Geesh can a mom ever get a full night's sleep around here? Ford has been sleeping through the night like a rockstar but all of the sudden Ernie has been waking up to go out and has gotten sick a few times. It's not the easiest for me to fall asleep after being up with him so in the midst of the quiet night, my mind gets going. I was starting to stress last night about what I'd blog about today and the rest of the week and feeling very behind lately. It took all of about 30 seconds of stress before I was reminded of how full my life is currently. To say that we are loving this stage with Ford is an understatement. Watching him actually play with his toys and enjoy our company is just THE BEST. My time is spent singing silly songs, tickling him, rocking out to Baby Einstein on Pandora, swinging him at the park, and soaking up every moment. Funny how looking back I had so much more time for myself when he was a newborn. We would nurse 8 times a day and each nursing session could take up to an hour so I'd get comfy on my laptop and write posts or answer emails. Now we feed half the number of times in mere minutes. Oh and Ford is incredibly distracted so I have to focus all my attention on him. No longer do we spend most of the day at home but Ford has a blast going on walks, sitting in the cart at stores, and just interacting with people in public. He is definitely a conversation starter when we are out and about.
We took him to a sit down restaurant this weekend for the first time in a LONG time and he had a blast. He loved sitting on daddy's lap and banging the menu, shaking his toys, and drinking water from the straw. We had lots of waiters come by and say hello!

I also reminded myself that the reason I started this blog was to chronicle my life...for me and Jon, for our family, for our children, and I never want to forget that. Ruthie it is OKAY if you don't blog every single day of the week. I think readers enjoy "meatier" posts rather than fluff. Yes I know my blog has changed immensely since Ford was born but I'm a lifestyle blogger, my life has changed, I love it. We are in the full on baby season...diapers, breastmilk, and baby food are all top of mind and it may be all I have to blog about these days. I feel extra sentimental, emotional, and nostalgic these days and I think it's because we are on the brink of Ford being mobile which will be a total game changer. Life is good, life is hectic and tiring, but life is full. I want you to come to my blog and feel full too. Thank you all who have continued to walk this journey with me, even if all I blog about is cloth diapering, the latest and greatest baby products, and my ever growing yoga pant wardrobe. I may worry about what people think/want to read on my blog now but I know I will never regret writing down and chronicling these days.

I mean come on!!!!!!! I have watched this video about 10 times a day since taking it, my ticklish boy
I will cherish this video forever and look back on it when Ford is too cool for kissing his mama
Good for you, mama!!!! Cherish every moment, it just keeps getting better & better! XO
I need to take a video of Turner giving me his open mouth kisses...for my memory sake since yes, when's older he will want nothing to do with that!
girl, I totally feel the same way! There is so much going on, but blogging has become less frequent. But, you know, that's totally okay :)
I'm well beyond babies and diapers but I love reading your blog, Ruthie, whatever you write about! Thanks for sharing Ford and your life with us.
I love reading all of your posts, especially the posts about baby stuff. Yes, I'm in that season of life too, but I love them!!! Keep doing what you are doing and keep loving on that precious baby boy!
I love this! I totally agree... I was feeling guilty that my blog is all mom/baby stuff, but that's my life! And isn't that the point of a lifestyle blog??? You blog about that adorable little guy as much as you want! I love reading it all!
You go girl! I totally feel like I had more time when ev was smaller too! I wonder what it's gonna be like when next baby comes :)
Embracing every stage of life isn't easy. As I'm sure you know better than I do, that with a newborn, those stages go SO fast and it seems to be in a constant state of change. For me, this is starting even with pregnancy. What I was once doing before I was pregnant (running, working out daily, staying out late) I am no longer able to do, and it's OKAY! It's become the new norm to move at a more intentional pace and I love how humbling motherhood has been even during pregnancy! I just try to remember everyday that God has us...and he wants the best for us. Love you!
And that's what I love the most about yours and other lifestyle blogs. It's about life and all the changes and challanges, and blessings that happen along the way. Blogging Monday through Friday doesn't have to be a necessity..I'm learning those things along the way as well. :)
Just love those open mouth kisses he gives you! My little one is starting to laugh & it is the best! I have just loved how my life has changed since being a mommy. Even though it can be hard, I am no longer the focus, but I wouldn't change my life for anything else!
Love your post! Love your blog!
I think it is great we have the option to chronical our lives online and I wish I had been able to do that with our kids !! Enjoy posting when you can knowing you will have this blog to look back on over the years and enjoy seeing your family grow and your life change with that growth !!
I am having a blast watching your little man grow and look forward to seeing what is next !!! Just enjoy it all, and never stress, your readers understand and are waiting to read when you get the chance to post !!
I think it's awesome that your blog has changed, because your life has changed. I love seeing your posts and even though my baby isn't here yet, I hope that my life is just as full when he/she gets here!
Dude, you should totally do a post comparing yoga pants. I need this info!
So true! I love that so many of us are in this stage of life together! And those videos are beyond precious! What a sweet boy!
Okay, I'm amazed ford only breastfeeded 8 times a day as a newborn!! That sounds awesome. Jack feeds upwards to 17 times and I am one exhausted momma.. Love seeing photos of him and watching all the videos you post on Instagram. He sure is a cutie!
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