I am currently out of the country. Yep. I am spending the week in Toronto and flew in yesterday morning. I am here for a Microsoft tradeshow and unfortunately won't get much free time but I am hoping to see some sights since this is my first time in Canada.
After a year and a half of marriage, I finally changed my name on my passport. Word to the wise...don't wait until the last minute or you will have to pay $75 to expedite it on top of the $110 charge...urgh
Getting here was kind of a nightmare...got 4 hours of sleep, flew to Atlanta, was delayed 3 hours, took 2 hours to shuttle to my hotel and stayed up until midnight. I am tired :-)
So on the subject of countries, I haven't been to many. I traveled a lot growing up (and do now with work and my husband) but mostly inside the US and I don't mind it. Here is where I've visited...
Malaysia, Penang (summer 2007)
Thailand, Bangkok & Phuket (Summer 2007)
(does spending a couple hours in the Admirals Clubs in Japan and Singapore count?)
Mexico, Cabo (Honeymoon Feb 2011)
(I've traveled to Mexico a few times on cruises too)
And there you have it. I've never been to Europe and I don't have a deep desire to do so. Jon and I want to travel to Italy (he is half Italian and has some distant relatives still there) and Greece but it's not a top priority right now. There's just something about the US I love. I love San Francisco, New York, Chicago, Denver...hoping I can visit all 50 states before I die and I'm about halfway there.
So back to Toronto, I apologize for being MIA this week. Cell phone minutes, texting and data are out of this world expensive so I will be using them sparingly. I can receive texts for free but don't be offended if I don't text you back :-)
but don't forget about me...I am hosting my first group giveaway tomorrow :-)
What is the coolest country you've visited??

I've only been out of the country once, to Mexico and I absolutely LOVED IT! I would go every year if there weren't so many OTHER places I want to see too!
I hear ya on the US- there is sooo much to see here that it's hard to justify a trip abroad somewhere! I need to get out West, and into the Northeast of the US for sure!!!
Even though you're there for work, have fun in Toronto girl! Growing up in Michigan, I've visited Canada quite a few times, and it's a cool place! Cam and I took a trip to Toronto a few years back and we really enjoyed it...if you get a chance, go check out the Distillery District, it's a really cool part of town!
Have a great time in Canada- I LOVE It there! I've only been to Canada, Guatemala and Argentina (three times)! I think my favorite is Argentina... You should add it to your list! :) XO
Hopefully you can find a little time for fun in Canada! :)
Whoohoo! Robbie and I are heading to Canada this week too to visit family. I've never been to Toronto, but I've heard it's fantastic. Have fun, Ruthie!!
I am ashamed that I haven't explored much of our great country, but visited most of the Caribbean (all the St. islands and Barbados and Antigua), Italy and France and Mexico. I too had to pay the hefty moolah to get my name changed to my married name and expedited before I left for my Europe trip.
Have fun!!
Have fun!!
England, Italy, France, Switzerland. Europe is so fun. I've also been to Belize and loved it. Next up we want to go to Australia and Thailand. Did you like Thailand???
I've only ever been to Mexico (Oaxaca, namely) on a missions trip in 2003. I'd love to travel more!
Germany! It is my second home & I seriously miss it & all the awesome people there!
Hotty with a body in that honeymoon picture! And I definitely recommend heading to Italy, if only for the food :) It is no where near like anything that you'll have in the states! Have a good week for work, hope all goes well!!!
Have a great time, eh!
That sounds like a blast! I have no desire to got outside of the US either, I'm more of a road trip person. Can't wait to hear all about it :)
Hope you're having a great time in Canada! It's funny that I would say the favorite countries I've been to are also Malaysia and Thailand! I've been to Penang, Bangkok, and Phuket, and LOVED them all. I also loved spending a few days in Singapore :)
I have not been to many countries, or even a lot of the US compared to some but I have to say my trip to Scotland was the most memorable. Have a great time in Canada!
Enjoy Canada! It is the only other country I have been too; but it is awesome. If you and Jon ever get a chance, go see Niagara Falls! It is absolutely amazing. Especially the Canadian side!
have a great time in toronto!! and yup those fees for passports suck don't they, i know i have handled my fair share of last minute passport requests. hm.. most interesting country i have ever been too. why is that such an easy question to ask but a hard one to answer
I really haven't traveled anywhere that exciting, but those all look so fun!
I've only been to the Bahamas for my honeymoon last year. I need to get some more stamps in my passport, but I agree with you...I like the US too. I want to visit San Francisco myself. I've never been. Have a great time in Canada.
I've only been to the Bahamas for my honeymoon last year. I need to get some more stamps in my passport, but I agree with you...I like the US too. I want to visit San Francisco myself. I've never been. Have a great time in Canada.
have fun! we love mexico! :) viva la mexico! xo
Look at you! You are absolutely gorgeous in all your pics! If you ever come back to SF, lemme know. We should do lunch. I totally want to meet you... in a non-stalkerish kinda way, lol.
How fun!!! At least you realized you needed a passport to go to Canada. We went to Vancouver last September and I realized at 10 AM I actually needed a passport and mine was expired. Somehow the US gov hooked me up with a same day passport. Getting through security was interesting though! I love that you're so open about not wanting to visit Europe! I've never heard anyone say that. However, we have so much to explore here in the states!
These photos are amazing! Makes me miss traveling :)
Love the green dress you have on in the first pics - so pretty!
I haven't been out of the states much either. Just to Puerto Rico (my heritage) and Canada. And am going back to Canada again next month! Woohoo! Hope you have a great time!
Ruthie if you haven't noticed I am in my own little world .
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