Being brave for your kids
Earlier this week I briefly talked about becoming brave as a boy mom after Ford had no interest in holding cuddly bunnies at the petting zoo and I found myself with a giant, spikey lizard in my hands. I was deep breathing and whispering to myself "It's okay, he won't bite", and watching Ford giggle and poke at the "dragon".
Since I was young, weather has always been my #1 biggest fear because it is so unpredictable and destructive. I was caught inside a Target in the 90's during the deadly Jerelltornadoes and I've been scarred since. Last night we watched the clouds roll in as we grilled burgers on the deck and had no idea what was ahead of us. Before bed we saw alerts come in on our phones and on the news, encouraging our area of Austin to take shelter because funnel clouds were forming minutes from us. Gulp. I am so thankful Jon was home because like I said above, weather really gets me going. I started crying reading updates on our neighborhood Facebook page of people talking about putting their kids in bike helmets and babies in carseats and tucking them away in closets downstairs. We brought Ford downstairs and he thought he was pretty cool having a midnight field trip with mom and dad. We crouched in the interior powder room with pillows and couch cushions as the freight train sounding storm came through. In that moment, I knew this was the point in parenthood I had been dreading. Being brave for my son. Ford got antsy and wanted to be sleeping but I know it won't be long before his tears are out of fear and worry. And it is my job to comfort him. That is big for me... I am the one who wants to be held and comforted and told everything is okay, but when you're the parent, that's your job.
\Even though Ford is less than a year old, he understands so much and can really feed off of how people around him are acting. I can only imagine that his sponge like abilities will get stronger as he gets older. This freaks me out. Children are so smart, yet so helpless. The look to their parents for love, support, wisdom, comfort. We prayed for protection from the storm as it rolled in but I also prayed that The Lord would build my confidence and for Him to give me the strength to be brave for my children. Just as Ford presses into me for truth and comfort, I press into Him, my heavenly Father who provides more protection and comfort that I could ever give Ford.
But the Lord is faithful. He will establish you and guard you against the evil one. -2Thessalonians 3:3
I know there will come days where I have to put on a brave and confident face when Ford comes home with bloody knees or a broken wrist....or when he's been bullied at school. It is inevitable that Jon will be traveling during bad weather or cranky kid days. The Lord will guard me from the storms and from the fear of the enemy. My rock, my shield, my refuge.
Storm update.... no tornado touchdown in our area, praise God! It's actually the most beautiful morning and we look forward to enjoying the day outside. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Thank God you all are safe. It’s a beautiful thing to press into your faith when you come face to face with fear. You’re a great mom and I am I boy mom too so I completely relate for the need to pluck up courage when you can easily fall apart. Your love for Ford and the Lord will give you all the courage you need. Happy weekend :)
You guys need to come out west! No crazy weather to worry about here. Just don't go to California. The earthquakes are scary. I grew up in LA when all those big ones were happening in the 90's. Not a fan.
I've had to learn to be brave as a girl mom too :) Annd also an outdoor person...and a noise person...and a laid back person....they change us a lot don't they :)
Ruthie, I loved this post. I have been thinking about this subject a lot lately. We fly to visit our families in two weeks and I gave always been terrified of flying. Bringing Blair on the flight ups my anxiety ten fold. I have been praying for the strength to be strong and calm when we leave. My sweet husband reminds me that fear is the opposite of faith. There isn't room for both in my heart. Thanks for being such a wonderful example.
Love this post! Well written and so true. My little guy has become so mobile these days and I've had a hard time adjusting to the fact that I won't be able to protect him forever. He will get scraps, bruises, etc. it's hard to look at my little boy knowing he has no fear but I have so much fear.
So glad everything was okay. Such a powerful message and I'm so glad you shared it!
Praise The Lord you were safe during the storm!!! This post shook something in me and brought tears to my eyes, because I am so nervous of the day when I have to be brave for my child. Just like you, I am the one who always needs/wants to be comforted and told everything is going to be ok. And I know that I can't always be freaking out in front of Kendall because I don't want her to be as fearful of things as I am. I need to work on making myself more brave for my child. Thanks for that verse - it really encouraged me.
Praise God for your families safety
The storms were west of us, and I was so thankful. I kept trying to figure out where we'd hide. I'm so glad there were no injuries in the whole area!
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