4. I took an intro to Young Living Essential Oils class last night with these ladies and it was awesome! I've been using a few oils for about a month and look forward into diving deeper. What's your favorite way to use essential oils?
5. We put up baby gates this week... dun dun dun. Ford is into everything and quiet the daredevil. He is working on standing on his own!
6. We've been spending lots of time on the deck this week eating dinner al fresco and playing cards. I love having Jon home during the week.

7. As of Sunday Ford will have spent more time on the outside vs inside. Took this picture when he turned 40 weeks and hard to believe I cooked him in that belly for another week!
9. I have been incredibly blessed to be a part of the Thrive Moms Prayer Team. I love this ministry! Moms doing life together. If you need prayer or support, visit here.
10. Date night tonight and 3 day weekend for Jon!
What's going on in your life? Happy Memorial Day Weekend!
Skinny mini!!
Love the indoor pool, lol! How is that working? Does Ford like the water? Lilly loves it!
Isn't it crazy how fast time has flown? I'm so glad you guys are doing well and that you are so enjoying motherhood. Your love for Ford radiates off the screen. Enjoy your weekend with your family. XOXO
PS - Thrive Moms sounds so awesome. How did you get involved?
Indoor pool? LOVE it! Totally wish Garrett loved sleep the way Ford does!
Ford is too cute! We've been enjoying a ton of outside time this week as well. Absolutely love it. Have a great weekend!
Love that 40 weeks comparison picture...big boy in and out of the belly ;) I see Ford and Ernie trying to tag team to get around the baby gates haha...daredevil brothers.
Thank you so much for sharing Sole Hope with us today!! I am so sad that this was our last MOPS, but I hope we all we continue to meetup! Your blog is so inspiring, it makes me want to start blogging again!
Shoe cutting party? Where are these shoes going? I want to cut shoes!!
We just got our introductory box of Young Living Essential Oils. You'll have to share what you've learned with me so far. I'm a total newbie! :)
love the photos and I am glad that Ford enjoyed "playing" with Judah! precious pictures of them together! and I am leaving for Cali for my internship a month from today! I am SO excited and nervous...
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