New Years Resolutions
I remember a few years ago, I think it was my first year of college, having the longest, most detailed list of New Year's resolutions. I had categories: family, school, faith, relationships, personal. I would eat healthier, read more, do extra credit, etc, etc, etc. I felt as if I had conquered the phenomena of New Years resolutions and guess what? I never looked at that full typed page after January 1. I set myself up for failure. I over promised which is the recipe for under delivery. Since then, I have made it a point not to sign myself up for a million things but rather look at my life right now and come up with some realistic goals. Make $100k on my blog or run a marathon? Yeah not realistic. I want the New Year to be about new and fresh ideas that will rejuvenate and encourage me throughout the whole year, not make me feel bad about myself when February 1st rolls around and I haven't done anything. This year, now that I am a mom, I felt as if it was important that my resolutions are for me, not my son. So much of my life revolves around Ford right now (which I am NOT complaining about one bit!), but I want to use the start of 2014 as a way to focus on myself a little bit. I feel like I have the mom thing down (okay really do we ever have it down? I am more head above water right now), and I can give myself a little more me time.
So here are 3 things that I want 2014 to show for me.
1. Read the bible, Genesis to Revelation. Jon and I set out to read the bible 2 years ago and we made it through a big chunk of the Old Testament. I don't want to say that we gave up because we've been studying different books together and separately but we just stopped. We are using this book to read and instead of picking up where we left of, we started from the beginning. Genesis is one of my favorite books of the bible, so much hope can be found in the stories of creation! Our faith has grown so much deeper since we started reading 2 years ago and I know this rhythm will be incredible for my soul, our marriage, and my role as a mother.
2. Do something active everyday. I was pretty fit before having a baby and I continued to workout throughout my pregnancy (modified of course) until about 8 months. I've done a couple of workouts here and there since having my son but nothing consistent and I am ready to get back! I haven't been to the gym in 6 months and not sure when I will go back but this year I want to be active. I don't have a fitness goal but more of a healthy lifestyle goal. Whether it be a 20 minute Jillian Michaels DVD or a 20 minute walk with Ford and Ernie, I want to make sure I am getting myself moving! I want Ford to grow up knowing how important is to be active, I think this spring is going to be fun taking him to the park, splash pad, etc!
3. Go one a date with my husband at least once a month. Jon and I usually have about 2 hours alone together at night after Ford goes to bed but there is something special about being out in public as a married couple, not parents. Although we usually end up talking about Ford a lot, we aren't tied down and worried about diapers, feeding, and baby toys. Last month Jon and I went to Main Event and had an absolute blast bowling and playing mini golf and laser tag. We felt like kids! We aren't usually gone for more than a few hours and my parents absolutely love watching Ford, it is such a win win situation. Our marriage thrives and Mimi and Papa get to love on Ford. Oh and we went out this weekend and made a rule for date night...getting dessert is a must!
What are your thoughts on New Years resolutions? Did you make any?
GREAT resolutions friend! Don't think I won't be asking you for modified work out tips when I'm preggo cause are looking fabulous! So glad you guys had a great date night ;)
Hi Ruthie!
Love your blog! Just curious: the link to what bible you and Jon are using did not work on my computer:( Would you mind letting me know which one it is? I have been on the look out for one for awhile. Thank you!
Hey Ruthie!
I like this post. It's always hard to keep those unrealistic goals. I have set the goal before of not eating any sugar...and by January 4th, I was back at it. Haha. I look back at my old goals and wonder what I was thinking. Now that I am pregnant, I see the value in moderation, and it has really changed my perspective. I think that we have to go with the ebbs and flows of different seasons in our lives with our goals. I like the goal of being active everyday, however it might look. It's not important to make it into the gym everyday for me anymore, but rather to spend quality time with the dogs on a nice long walk (I got in 4-5 miles on both Saturday AND Sunday...first exercise in weeks thanks to my cold). Reading the bible is also a great goal! Love you, dear!
These are great goals! I'm with you...resolutions do nothing but set you up for failure and disappointment. I think goals to help you achieve what you want in life is the way to go! :)
Your goals are perfect!! I have set the first two for myself as well... I would love a date with my husband once a month, but we have three children and not many babysitters and my husband works the weekend shift so it's much harder to have a date night! Good luck on your goals.
These are awesome!! :) you can do it!
Great goals!! I've been trying to schedule more consistent date nights too.
PS if you do figure out how to make $100k blogging, please fill me in, k? ;)
I didn't make any resolutions other than Jesse and I being more intentional with our time together. We are taking the 27th of every month and making it OUR day. Calling it Date 27. A time to regroup, and plan the next month. I am hoping to highlight a few other bloggers that have similar goals for their relationship, and posting pics of them at the end of the month. Feel free to send me a pic and I will add you to the mix. If you want. :)
Short, due able, and perfect. Great list Ruthie.
Ugh, I am right there with you on the working out thing. I haven't been to the gym since I was like 5 months pregnant. That's over a year! It's insane, but I'm just lacking any and all motivation right now. Hopefully now that we've got a fresh start for the new year I'll get back in gear. Good luck with all your goals!
Right there with you girl!! ;)
I'm going to gain 25 pounds this year, but we are having another baby in August so it will be worth it. : ) I really enjoy your blog!
These are great! I think they are more doable than most!
Love these! You've inspired me!
These are such great goals! I agree that date nights are so important. Alone time together is so good for a marriage.
I love these goals, Ruthie! I'm taking time to think through what I want for 2014. I know I want better balance and less time spent on my phone but I also want to be deliberate about crafting a holistic, action-driven vision.
I am all about goals also!!! We also made it a goal to do date night once a month. I am seeing that a lot. Life can get so crazy busy but to have that one night away just a married couple I think will be very beneficial!
The date with the husband one is good. It is amazing how that just falls to the wayside.
oh these are great! so suitable for you!
i should work on the third. i have SUCH a hard time leaving crue it is miserable. and kind of pathetic!
way to go girl!
I love your resolutions Ruthie! One of mine, now that I moved back home with the parentals, is to cook dinner once a week for the family! Mom was all about this one! Another one of mine is I got a jar and I am trying to write down one good thing a day that happens!
oh #3 is a good one. My husband and I had one date last year, one. We had a few to shop for kiddos birthdays and christmas ... but only one that had no other agenda...oh i miss dates...I need more of those this year!
Great list! Y'all would probably like the Disciple classes - Disciple 1 goes through the entire bible and has great discussion.
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