....when husbands are away
Seriously. I haven't had the best luck when my husband is out of town. Jon travels for work quite a bit and no lie, every time he is gone, something happens (okay not every time but still). A couple weeks ago it was the smoke alarm going off in the middle of the night. I spent 75 minutes in my tallest shoes I own on our step ladder trying to yank wires out of the ceiling. On the verge of tears, the alarm finally stopped chirping after 45 minutes (oh yeah this was between the hours of 2-3am).
This past week, it was the AC. We just moved into our house 2.5 months ago and the only thing that came up was the upstairs unit wasn't blowing cold air so we had it fixed. Well....Sunday night I woke up in a full sweat to Ernie panting and knew something was wrong. Jon left that morning for a 4 day business trip and Ernie and I were left in the heat. Thank God we have 2 units and used the upstairs to cool the downstairs. To add to the AC drama, I teach Zumba on Mondays and don't get home until after 7p so the AC guy couldn't come until Tuesday afternoon.
Red neck AC?
Funny thing is...the guy was there for 10 minutes and the AC was back on. Our capacitor heated up and busted so he changed the part and we were happy as clams.
So currently I am counting down the minutes until Jon gets home tonight so all chances of household disasters will be eliminated.
I think there is meaning being this phenomena...
So please tell me I am not the only one. Does your car happen to break down when your man is on the road? Or your computer crashes when your geek is away?
In other news, since Jon has been gone, I've...
- Started season 1 of Pretty Little Liars
- Painted our upstairs guest room bathroom
- Had girl time (and Ernie had a playdate)
- Started some crafting for my sister's baby shower
- Did some baking
I am so ready to see him tonight!
p.s. the winner of the $50 Shabby Apple gift card is...

The WORST THING is when your A/C goes out!!!! Ours died in the middle of the summer 2 years ago...conveniently right after we moved into our house, too! After four visits, they finally had it fixed and it works perfectly now...knock on wood! I'm sorry bad things happen when your hubby is out of town!!! Hopefully nothing else happens!!!!
this is why I never let dan leave.
ok, so he does. he travels quite a bit too (and if someone is reading this, do not come rob me ... sherman will eat you). but, I have to say, I don't think anything bad has happened yet (knock on wood 14 times). gosh I love AC.
Funny that you asked "does your computer crash when your geek is away?" Well yeah, that happened to me this week. I couldn't get my computer to turn on for 2 days and I was sure it was toast. Scott touches it and like magic it turns on...I don't know what it is, but it's annoying! I'm glad it's working again though, he's got the geek magic touch. Sorry about all your mishaps! That totally sucks about the AC, glad it was an easy fix.
That happens to me too when my hub is out of town! Last year, when he was gone for 6 weeks working on an audit, we had a major snow storm in DFW and I was snowed in, with a broken heater for a week. It was awful!
What did you think about Pretty Little Liars? I'm kind of obsessed! :)
You were productive while the hubs was away! Glad you got the AC thing figured out! I can't live without my AC. BAHAHAHAHA
Girl you never stop! Always crafting and painting - you will be so proud to know that I am doing my first crafting project this weekend wih my girl friend - I will let you know how it goes hahaha. I can't stan when Scott's out of town, last time there were noises outside my patio and i freaked out thinking someone was there - huxley was no help! it ended up being a possom crawling around eww! i slept on the couch and double checked every locked window and door. LOL
Haha, you're too funny!!!! :) :) Glad you're not in a sweat anymore!
Oh goodness! Get him home quick! I nominated you for a little blog award :) just my way of letting you know how much I enjoy your posts each day!
I can't believe I won!!! I'm so excited! :-) I haven't won anything in like ever
In other news, yes I know exactly like how it feels when things happen while the hubby is gone. But you deff had some fun stuff this week!
Ugh no AC while you're trying to sleep is the worst! Do you love Pretty Little Liars so far? Have you read the books too? I lie the show but sometimes it creeps me out haha I'm such a baby.
You sound just like me here :) Everything goes wrong all at once when Scott is away...even if it's just for the day. We never spend nights apart (we are fortunate for that because of our work right now) and cannot imagine if we did how FREAKED I would be. One night he had a guys night and slept at a friends house and I didn't sleep a WINK! I clinged to India all night for fear of the boogey man ;-)
Have fun tonight when he gets home!
That's the truth. Jared doesn't travel too much maybe 2 or 3 times a year for work, but when he's gone.. it all breaks loose. Our oven stopped working, the garage door wouldn't close, and so many more. hopefully he's back soon and your AC stays on!
Dang you've been productive since he's been away! Sorry to hear that it broke down though when he's gone :( Hopefully that'll be the last of it!
Happy Hubby Homecoming! Thankful my hubby doesn't travel but yes, if something is going to go wrong, he is not around :(
This has yet to happen to me - but now that I know the possibility is out there (thanks for the heads up) I will never let my hubs leave town! Never! Yay for him coming home tonight :)
I would have DIED if my AC went out. Me and heat DO NOT get along. Sounds like you handled it way better than I would have!
At least it makes you want him to come home that much more :)
Oh nooo I hate when the AC goes out - that's the worst in the summer heat! :( Looks like you've gotten a ton done while he's been away, though - way to go painting the entire guest room bathroom!
I'm sure you're so glad he'll be home :)
That is so true! Growing up, my Dad traveled 3 or 4 months out of the year and we were always in some tragedy or other when he was gone. That may have influenced my decision to marry a nurse since nurses don't have the reputation of needing to travel alot for work. :P
I just hear noises and so the whole time I sleep with the tv on because I don't want to hear the frogs all night
So glad you got the air fixed! It is too hot to be without!
you poor thing!!!! ugh!
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