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Monday, December 30, 2013

Under the weather

Man our little family just can't catch a break! Ford has basically had a cold since Halloween that has recently developed into Bronchilitis (luckily he's flu, RSV, and pertussis negative) and as much as I thought I wouldn't get sick, wrong-o. We took a family trip to Urgent Care Saturday morning and all got tested for flu, strep, and Jon even got chest X rays. We left with 5 prescriptions and hopes of feeling better. I have a double ear infection and swollen throat and bad sinuses but the boys seem to be on the ups! We've quarantined ourselves inside and Jon has been doing a great job of being Mr. Mom (seriously, I am so blessed by my husband!). I get sick about once a year but when I do, it is BAD. 

I can't wait to fill you guys in on Ford's first Christmas and take a look at 2013 in review but as for now, I am back to bed blowing my nose for the 500th time and thanking God for a super happy baby and helpful spouse.

Ernie has also projectile vomitted twice this weekend... I am pretty good with dealing with poo and yucky things but OMG... it was bad. He is so sweet and hasn't left my side.


Alyssa said...

Hope you feel better soon!!!!

Unknown said...

We've had colds and a stomach flu circle through our house! Definitely hard being a mommy when you're sick! Hope you get feeling better soon!!

Kristin said...

You poor thing! Feel better!!! xo.

Unknown said...

being sick is no fun :( keeping you guys in my prayers that you all feel better soon!!!

Hall Around Texas said...

Aww! I am so sorry and praying for healing for your family. We have been dodging sick family members for a week now and I am praying that we all stay healthy! It’s just that time of year. Cute pictures and videos!!

Carly said...

Aw man, rest up if possible and feel better my friend!


Bri said...

Oh no!!! The whole fam! Even Ernie!! What a lil trooper Ford is with the machine. Hope you all start feeling better soon friend. That's no fun :(

sia said...

Awww <3 Hope you feel better soon!
Love your dog!

-diary of a fit mommy

Carolyn said...

Here's hoping you all feel better quickly!!

Chelsea Phelps said...

Praying you three feel better soon! I know that is no fun!


Tausha Wierlo said...

It should be against the law for moms to be sick. YUCK. The same happens with me, never sick - but when I do I can hardly move. YUCK.

Praying for you guys - hopefully your on the mend!

Pandorah's Box said...

Awww....a sick baby is never nice, but a sick mama is not good either!

I hope you guys are much better at this point!

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