point will wake up and then refuse to go back to sleep in his crib. I'm at a loss as to how to fix this!!!
If you love Nutella, try this, get some wantons, take a spoonful of Nutella put in the center of wanton, seal it fry in hot oil til golden take out sprinkle with powder sugar and enjoy your snack.
I need to get back into the swing of things of doing Finish This...I miss it!!
I LOVE nutella - but nutella and apples are my favorite pairing!
thankfully C has always slept through the night but i just can not push myself to do the crib transition! i am totally a sleeping queen. i will choose sleep over pretty much anything!
Ahh Nutella!! I can't go a day without :)
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