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Monday, April 7, 2014

Blue Eyed Bluebonnet

Spring has sprung here in Austin! Bluebonnets and Indian Paintbrush line even the busiest of highways. It is truly incredible that they pop up on their own and paint our beautiful city each year. I was so excited that Ford would be sitting on his own by the time the wildflowers bloomed and I didn't want to waste any time getting his picture taken. Despite it being a cloudy/bright day, Ford was happy as can be and managed not to pick ANY flowers (since Bluebonnets are the state flower of Texas, they are illegal to pick).

Seeing my boy in a sea of flowers reminds me how small I am. I'm not the only one the Lord has blessed with beautiful flowers, happy babies, and great weather. He designed each one of these Bluebonnets knowing how much joy they'd bring so many. I am reminded of Psalm 139...

"How precious are your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be outnumbered. They outnumber the grains of sand" -Psalm 139:17-18

Each and every one of us. His thoughts about each of us outnumber grains of sand, all the Bluebonnets, and Indian Paintbrush. What an incredible and giving God we serve.

Happy Monday friends, I hope these pictures bring you as much joy as this little guy brings me.


Amanda said...

Aww Ruthie his pictures turned out really great! :) I gotta see my Fordy soon!

Bridget said...

So adorable!!!!

Lauren Collins said...

Such beautiful pictures! Wouldn't want little Ford getting in trouble with the law for picking flowers. ;)

Unknown said...

Wow. He is too adorable. I've been following your blog for a little while now and I thought I should drop by to tell you that your little boy is precious. He's going to grow up into such a handsome little man - watch out for those ladies! :)

Anonymous said...

Cutie, cutie!

Leah said...

such sweet photos! i am in austin as well and i feel like last year didn't even compare to the gorgeous blankets of flowers this year!

Sarah Tucker said...

The Bluebonnet pictures never get old for us Hill Country folks! So adorable!

L said...

LOVE. Oh mama Ruthie!! I am missing you and Fordie boy so much!!!
We need a reunion already!!!



Bri said...

This is the absolute cutest!!! Love his little bowtie..and of course, those smiles :)

Nilda said...

I love the third picture. He looks like he is deep in thought. Happy Monday!

Carolyn said...

BAH! I love this! I think those flowers are SO PRETTY! Someday when we come visit (DUH! HAHA) we'll have to take pictures with them. :)

Unknown said...

These pictures are SO cute!!! He is precious in the plaid/bowtie combo and sitting in a sea of bluebonnets. LOVE it!

Unknown said...

Beautiful scripture!
Oh how I miss Texas Bluebonnets! I have missed them for the last 5 years. You're little guy looks adorable sitting up in them.

Mandi Moore said...

Oh my word he is so precious!! Love the outfit Ruthie... just darling!

Best Little Moore House in Texas

It's Sooo Fluffy said...

It was so cute to see all the families pulled over on the side of the road to take pictures last weekend when I was driving home from Fort Worth. He's a cutie!

Erica Diaz said...

What gorgeous pictures!! Did you take them yourself!? Your sweet boy is so adorable and always looks like a bundle of joy! Have a wonderful week Ruthie!

Allena said...

So precious! Love his smile. Drew is taking some bluebonnet pics tomorrow for her 1 year photoshoot...3 months late! Oops.

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