If you've never eaten a cake ball, you've never lived. There are a few places that sell them around Austin but it's tough to shell out $3 on 1 when I could make my own batch for almost the same price. And they are SO easy!
I made my first batch for Jon's birthday in April and they were more like cake lumps. Buying a cookie scoop has changed my life and made my cake balls look like actually balls (not mush!).
1 box of cake (any flavor)
1 container of frosting (any flavor)
Baker's chocolate to dip (any flavor...you can also use candy coating if you want a colorful cake ball...fyi you can't dye chocolate with food coloring!)
**Optional-Icing and/or sprinkles to decorate
1. Bake the cake according to the box and let cool
2. Fun part-- mash up the cake and jar of frosting in a large bowl to form a dough. If there are burnt/dark spots on the bottom of the cake, you can toss those.
3. Let the dough chill for a couple of hours or until pretty cold and solid.
4. Carefully form ping pong ball sized balls out of the dough (use a cookie scoop if you have one!)
5. Freeze the cakeballs until they are hardened. What I did was make the cake/dough one day then pop the cakeballs into the freezer until I was ready to dip.
6. Dip in melted baker's chocolate or candy coating and let dry on wax paper.
7. Top with sprinkles immediately after dipping or let dry and decorate with icing.
Try to eat just one...yeah...impossible!
holy yum!! I've had them made for me but never attempted to do them myself, so you have encouraged me... Not to mention, I gave up sweets for lent and these sounds sooo delish :) I'll let you know how they turn out.
they are absolutely to DIE for! I can hand deliver you one at church on Sunday ;-)
I used to work at a bakery that made these so I thought you might like a tip or two!
The gooy part can be avoided by not putting too much frosting. Add the frosting little by little until you feel that it is helping keep the cake together but not mushy. Also, butter cream frosting works best for keeping them together, but it is a pain to make and can be very sweet.
When you make the cake balls roll them between your hands and that will give time a rounder shape.
Keep the balls in the freezer until you're ready to use them. Take out a hand full at a time and when you're done with those get more!
To make the dipping easier trying using a wooden skewer! It makes a difference! Poke it in to about the center of the ball and dip into the chocolate. Bang the skewer slowly against the bowl to get off extra chocolate and this will also give it a nicer shape. Use another skewer to help get the ball off. Then drizzle a little chocolate over the whole the skewer left.
Hope it helps and sorry for the long comment!
I just made this recipe for my friends wedding shower and they were delicious. Thanks for the recipe!
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