I am probably 30,000 feet in the air as you read this post...on my way back to the Lone Star state. It's been a long week on my feet, sneezing my face off, eating and drinking, all in rainy NYC. As much as I love going to visit The Big Apple, I couldn't be more excited to get home to my two misters (and a regular eating, sleeping, LIFE schedule!). I mentioned earlier this week that I haven't seen Jon in a week...insane for us since we are borderline obsessed with each other.
Thank the Lord for FaceTime (no really, thank you God)
Ernie totally recognized my voice and was doing the typical dog 'head cock', it was precious
Ernie do you miss me?
I also mentioned that I got to hang out with my sister from another life, Amanda from Simple Girl Simple Pleasures. I wanted to cry when I finally hugged her, it was like we were long lost friends and picked up right where we left off. We had a perfect night together...dinner at an adorable Italian hole in the wall and 12 Melissa's mini cupcakes all rolled in with TMI conversations, blog talkin' and planning when the next time we would see each other would be. It was so refreshing to admit that sometimes our blog friends are mean more to us than "real life" friends. You chose what blogs you read based on compatibility, rather than just being friends with someone because they live near or go to your school. Amanda is my most consistent and encouraging blog friend and now a true "in real life" friend that I am so thankful for. We had been planning this get together for 6 months and I never thought the day would come. Cheers to blog land for bringing friends together!
So I was in NYC for another tradeshow but wanted to get at least SOME sight seeing in. Monday, a few of my team members went to the Intrepid museum and it was insane and very cool. The space shuttle won't open for another 6 weeks but we got to see it from afar.
I sent Jon a ton of pictures of the planes on the flight deck and he reminded me his dad had a love for planes. He was in the Air Force and I was wishing he would have had a chance to see the Intrepid.
I spent all of 3 minutes in Times Square. I stayed in Chelsea and had 2 hours one afternoon so I walked 2o minutes to take a picture and walk back. I've only been to NYC a few times as a tourist so Times Square wasn't a new thing for me (but I felt like I needed the obligatory picture!)
Grand Central Station
Who knew that knishes were a real thing?! Can anyone name the movie...."Big ol' Mr. Knish!!!!!!!!!"
Wednesday night I got to catch up with a friend I haven't seen from high school and it was so refreshing and great. Lindsay...we didn't take a picture (because remember, it didn't happen if it isn't on Facebook or Instagram right?!). So all in all....fun trip...a lot of work and a little pleasure but I am sure as heckfire ready to be home (at least until I go to Canada in 3 weeks...)
Oh & I almost forgot, walking to the tradeshow yesterday, which was at the Javits Center if you're curious, I saw Isaac Mizrahi filming/shooting an ad for Chevy. I swear we made eye contact!
Wednesday night I got to catch up with a friend I haven't seen from high school and it was so refreshing and great. Lindsay...we didn't take a picture (because remember, it didn't happen if it isn't on Facebook or Instagram right?!). So all in all....fun trip...a lot of work and a little pleasure but I am sure as heckfire ready to be home (at least until I go to Canada in 3 weeks...)
Oh & I almost forgot, walking to the tradeshow yesterday, which was at the Javits Center if you're curious, I saw Isaac Mizrahi filming/shooting an ad for Chevy. I swear we made eye contact!
signing off for the weekend, as I have a husband to attend to and stare at :-)

the Behind the Moon Beadworks winner was posted last night...was it you??
And now that song is totally stuck in my head! :) Have a wonderful weekend at home Ruthie!!!
Hoping you have a good flight! I heart you SOOOO much! I'll text you later this afternoon! We may need to schedule like weekly phone dates now or something since I miss you already!
1) that song is also stuck in MY head now
2) ACE VENTURA: Pet Detective for the "Big ol' Mr. Knish" haha
looks like you had a great time, fly safe!
YAY for blog friends! :) So glad you had a good trip! Travel safe and enjoy your weekend with your boys!
I love this! Promise you'll take pics of us when we finally meet in person? :) And NYC, it will always hold a piece of my heart. <3
Oh so fun! Looks like you had a blast! And how cute is Ernie? I seriously want a frenchie so badly. Glad you are home with your husband!
Here's hoping for a safe flight and a great weekend at home with your favorite boys! :)
Enjoy your time spent with the mister. A week is almost too long!
What a fun week Ruthie! I completely understand about having those blog friends. I'm still trying to figure out a way to get my husband to go to Texas so we can meet you. Haha
Have a wonderful weekend with your misters, my love! I know you've missed them like crazy! I am SO jealous you saw Isaac Mizrahi!! & that you got to meet miss Amanda! She is so awesome!
how fun you got to meet a blog friend!! they sure are special :) looks like you had a good time in NYC but so happy you're home with your boys now :)
I hope you enjoyed your time in NYC. I love it there. For living in NY, I don't get there nearly as much as I would like. I was last there at the end of April and it is definitely a magical place!
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