As I typed up my previous wedding recap (the reception), I couldn't help but to feel a little sad. I thought it would be the last wedding related post but you're in luck! As I was going through wedding pics (this is totally normal for a newlywed!) I realized I still have so much more to recap. Stay tuned for recaps on my showers, bachelorette party and the events leading up to our wedding. I want to write down every single detail of our wedding because sadly one day, the memories will be distant.
Friday February 4th, 2011....the day that DFW was shut down! The Thursday before our wedding, Texas experienced the wildest weather in nearly centuries (okay I made that number up, but I am pretty sure if could be decades!). Tons of snow, ice and single digit temps. You can imagine my sanity when the talks of the great ice storm of 2011 is blasted over every since news station nation wide...a brides worst nightmare! Thankfully, most of my family arrived safely (my aunt and uncle in Columbia, MO were the only family that couldn't make it) but a few guests were stranded.
Our rehearsal was held in a small conference room at the AT&T Executive Education Center (the main ballroom was being used) at 6pm on that Friday night. Our awesome pastor Kirby prayed over us for the weekend and we practiced the whole shpeel. My childhood best friend Jamie who was singing at our wedding, rehearsed Heavenly Day and I was instantly in tears! The day was finally here!
We headed over to this adorable Mexican food restaurant (El Mercado) right around the corner from the venue. Downtown was DEAD considering the weather (it was still pretty cold but the snow and ice had melted) so we got to spread out in our private little area. We had an open bar and a buffet of chips and salsa, tacos (chicken, beef, pork), rice, beans, guac and all the fixins'. Jon and I immediately fell in love with El Mercado's food when we tried it out a couple of months before the wedding and I think our group enjoyed it! Between mingling with guests and day before wedding jitters, I didn't have much of an appetite. It was seriously such a fun time to have our whole bridal party, aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents to ourselves before the craziness began.
My family
My bridesmaids
Love these couples
Somehow I didn't get a picture of this but Jon gave his groomsmen Under Armor Compression Shorts (Jon will be buried in these things he loves them so much) and each a different bottle of alcohol (with some sort of inside joke/dirty meaning lol). Check out my 12 year old brother who has already been a groomsmen in 2 weddings! That is more than I have been in!
Jon and his groomsmen
My papa, me, grampa
Fanning kids with our grandparents
2 of our very best friends (and a groomsmen and bridesmaid) Justin and Leah read "10 reasons why they love The Harts!". It was so funny and a total surprise! They are actually getting married this weekend and we are thrilled to be a part of their wedding! P.S. Their last name is/will be McGarry and did you know there is a wine called Hart McGarry?! I think we deserve free wine for life, right?
The waiters came out with 2 tequila shots for me and Jon....uh yeah right there was no way I was taking those.
Jon and I went into a private room to talk, pray and share our last moments before we became husband and wife. We said our goodbyes and I headed to my parents house to have a girly sleepover with all of my bridesmaids and Jon had some buddies over to the cabin. My last night as a Fanning!
Be sure to check out the wedding page for more wedding recaps!
That was a sweet post, I miss my wedding and all the fabulousness that lead up to it!
Weddings are love seriously. That time when all your family and friends are together celebrating each and every moment to the fullest feels so great.
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