So you may have noticed I was absent from blog land yesterday, very weird for me on a Tuesday. Most days I plan what I am going to blog about for the week and write the posts ahead of time but life has been a little all over the place lately. Being out of the office last week means I have lots to catch up on at work so I needed yesterday to focus. Days of coming home from work and getting in pjs to cuddle with my hubby for 6 hours are long gone. Yes there is still lots of cuddling but laundry, dishes, yardwork, Zumba teaching, catching up with old friends, house projects, baby and wedding shower planning, etc has taken precedence. I've always been one of those people who sleeps 9 hours a night but lately I am telling myself 7-8 is fine. Late nights with Jon are worth more than that extra hour of beauty sleep (and lately I am cranky if I get too much sleep).
So what else...
I am about to finish my 2nd spicy paprika project. If you missed the first one, I re did an old old wooden ship (okay no, it was a desk...can anyone name that movie though?) and love it so much, I am re doing a $20 craigslist dresser in the same color. I used about 5% of the gallon of paint I bought so I am finding uses for it :-). This dresser will go in the guestroom which I plan on painting light gray to match the gray and yellow duvet.
The inspiration for the dresser came from this picture I found on Pinterest. The room will be gray and yellow but this pop of color is perfect.
Speaking of painting projects, I popped into Goodwill on Monday (so sad we don't live near one anymore, we used to live a block from one!) and bought this $40 cabinet/buffet/console thingy for under our TV in the family room.
I posted our house to do list in May and one of the things on the list was get something for under the TV. We bought a new TV when we moved and put a dingy little ikea shelf to house our DVR and it looks awful...
The walls are a sea-foam/gray ish (picture sucks) and our couch is gray so I am thinking a dark turquoise for the new shelf. We have lots of colorful pillows in that room so I plan on taking one to color match. I am hoping to start priming today. A few people suggested white but I can see it being quickly covered in sticky hands and puppy slobber haha. When we were looking for a new sofa, Jon loved this creamy white leather sectional and I have to say, it was gorgeous. I told him we can buy it in 35 years (then we'll have to cover it with plastic because we'll be grandparents).
I know some people think having carpet is old school or cheesy but we love it!! We had one room with gross berber carpet in our old house and knew we wanted it when we bought. It will be nice when we have kiddos but for now, we love laying on it to watch TV. We are weird.
We try to have date night once a week, just the two of us going out for dinner and something fun. I dress for comfort and luckily, most Austin restaurants are accommodating to my style :-). It's fun to dress up fancy every once and a while but shorts and a hat are my kind of night out.
This text was from last week when I flew back from NY. My nickname of the moment is smoochie plus some derivatives (smoochles, smoochie pants). And no, I don't know another Jon Hart, I just have him as husband in case of an emergency haha
I started Bloom yesterday and already love it. I will definitely be sharing my thoughts on the book when I am finished.
Did yall watch that guy tight rope walk over the falls? We thought it was so cool he was so open with his prayer and proclaiming his faith and love for Christ on TV. Finally someone shedding good light on Christianity in the media :)
What are your randoms?

Girl, you are awesome.. I don't know how you have time to do everything and still have time to sit down and read a book! You must be an amazinggg time manager hah I need to get better at that. There is so much I want to do after work and then the next thing I know it's way past my bedtime.
I have my husband in my phone as "Husband Xoxo" - at first he was a little cranky about it - wondering where his name went and all, but now I think he really likes the nickname. :)
Please don't be plastic couch covering people... that would make me sad - and I don't even know you.
I think a turquoise will look amazing on that tv console!!! Can't wait to see it! I hear ya on being busy... life seems to always get in the way of cuddle time! HAHA As for the carpet... we have carpet in parts of our house too, and we love it! It's hard to keep clean with our dogs (the old owners chose WHITE carpet) but we love it just the same. :)
I only got to see the end of his walk across the falls, but the proclamation of his faith makes me SO happy... I found myself praying for his safety as he walked across the final stretch!
I love that you guys lay on the floor to watch TV - My parents are convinced that laying on the floor corrects poor posture, so snaps for that!
Have a great day! XO
I love carpet! I wish our living room was carpet and not hardwood!
Missed you yesterday, Ruthie! Glad you are back! I checked a few times and then assumed you were up-to-your-ears busy so that's what you didn't post! Spicy paprika is and my mom have a similar style house-wise, and I love it! Can't wait to see what else you paprika! Love you!
Love that console. Can't wait to see what you do with it!!
And yes, we were watching the tight rope walking and thinking how cool it was that he just praised Jesus the whole time and that he talked about it afterward. Altho it was a little odd that the interviewer asked him about worshipping a "deity". Oh, people just don't get it!
You find the best furniture! And btw I already put your House Hunters episode in my iPhone calender with an alert! Can't wait!!
Thta is so awesome Ruthie! I can't wait to see the next project. Haha, that nickname is adorable.
So inspired after reading this.. I've been stressing over furniture for my new condo and how expensive it's gonna be, but if I can just find the patience/skills to re-do furniture like you are, I could save lots of money!
CAN'T WAIT to see your tv episode!! ahhh I'm so excited!!
Also I lay on my rug alll the time lol. My mom thinks I'm weird because rather than sitting on a couch or bed I am always on my floor. :)
I'm doing my bed frame re-do this weekend! You'll be proud! I love how you're decorating the house. Our TV Stand is finally ready for pick up, so we're heading to get it tonight. I can't wait to start actually decorating more. :)
your dresser looks great and i think the color of the new shelf will be great under your tv!
I am still loving that paint color for the dresser, and I think the new shelf is going to look so great under the tv!
I love seeing all the new decorating ideas. I know there's pinterest and all, but I'm still not the best interior designer! So seeing you actually doing it and seeing your tutorials help me out a lot!
Ok, so the hat rocks. You knew I would say that and every time i see that little tv stand I crack up. You should recover it with some padding for a doggie bed for Ernie but it out of its misery.
Living so close to the Falls I mainly watched to see how awesome the area would look on TV. I was thrilled to hear him openly praise God. :)
Such a cute outfit for your date night!
I think sometimes we all need a little break from the bloggy world, sometime to relax and recharge :)
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