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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

My mama

Today's post showcases my strong, beautiful and caring mama! This past Sunday, people all over the world celebrated the amazing women who raised them and I could not be any luckier to have this woman as my mother. 

Us "kids" bought her a new skillet and toaster and also got her a few other goodies. We had a delicious dinner of steaks, oven smoked salmon, broccoli salad and for dessert, my cake ballsNutella cookies! Here is another shot of mom and her grand puppies (you think she is ready for 2 legged grand babies??)

Here's to you moms! 


Jamie Kubeczka said...

Very sweet! Great pic!

the crazy armstrongs said...

you guys look just like each other ... too cute! mama's are priceless

Unknown said...

You guys look so much alike. Beautiful girls :) Great photos!

Elizabeth said...

Moms are great....that's for sure..and your chicken pot pie recipe looks good...I may have to try it in the crock pot...but minus the chicken since we are vegetarian...have you ever tried putting the dough right on top and seeing if it cooks along with everything else? I may have to try that..yum!!

Mrs. Gumshoe said...

Great pictures! Aren't mamas the best?! You guys are too cute :)

Kara @ June & Bear said...

Sweet pictures. Part of the reason I Embrace the Camera is that I don't have many pictures of my mama growing up. I need to get more with her these days.

Kristine@thefoleyfam said...

Great pictures!! So sweet!! Awesome moms are the shiz! Happy belated Mothers DAy to her ;)

Unknown said...

You are your mom are TOO CUTE! Great pictures! To answer your question I have the Cannon Rebel XS (aka the cheapest slr camera I could find, haha!) and I LOVE it! I'm slowly learning how to use it to maximize all it's cool features. I just bought The Unmanuel from Momtog blog and it's helped me a lot! If you have any more questions just let me know!

Laurie J said...

that's so sweet. looks like you have a great mom to celebrate!
p.s. i'm going to have to check out those nutella cookies you mention. i have a recipe for nutella crescants. is there anything nutella isn't good with?! ;)

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