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Friday, December 9, 2011

Proverbs 31 woman

Last Tuesday night I got so amazed/annoyed by all the Facebook statuses about girls wishing they had Victoria's Secret Angel bodies. Or how they needed to workout for a million hours after watching the VS fashion show. It really saddened me knowing that so many girls were idolizing these woman purely based on their looks! But I didn't think of it again. Until last night. 

A student at Baylor University posted a Facebook status:

"I would rather have a Proverbs 31 woman than a Victoria's Secret model"

And the movement was born...

I was stunned. This video brought me to tears. It is the 100% truth. It sent a chill up my spine knowing that there are men out there who would take a godly woman over long legs in a heartbeat (college men at that). 

Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised. 

I want to be that woman.  I want my husband to value my trust in faith more than rubies. I want to wake up in the night and extend my hands to the needy. I want to speak wisdom. And I want to honor the Lord before I honor my husband. 

I was coincidentally telling my husband last weekend that I want to stop caring what others think of me. I don't want to be known for my blog, my job, my physical appearance, etc. I want people to recognize me as a Christian woman. I want to be known as a believer, servant, and child of God. I fall to my knees, praying that I can fully embody my words. I would greatly appreciate your prayers too. 

I am so blessed to have recently come into community with other Godly women in blogland and 'real life' and I thank God for that everyday. Please know that you all are influencing and encouraging me everyday. I love seeing how God's love shines through my friends. I am also lucky to be married to my believing husband who leads me in my walk. He is greater than anything I could have imagined in a husband. 

One more thing before I sign off, did you know that the company name My Thirty One comes from Proverbs 31? It is really a neat and beautiful story. Read more about it here

I would love to know how you wear the amour of God in your everyday life? How can I pray for you in your journey to becoming a Proverbs 31 woman?


jessica dukes said...

i love this. you might like my blog today too. not the same, but about checking our hearts. :-) love this and love proverbs 31. my desire.

Liz Taylor said...

Ruthie, I'm sitting here in tears. I am the poster child for finding my self value in looks because I remember what is was like to be the ugliest girl in school. This was amazing to read... thank you for sharing. It truly gave me a lot to think about.

Susan said...

Ruthie, this is so awesome! I want to put this video on my facebook page! It's so hard in this culture today that is so overtly sexual. I think as a married Christian woman it is difficult when the VS commercials come on when you are sitting there with your husband! It does make you insecure and feel bad about yourself. My hubby always looks away, changes the channel, or kisses me the whole time until it is over. :)Hurray for Godly men!!

Amanda said...

What a great movement! And what a great goal to not want to be known for anything, but a child of God. Hope you have a great weekend!

simply megan. said...

I've never seen this movement but man am I glad you posted it!! It's just what I needed to watch this morning. It gives me faith that there are still Godly, respecting men out there. And as a single lady in todays society it is sooo hard to find someone looking for something other then just something physical. It truly inspires me. It aso inspires me to turn more focus over to Jesus. I will pray for you of course. Please pray that I stay steady on my journey an allow God to mold me into the best version of myself I can be. Thanks and God Bless!!

Nina Tank said...

Love this Ruthie! I always find an internal struggle with being who I want to be and who the Lord wants me to be! This hits home as I feel I am constantly trying to work on my outward appearance after having Amelia, even though I know my husband is satisfied with me the way I am, he would really appreciate this too! Thanks again, have a blessed weekend!

Viki said...

This was an amazing post Ruthie!
I want to be this woman as well.
I admit, I've been very down about my weight after having my son, but this story just lifted me up.
I no longer what to be like those
skinny models, I want to be a proverbs 31 woman! Thank you so much for sharing this!

Rochelle said...

Great post Ruthie! I am so glad their are men out there that want a women for who she is on the inside and not what she is on the outside. I am lucky to have a boyfriend that loves and respects me for who I am and if I say I want to change something about myself he always reminds me that I am perfectly fine just the way I am.

I love reading your blog! It is one of my favorites ;)

Krista said...

UUUGH! I couldn't believe all those posts either. Way to go girl! Knowing what's important and spreading the word....just awesome. I shall pray for you to be the woman God desires you to be!

Christina said...

Wow, that's pretty cool. Great post Ruthie. It's so important to remember this, but society just screams the opposite. Thanks for the reminder.

henning love said...

this is a great post ruthie!! and what a great project. it is hard to be this way when like christina says society screams be the opposite. it is hard but totally worth it because you want God's approval not society's, way to go ruthie!

Alana said...

AMEN!!! Although the Proverbs 31 woman is plenty intimidating! I mean, does anyone really measure up to her?

... said...

Oh how I love everything about this post. It can be quite intimidating when I read about the Proverbs 31 woman...cause I know that I cannot always lift up to the characteristics spoken of in this portion of the Word...but it is something I want to strive to be in my relationships. The relationship with my boyfriend, the relationship I will have when I am a wife, a mother, all my relationships. Thank you for encouraging me today Ruthie! :)

Heather @ Finding Beauty in the Ordinary said...

I am speechless. I can't get over this video. So, so awesome! Thanks for sharing, Ruthie! I always find the best stuff because of you :))))

Kristy said...

LOVE this post!!!! AMAZING!! Thank you for sharing!!

Amanda C. said...

That is beautiful and inspiring. Thanks for sharing, I needed that.

Claire Beeks said...

Nice post and it is absolutely spot on. Being a Proverbs 31 woman is something we should all strive for daily, however with things like the VS commercials coming on, it gets in the way doesn't it? Luckily I don't have a "lusty" boyfriend. I cannot imagine dating or marrying someone who watched those commercials and then commented or made a face. As if it's not uncomfortable enough watching those ladies up there. I'll have to admit I do love the fashion show...and yes for the fashion. I think the artwork and music is outstanding. Thanks for food for thought :)

Rachel and Matt said...

Ruthie. Thank you for sharing your heart on this. We all have to hold each other accountable and be encouraging to even stand a chance. And thankfully the Lord is always there to see us through, by his grace! Keep in touch girl!

Courtney said...

Awesome post Ruthie! I love this perspective. Praise God for his work in our lives. It's such an exciting thing!

The Arizona Russums said...

Love this post. I've been meditating on P31 a lot lately as I look at areas in my life and in my marriage that need refinement!

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