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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Catching a break

This is a topic I've wanted to talk about for a while but just haven't had time...or a way to put all my thoughts into a post. Thanks to Matt Chandler at The Village Church (where I now remotely attend, it is in Dallas), I got the final push I needed.

It was 3 weeks ago, the week before our trip to Utah. Jon had to travel for work most of the week and normally I am fine with it but for some reason I was just annoyed. He is in sales so the more he travels, the better for us financially, I just hate when it is more than 3 days. The night before he left, his laptop caught a virus and it was unusable. Okay that sucks but we can get over it. He overnighted it to his company HQ (Alpharetta, GA) and they sent him a loaner to his hotel in Dallas. He leaves for Dallas the next day but doesn't quite make it. His car died and of all places, Waxahachie, TX which is a tiny dot in this big state. And when Jon travels, it is for customer facing meetings aka time sensitive. That sucked. He also got a call that there was fraudulent charges on his brand new SW Airlines card. Wow...

Being stranded back in Austin at work, I felt helpless. Jon was frustrated, I was worried and sad that he had to deal with all of this. And then things just got crappy.

Okay maybe to you, these things aren't that bad. But to us, when it rains, it pours. I wanted to surprise Jon by mowing the lawn. I was careless and ran over a gutter piece and then split our only extension cord in half. I think I even tweeted about catching a break. Our fence also needed to be replaced (insert faint when hearing the prices) and I need new tires on my car. Later that evening I went back outside to do some yardwork and brought Ernie with me. He was in front of me running to the fence and almost did a flip, yelped and limped away. Then the waterworks started...

I carried him inside, fell to my knees and just started balling. Straight up ugly crying, chest heaving. I asked God "why?!". Why did it all have to happen today?! I can deal with one car issue or breaking something around the house. But I was just overwhelmed from the days activities and needed to let it out. I held Ernie, telling him how much I loved him and begging God to heal him (I never did find out what it was but he is okay, I iced his leg and think it got bitten or stung really quickly?). I had a much needed breakdown.

And then all of the sudden, a calmness was brought over me. Earlier that week I had listened to a sermon from MC where he talked about bearing pain. Jesus died on the cross so that in times like this, times of pain, He can say to you, "Yes I know, I have been there". I found peace and breath in that. I remembered that Jesus is the son of our most powerful God. The God that created the world in 7 days and can destroy it even quicker. The God who could have easily saved His Son from crucifixion but no...God uses suffering to reveal His glory. It is so humbling when I think of the cross. Yes it is sad and devastating but it brings me back to reality. The reality and a human being's blood was poured out for me...FOR that I can be forgiven and experience eternal life.
Pain gives God access to the deepest, most precious parts of our hearts. Suffering is meant to bring us back to Him. He is knocking at the doors of our hearts and wants us to open to His love and grace.

"Open for me" Song of Solomon  5:2

I remember Job who was stripped of everything in his possession. God allowed Satan access to Job, revealing his glory. And all the while, here I am complaining about money, cars and miniscule things. God never said He'd protect us from the storm, He promises to lead us through it. He shelters us and helps get our feet on the ground, but that doesn't mean the pain will go away. It means HE IS ENOUGH! 

"And now my head will be lifted up above the enemies who surround me; at his sacred tent I will sacrifice with shouts of joy; I will sing and make music to the Lord." Psalm 27:6

So whether your enemy is cars, finances, dating, cancer, work, children....I hope you can turn to the Lord to lift you out. I have people in my life who are losing parents, in rocky marriages, experiencing infertility, getting laid off, fighting cancer...and I find solace in knowing my God has a plan. He knows. He has been there. He is good. He is mighty to save.


GingerPeachT said...

Amen girl!!
It's so hard when it seems like everything goes downhill so quickly. It's just 5 min of being still and praying that helps me. :-)

Bridget said...

What a great post! I just posted about stress today and dealing with it. I am reminded by your post to turn to God and ask for his help and to continue to pray. It's often forgotten. Thank you for this post and it's nice knowing that I am not the only one that feels like "when it rains, it pours".

Unknown said...

wow this is just what I needed. After dropping Elijah off today and him having a screaming fit I started balling. I have been under so much stress lately that I think I just needed a breakdown. We are all entitled and prayer and God are the only things that could calm me this morning before I entered work teary eyed. Thanks Ruthie for this post. Glad I am not alone!

Carolyn said...

I hate how once something bad happens, it all seems to spiral downward! :( Keep your head up girlie!

Amanda said...

Amen to this, thank u for sharing

Hall Around Texas said...

Love this post, Ruthie! It spoke to my heart. Thank you for posting.

Also, I love that my little Waxahachie is just a dot on the Texas map! :)

Casey said...

AMEN! Hello...were you in my brain today? I just read that verse in Psalms this morning! Beautiful, isn't it? Thanks for posting this today, Ruthie! Needed it!

Claire Beeks said...

Ruthie dear this was a great post. When it rains it pours here, too. No family is without struggle and I too take comfort in knowing God is on our side. Liked reading this today, thanks!! Xo

Crystal said...

Oh Ruthie! You don't know how much I needed that today! Great post! Now, I need to go fix my makeup.

Brooke Hamilton said...

Amen Ruthie. Thanks for sharing. I love how you can share your struggles so openly.

Jane {In The Pink & Green} said...

Beautiful post Ruthie! And I know what you mean, sometimes, the things that go wrong in our lives like a car breakdown aren't necessarily anything compared to what some other people in the world face and sometimes it feels selfish to complain about it, but at the same time, they're still a big deal to us and they still no fun to go through. I totally know that feeling of things just building up and although it's terrible at the time when things go wrong, if you can just keep your eyes on Jesus, he always leads you through it. Thanks for sharing this encouraging message today! :)

Sarah said...

Thank you for sharing. This was very uplifting and so true :)

Lia Joy said...

Great post, Ruthie! It's so true, that when it rains, it pours! It can never be just one thing. But we always have to remember that God will never give us more than we can handle. And that He's right there with us. :)

Hollie Ann said...

Ruthie.....ah. Keep these posts up. I'll email you. Thanks for this.

Anonymous said...

so so true! love this!!! thanks ruthie. and glad the pup is okay, sweet guy.

jessi bridges said...

Such a good word. Aren't you so thankful that you have the Lord to turn to in those times and that He is a loving reminder of what really matters? I always think about those people who are lost, who don't know Jesus and experience hard times. How incredibly devastating and destroyed they must feel!! I really don't know how I would react, but I'm so grateful that I can rely on Him! I'm so glad that you have been encouraged . I couldn't agree more that when it rains, it pours! But thank God for His comfort and strength in those times.

Unknown said...

Your posts are always such an encouragement!
Thank you for sharing your "real".

Jessica said...

Someone once said.. its all those moments in between that gets us from one happy snap shot to the next.. its very true!! Sometimes we get so caught up in life we forget to just sit down breathe and pray. God is always listening .. Thank you for sharing!!

Anonymous said...

Great reminder. Thanks, Ruthie. It often seems to rain, then pour, with these kinds of things, and it's hard to just "deal" when you're wondering what's around the corner.

Unknown said...

Oh Ruthie, what a beautiful post! I have been going through the same thing this week. You are so right suffering is meant to bring us back to Him. Thank you for this :)

Anonymous said...

We all have those days and they are always hard and frustrating !! Turning to God is the only wayt to get through them !! I do thank Him every day for my blessings, but when things are going wrong, or everything seems to go down at once, prayer is the only way to get peace to get through it !!
The one thing to remember is , you will look back in a year and remember this time and think, wow, it all worked out, and look how bad it seemed that day !! Just trust and pray and somehow you will always get through the hardships !!

Samantha said...

It is amazing how many people are going through struggles of their own. I have been turning to Him so much more lately for guidance and support. These words definitely will help me remember to continue to do so!

Carita said...

I couldn't have said this any better myself! Thanks again for always opening up your heart so vulnerably so others can see Christ in you.

Katie {katie lately} said...

oh my gosh i needed this. this totally goes along with what i emailed you this morning.. i have felt tired & defeated day after day this summer. now there is an end in sight but it doesnt make that all go away. i always need reminders that HE is enough and what he did for us will always be sufficient!! love you girl!

Amanda said...

It's all in your mindset :) Next time something goes wrong, maybe don't worry about something else bad happening, just think of it as a small bump in a road that you can fix, and it's okay.

Girls Love Fried Pickles said...

Well crap I wanted to use the blame method. It seems so much easier sometimes.

oh MY tookies! said...

wow! whata word! this preached to my heart!! love it!! i will be carrying this word with me, thank you ruthie!

Adrienne said...

First - So glad that Ernie is okay and hope that everything straightened out for Jon :(
Whenever I'm having one of "those days" I always try to remember the saying "Lord, nothing is going to happen today that you and I can't face together." It's so true, but as humans we really need to be reminded of it now and then.

Anonymous said...

It's amazing when God uses situations like that to teach us more about His character, isn't it?? I can't imagine what a rough day you were having. But I am so glad that God worked everything together for your good, just as He said He would!

Celeste said...

I love everything about this post. Such a wonderful reminder :)

Hailie said...

You are a BLESSING! This is what I needed to hear when I needed to hear it. Thanks for sharing yourself!

KRISTIN said...

Oh girl! You are preaching to the choir with this one. It is so easy to get wrapped up in all that is going wrong (and when it rains it really does pour) but having some faith and some perspective can work wonders. You are amazing! I hope things have settled down for you. xo.

Allison said...

Good, good, good, good post. I love Matt Chandler and listen to him weekly.

Jenni@Story of My Life said...

Ugh, seriously... when it rains it pours. So sorry you guys went through that, but as usual, you are an inspiration.

Lisa @ MMT said...

Wow, such a touching and inspiring post. These post are my favorite! When I read them it makes me snap back into reality and remember how God is working in all of our lives. I'm sorry you had a rough day, but so grateful that you found peace and were able to share it with all of us.

Simply Splendid LOVE said...

Yes and amen!! A few things:

1. I love Matt Chandler. I actually attend the Dallas campus. He's so inspiring and I love how he speaks the gospel.

2. Yes, Waxahachie is a small dot on the map. My dad's business is there and I used to work for him a few days a week. It's a rough drive from Grapevine to Waxahachie. And nothing is there!

3. I'm so thankful that our God is in the mist of our lives. He's there through the good and the bad. It's comforting to know that He will always be with us! Thank you for remind us of that!

4. I totally can relate to things going from bad to worse. And it always happens at the wrong time. Ugggg. My husband went out of town a month ago for a few nights and that very day our apartment go infested with bugs...bad!! Then there was an issue with work. It's funny how it works like that.

Thanks for this encouragement. (sorry for the long post. ha)

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