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Monday, August 18, 2014

Monday update

Ford suffered his first ear infection this weekend. We managed to make it 12 whole months without one but we kicked off his birthday week with a fever and nasty cold that developed into an infection. We spent the weekend quarantined at home, missing the first birthday party of one of Ford's bffs, a pool party, and our neighborhood concert in the park. Anyone else hate missing weekend days? I always look forward to what we have going on in on the weekends so I am still mourning the fact that we missed so much. Kids. Always unpredictable. Always changing your plans. We did have lots of good family time...breakfast tacos, 2 hour naps, and 3 Redbox movies. We watched Prisoners with Hugh Jackman and it was the best movie I have seen in 5 years (not that I could tell you what the best movie I saw 5 years ago was, but it was that good). A thriller with a little dose of horror but not a slasher movie. It kept me on my toes and was completely unpredictable which Jon loved since he is pretty good at guessing movies. 

Poor Ford has been very sensitive the past few days. The antibiotic is killing the infection but I believe he's still experiencing pain and I hate that I can't take it away. He got a new Little Tykes slide for his birthday and he's gone up and down about 500 times and made us lots of green bean/hot dog sandwiches in his play kitchen. He's also take a few steps the past few days! I don't think we'll have a walker this week but I could tell that something finally clicked inside of his head. He realized he could move on his own without holding onto me, his walker, or furniture. Ford has been fever free since Saturday so we plan on rejoining the world today.  Wish us luck!

Ford, you always keep me on my toes buddy!

oh and I am talking about Ford's bottle strike over at MOMquery today


Carolyn said...

Feel better baby boy.

Heather Leigh_A beautiful ministry said...

Aw feel better Ford and mama I think you may need a mommy date ASAP! LOL

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