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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Ford 4 months

This month has been a little crazy I'll tell ya. Between everyone in our family battling sickness and transitioning Ford into his crib upstairs, it's been hard emotionally and physically but I couldn't be more in love with my son. The hard times remind me of the grace I'm given by my heavenly Father and the easy times remind me of how blessed I am to be a mother. We are at such a fun stage with our smiley little boy, it's hard to imagine how things can get more "fun"! I feel like Ford is really starting to get a big personality and it's fun to get to know him as a little person rather than a squishy baby who sleeps all the time (okay who am I kidding, Ford has never been a baby who sleeps all the time). I remember when we found out we were pregnant after Thanksgiving last year, we got giddy excited thinking about having a baby at Christmas. And here we are! I look at Ford and think, man, he looks like a little boy. Four months old and time is flying.

So I realized his hair looks really red in these pictures and I think it was the angle of the sun coming through the windows because he has really dark hair like Jon.

Weight: 16lb 11oz (80th percentile)

Height: 24.5 inches (40th percentile)

Head circumference: 44.4cm (95th percentile)

Doctor appointment: we just got back from Ford's 4 month appointment and he was a champ! They were running behind so he got lots of playtime on the table and loved crinkling the paper in his hands. We did some tummy time and he rolled over on his own! He had 3 shots...1 oral and 1 in each leg. He screamed and turned bright red but I nursed him immediately and was fine. He is currently sleeping and we plan on having a cuddly afternoon. He checked out perfectly! His head is round, ears looked good, and gave the doctor and nurses lots of smiles.

My mini me!

Nicknames: Mister, silly boy, milkie, milka

Eating: this boy doesn't miss a meal! Nurses about every 3 hour during the day and once in the early morning (about 10-15 minutes). We thought he had gotten over his bottle strike after taking a break and trying different nipples but he is back to being difficult. We are trying to do 1-2 bottles a day of pumped milk and using Tommee Tippee bottles and that's definitely a battle. He just chews on the nipple and eventually gets pissed that he's not eating so it is quite the charade. We're not giving up though! Our doctor told us to wait until 6 months for solids because of all the food allergies these days but that if Ford starts waking up more often to eat or is super interested in our food, we could go ahead and start oatmeal. 

Sleeping (night): this past month has been very trying on his in the sleep department. A nasty month long cold and crib training gave us some of the most difficult nights we've ever had but Ford is officially sleeping upstairs in his crib and pretty much sleeping through the night. He goes down at 8pm and will wake up anywhere between 430a-6a for a 10-15 minute glug glug nurse then go back to bed usually until about 7:30-830am.
Sleeping (naps): Ford is getting a LOT better at naps. The past few weeks he's gone down for a nap consistently from 9:30a-11a and then either 1 long afternoon nap or 2 short ones depending on if we are home or out and about. He is a great napper in his carseat which makes running around easy but I am trying to be better about putting him down in his crib

Diapers: cloth diapering and loving it! Read my post about our cloth routine here
Clothing: like both of his parents, Ford has a funny body to fit. He has the cutest skinny jeans that are 3-6 months that barely fit his waist and are incredibly long! He's wearing 6 month jammies and mostly 6 month outfits. 

Social: such a social boy and little flirt! Ford is so talkative, screaming, shrieking, babbling, laughing, cooing. It's pretty normal for people to come over to us at the grocery store or errands because he is so talkative. He definitely recognizes mommy and daddy and is so easy to make smile. He also has started to recognize Ernie the past few days and just stares at him and follows him. 

New this month: I wouldn't say Ford is rolling over yet but he has done it a few times on his own the past couple of weeks and lots assisted!

Likes: Sophie the giraffe (big one and teether), TV, walks outside or being outside in general, bath time, being tickled

Dislikes: being in the car awake, Nose Frida, being hungry, having poop in his pants

Mama: I had my annual doctor appointment yesterday and told my doctor I finally feel like myself physically. I can do an ab workout without weird tingles or pain and the only time I am reminded of my C section is during sneezes or when Ford jumps on my incision. I feel like we have a routine (not to be confused with schedule which we very much do not have) and have a fun filled week with playdates, lunches, errands, and lots of playtime at home.I am definitely practicing grace during the long nights of sickness and crib training but it is so worth it! I love this little boy and it sure is fun being Ford's mommy. 

Daddy: Jon is really enjoying this stage of Ford's life...they play "this little piggy" and read books together every night before bed. I love watching Ford belly laugh with his dad! Jon has also watched Ford a few times this month to let me have a break or girls day, that's been so nice! Jon surprised me with a new (used) mommy car last week, I had no idea! My small SUV was very high mileage and things were breaking left and right (note... you can get locked INSIDE of your car). I am now the proud owner of a Lincoln MKT and loving all the cool safety features. We are going to tag along on a business trip with Jon next week and looking forward to that!

Fun things we did: stayed inside for 3 days straight 3 separate times... does that count as fun!? It's been a weird month with Ford having a cold and then this crazy weather we are having. BUT... Ford did celebrate his first Thanksgiving, meet Santa (and loved him), and was dedicated to Christ and our church. Oh and he got his first "hair cut"! My girlfriend Morgan snipped his little mowhawk rat tail thingy so I guess you could say that was his first hair cut? Ford has definitely gone through lots of hair stages (I was just looking at his newborn pictures and he had SO much hair....that's not the case these days). 

What we're looking forward to: we are very excited to celebrate Ford's first Christmas surrounded by family. I know Santa Mimi has lots of fun gifts for our little man! Ford's Aunt Tomi graduates from Texas A&M on Friday and we are looking forward to celebrating her big accomplishment this weekend!



Unknown said...

He looks so much like you!

Carolyn said...

BAH!!! He is such a cute little nugget! :) I can't believe he's 4 months already! I love his updates because it's what I get to look forward to for the next month! :)

Jocelyn said...

My sister also graduates from A&M on Friday! If a strange pregnant girl comes up to you and starts talking to Ford... it's me!

Unknown said...

Ford is such a cutie!

Kristin said...

They really do get more and more fun each passing hard as that is to believe! He is so dang cute and is definitely your mini-me! Where did the last 4 months go?!

Candice Williams said...

Perfect boy. Your mini me!!

Lindsay @ Pursuit of Pink said...

He gets cuter with every single picture. I love his smile and his eyes!!! You definitely have a beautiful baby my friend! I'm glad he is sleeping for you at night.

Sarah said...

dah! i have to do our 4 month post! time, where have you gone?! he's such a happy boy ruthie! love him!

Unknown said...

Our kids have found with thier kids, just a bit of cereal in the bottle before bed, if you can get him to take one before bed, will keep them asleep as they will be fuller. Not sure what age they started it, but they would just use the nipple with the biggest hole or slightly enlarge the hole. I nursed too , so that was not an option for me as we used no bottles until they were at least five months and they were all eating food at that point. Our two daughters and daughter in law just did not have success at nursing and formula fed all thier kids so the cereal thing helped them a lot. YOu just have to decide what you think is best for your little guy and yourself !!! If you think a bit of cereal is good before bed, then go for it, if you want to keep him off food, then that is the right decision too. That is the beauty of parenting we get to do what we feel is best for our kids !!!
He is sure growing and such a cute baby !!!

Allena said...

Several comments -
1. You think he seems like a big boy - my daughter {Drew} turns 1 on 1/2 so this is her first Christmas and she's walking and so.big. WHAT?
2. I love how you say he has dark hair like Jon like you are a blondie, ha.
3. Drew was 9 lbs at birth but didn't hit 16 pounds until 9 months, so fun seeing how all these babies grow differently.
4. He is such a cutie!

Courtney said...

I cannot get over how many similarities here are between Ford and Lucas. There were so many things in this post I feel like I just wrote! Too funny.

Props to you for getting him into the crib. We were going to attempt the transition but we've decided to hold off for now for various reasons. Hopefully it doesn't come back to bite us! ;-)

Maria said...

Hi Ruthie!

I also had a bottle refuser as well so we decided to start a cup earlier than I had wanted to. We used a Playtex cup I think. The part they drank out of was nipple-ish, meaning it was more flat. Does that make sense? It was the only one she would drink from and they were..... $8, but worth every penny! :) Just a thought.
Ford is such a CUTIE!!!! You all look so happy.

Valerie said...

I just had to commment after reading your story on AOL news. The picture of you and Ford was the abosolutely adorable. I know you had a rough time but like you said it is all worth it. I had two C sections but was put to sleep way before I got into horrible pain. God Bless you and your beautiful little boy he does look like you.
Valerie Furr

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