Lucy turned 2 weeks old on Monday and time is flying by! I feel like she's been a part of our family for so much longer and the transition to a family of 4 has been a big answered prayer. This week has been lots of fun because Gramma Great is in town from Kansas City for a whole week! Ford is smitten with her, calling her "Damma" and has definitely been showing off for her. She has been a really big help playing with him, holding Lucy, and keeping us company. Mimi has been spending a lot of time over here as well and at this point I will gladly have a stranger come help me out! Monday morning I took Lucy to her 2 week well check on my own. It felt weird to be driving but nice to be out on my own (going out with one baby is a heck of a lot easier than with 2!). Lucy did great at her check up, she weighs 8lbs 2oz which the doctor was very pleased with! She had some blood taken for the newborn blood screen and the nurses commented on what a good "bleeder" she was, poor girl. Tuesday she accompanied Ford to music class and it was so fun to get to catch up with my mama friends and participate in class with Ford (my mom has been taking him for the past few weeks). It was a little hectic getting out of the house... both kids have backpacks, plus the diaper bag, the double stroller is massive, and it was pouring down rain. But we made it! Phew. Yesterday Mimi, Gramma Great, and Ford met up with Cori and Embry halfway in Waco, TX to go to the children's museum. I am so blessed by how our family and friends are loving on us during this transition!
Lucy is a dreamy baby. She sleeps all day with a few awake times and is pretty easy at night. She is chowing down on a 4oz bottle of pumped milk in the evenings and nurses every 3-4 hours during the night. She nurses for 15 minutes and is back in bed, thank you baby girl! We have her in a SwaddlePod swaddle and sleeper gown in a bassinet by my bed at night and sleeps pretty much wherever during the day. Girlfriend is a fan of her Wubbanub during the day and gets pissed if it falls out. She is quite the noisy sleeper and I am anxious to be fully healed from surgery so we can move her into our bathroom or walk in closet at night because her grunts and noises keep me up. She is totally her daddy. Let's see, what else. She is still in NB diapers and her umbilical cord is hanging on by a thread. We've started putting her under her playmat and Ford will lay right next to her showing her the animals, pointing out her body parts, touching her, etc. We did some tummy time yesterday and it just makes me sad. She was looking at Jon like "Dad this sucks!".
We went to church for the first time on Sunday and Lucy did great! Ford went to Sunday school and she stayed with us in big church. We sat in the back and she slept the whole time with a quick nurse during the sermon. We got to show her off to some of our friends, what a special way to celebrate Mother's Day.
I am healing pretty good. I swear one ailment goes away and another pain comes along. Gas/rib pain is gone but this week I've had really bad nerve pain down by my tailbone that basically felt like labor. I took my last norco pill yesterday and now am just taking Motrin as needed. The hernia repair is actually more painful than my C section incision and I think by next week I will feel almost 100%. My belly shrinks by the day and I can finally see my incision (and it looks pretty gnarly). I have a postpartum OB appointment on Monday and I am excited to see my doctor who I love! I've lost a 20lbs of the 28lbs I gained in total, thank you breastfeeding! Overall this recovery and postpartum phase has been so much smoother! Nursing has been going awesome, no pain at all, and I am pumping once a day and getting 6-8oz. Cha-ching.
Lucy is such a little JOY and the perfect addition to our family! We love having visitors and introducing her/showing her off to our friends. We are going to pack up the chaos and spend Memorial Day Weekend at my parents lakehouse with family, so excited! Here are a few pictures from the last week.
Glad to hear the transition is going well. You guys are rocking this parents-to-two business!
Two weeks already?! I can hardly believe it! I can only hope that when Baby M 2.0 comes along we adjust 1/2 as great as you guys seem to be adjusting! Btw, you look incredible momma!
Precious little princess! One day (hopefully) if/when we move to Austin, we are totally moving in next door. ;)
my oh my, I pray we have half the wonderful transition you are! so blessed mama. happy to hear it's going well!
our double stroller totally intimidates me, I think it'll be weeks before I can take it in or out of the car and fold it with that incision if it treats me at all like last time! love your little family. I so wish we were closer!
So glad to hear the transition to a family of 4 is going well! I'm praying daily that we have an easy transition in July. I was curious what you're keeping in a backpack for Lucy separate from the diaper bag? I'm getting ready to set up our diaper bag for 2 kiddos in the next week or so & am wondering if there's something I haven't thought of. :)
Ford looks like a man! :) And sweet little Lucy, I she's just adorable. Love that girl.
So happy for your family! Definitely a blessing to have so many family members and friends who can (and want to) help!
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