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Friday, May 29, 2015

Memorial Day at the #FanningFunhouse

If you follow me on Instagram you have seen me post about the #FanningFunhouse. My parents own a beautiful lakehouse just an hour from Austin on Lake LBJ and it is pure paradise. We hadn't been since right around Christmas and Jon and I packed basically everything but the kitchen sink and headed up there last weekend for Memorial Day. And if you watched any sort of national news you'd know that Central Texas suffered severe flooding and tornado damage over the holiday weekend... boo. We are all safe and without any damage but many have lost homes, cars, etc. We went into the weekend knowing the weather would be a bummer but it was so nice to get away and out of our everyday norm. My sister and her family came and other friends/babies joined us for the day. We ate (a LOT), wrangled babies, sat on the sand, and managed to take a fun boat ride on my dad's new pontoon boat when the sun came out for a few hours. Ford had a blast in the sand (shocking because he hates to get dirty) and I gladly accepted lots of offers for baby holding. Memorial Day is not about weekend getaways and BBQs but about the selfless men and women who have fought for my family's freedom and lost their lives. How can we ever thank you enough? I am honored to know service men and women and celebrate them not only on special holidays, but all the time.

Now for some lakehouse pics.

Finding treasures

Lucy and I lounged under the boat dock on papa's pontoon

Snoozing on the sand

Girly cousins in matching strawberry outfits

Jacob planted a bunch of seeds the week Ford was born and we have a little tree in our backyard growing! He planted one at the lake this weekend so it will be fun to watch it grow there. 

Embry was so helpful and loving baby "Wucy"

Best of friends... and worst of enemies!

Helping papa on the dock

Ford kept saying "Oh wow!" on the boat ride

Ford NEVER falls asleep anywhere but his crib so we were shocked he snoozed on the boat in Mimi's arms. When he woke up he said "all done". Haha.

And to leave you with a little laugh, check out this video of Mr. Twinkle Toes. My sister added music but the funny thing is there was NO music when he was doing this. What a silly kid,  I love him so!


Bridget said...

Turner doesn't fall asleep anywhere else either except his crib...but fell asleep on the boat ride in Jamaica with blasting music...must be the water! Love that video of perfect :)

Evelina said...

Ford's "alright" shirt is amazing!! I want one!!!

aubrey kinch said...

Oh, that video!
I can't stop watching his cuteness!

Anonymous said...

I love Fords alright alright alright shirt!!

Alisha Oakes said...

Oh, goodness! Where did you get that pop up tent that she's laying in?

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