...is what we took this weekend.
I am not much of a mean PMSer, just a sad one. Looking back, it was ridiculous, but Friday someone asked me to mail something at work and it had to be postmarked that day. Well long story short the UPS store didn't have late pickup and I had to drive to our post office in Lakeway which is 10-15 minutes from our house. I called Jon in tears saying "I just want to cry it feels so good". I leave for work before 7am and was driving to the post office at 5:30pm...long day and had plans of being home at 4:30. I came home and my sweet, paint- hating husband was painting our bathroom like I had planned on doing and he let me recover from my meltdown. Dumb right?
Our new address stamp cheered me up :-)
& seeing Jon in his groomsman outfit for a beach wedding in October
"diving dolphin grey"
Well that was just the start of our weekend "off". Jon's birthday happened to fall on a day we were shooting for House Hunters and we never got around to celebrating. Yes I know everyone is busy but right now we are in a season in our lives where we are busier than ever. I told him one random day he'd wake up and it would be "his birthday". And that was Saturday. I woke up before him, made a yummy breakfast and let him watch his carshows all morning while I did chores and packed him a bag. I kept making him guess where we were going and he guessed Waco, where he lived for 5 years going to Baylor (they have an awesome zoo). Nope. We dropped off Ernie at my parents, went to the gym and I told him we were gonna do a few things around Austin. We went to Mighty Fine Burger and I told him we had another errand to run close by at the Domain (an upscale outdoor shopping center of Austin).
Little did he know, we were spending the night at the Aloft Hotel at the Domain!
The Aloft is owned by the W Hotel and is a hipster, swanky hotel that I hold trainings for work at. The ladies I work with there gave me a free night stay back in April and I knew exactly what I wanted to use it for!
So between work (we both work fulltime and I teach Zumba twice a week), travel, house projects, social life, our commitment to our faith, etc...we just haven't had time to relax, relax. Yes there are nights we hang at the house watching reruns of Family Guy and Netflix movies but are you ever really relaxed at your house? I always find things to do around the house on our home nights. And I wanted to FULLY relax for Jon's birthday!
We laid around our room for a while then laid/napped by the pool. It was wonderful not having distractions or chores piling up. We showered and got ready and shopped around the Domain before heading up to Round Rock to have dinner at Gino's. If you live in Austin/RR...you have to go here! Jon took me there 3 years ago on one of our first dates and it was so romantic and delicious. I told Jon we could go anywhere for dessert...Truluck's, Cheesecake Factory...and we ended up going to the grocery store and getting a carton of Ben and Jerry's Chocolate Therapy and eating it in our hotel bed. It was perfect.
Sunday morning we slept in (always so much easier to do at a hotel than my own house) and I surprised Jon with breakfast with friends. We went to the late service at church which we do every so often and love it because we get to sit in the very front row. Luckily I had done most of our chores Saturday morning so we came home to a clean house and relaxed on the couch watching Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close (wonderful movie btw). We had some dear friends over for dinner and it was the perfect wrap to a wonderful, truly relaxing weekend.
(necklace via the honey pot)
Today I am feeling happy, refreshed, and energized. It is amazing what a weekend away will do for you. I think I could spend everyday with my husband locked up in a hotel room with nothing to do and it still wouldn't be enough time. We are so lucky to have a bond that never leaves us bored...there is always something to talk about, laugh about, dream about together. I am so happy Jon was born.
(it wouldn't be a post w/o a Mr. Ernie picture...swimming at Gramma's)

Aww I love your last line. "I'm so happy Jon was born". :-)
Relaxing is so nice!! Yesterday I did absolutely nothing but watch Netflix, showered, and played games with Tim. Those days are needed!
I'm glad I'm not the only one who gets sad and just needs to cry! The birthday weekend looked like a blast! I wish that I lived in a cool town
What a wonderful weekend! Glad you two got some chill time together.
Sounds like a perfect weekend! :) I love that you randomly celebrated his birthday! So cute!!
Ohhh the Aloft hotel is SO nice! How fun!! Glad y'all got some R&R time together! I bet Jon had a wonderful "birthday" :) I love your little dress & the necklace!
I cried this morning! Sometimes we just need a good cry, am I right or am I right? (I'm a huge PMSer. I become completely irrational and cry for absolutely no reason. And then M just looks at me like I'm crazy.) See you on Sunday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I agree with you...it's sooooo hard to completely relax in your own home. There's always something screaming for your attention! Glad you had such a fun weekend away!
Mental Health Weekends are wonderful! I love that you acknowledge that it's hard to truly relax in your own home sometimes. There's always a to-do waiting for you... Glad you guys got the chance to get away and truly relax!
What a fun way to relax. It's so nice to not have to worry about dishes, vacuuming, laundry - whatever, while snuggled up at a hotel. Such a smart idea for a birthday weekend!
Ruthie, you are such a sweetheart! First, I totally relate to those times when you're like umm I just need to cry even though it's dumb, I totally get those moments! So nice that you and your hubby had a relaxing weekend away, it's so nice to come in to Monday feeling refreshed! My hubby and I have been on the go so much lately too that we decided we're just going to try and stay home the next few weekends and do simple, summery things around home...it's just to just relax a little! :)
That sounds like an amazing weekend- y'all totally needed it! And I want to check out Gino's now!
This sounds so wonderful! Glad you guys had a great time celebrating Jon's bday! :)
I'm so glad y'all got a weekend away! We've only had one (the marriage retreat) since we got married and I can't wait to go on another! I love that you surprised him.
so.... did you do what i suggested you do? ;)
glad you guys had a great time! i'm so happy you got away. there is nothing better than weekend trips. so refreshing!! love the pics. and i loved the pic of ernie doing the splits that i saw on FB, hahaha!!!
I'm a sad PMSer as well. There are definitely times I like to cry for no reason too. Glad us girls are in to together. I've never heard of that hotel, but it sounds fun! Glad y'all were able to get away and truly relax!
What a relaxing weekend...I haven't had one of those in forever!
I know we talked earlier but I wanted to comment and say I love your post :-) Glad for the mental health weekend...woot woot!
Well, well, well, a picture of Mrs. Harts butt. And all I can say is transfer it to my body please.
I love mental health days, but they let me escape the nut house and so now its just my world of crazy!
I'm glad you both got some time out to relax- it's so important to remember to do things like that! And I love a good cry every once and a while (cough, every month).
I'm the same way about PMS. I'm getting all nostalgic about moving. Maybe Aunt Flow could schedule her visit some time OTHER than when I'm in the middle of leaving the first place we owned together, got married, and got the dogs in? ....DAMN there it goes again!!
My husband sounds a lot like Jon. He would so do anything to cheer me up when I'm sad. :) I love reading your posts because you always find a way to be positive about all that is good in your life. There are so many negative people in the world - so refreshing to hear something else!
Good morning my dear friends! I've only had a couple of sessions with my cool therapist and I'm searching forward to working with him more. John Lavoie said to me, "Life is the challenge of change, the choice about the change, the consequence of the choice and then the contribution to self first and then to other ones." I've found this inspiring and very interesting. Online https://onlinecounselingnearme.com/ therapy, thanks so much for been with me all this hard time!!!!
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