...is way cooler in Instagram
Maranatha has always been our peanut butter of choice but places around here stopped carrying it for about a year. Not only did HEB (main grocery store) not carry it but I couldn't find it at Central Market or Whole Foods so I basically bought Wal Mart out of their entire stock when I saw it last week. It is the best when it comes to organic PB, it doesn't get all oily and gross and you don't have to stir it every time you use it. I also really like Smart Balance so we keep that in the house too.
Speaking of food, Jon drinks a gallon of milk every 2 days. On his own. The only milk I consume is in cereal (or baking) and I try to put as little as possible. People ask how a family of 2 can shop at Costco and milk alone answers the question...
I love saving money when it comes to fashion, style, etc. I am not a designer handbag or jean person and always try to buy stuff on sale so it's not a surprise that I always buy the cheapest frames when picking out my glasses. This year, I felt like I deserved my first pair of Raybans and I couldn't love them any more. I don't feel comfortable buying Rayban sunglasses just yet...I am known to lose or break about 5 pairs a year so I go for the Forever 21 $5 sunnies :-)
My mantel project is almost done! I have one more canvas that is painted but I am not sure what silhouette to do. A lot of you asked for a how-to on Instagram/Twitter so I will definitely share the details.
Lots of family time this weekend...James had a basketball tournament and we begged him to take a picture with his sisters (he is almost taller than all of us)
I think my heart has been officially stolen by Sophie the apricot toy poodle. She is my sister's inlaws sweet pup and I just couldn't put her down. If you haven't noticed, Ernie is quite the chunk and not exactly a dog I can carry around all night :-). Jon had an apricot toy poodle growing up name Jean Claude hehe
Another project that was finished this weekend was our TV console (remember the $40 Goodwill piece I posted last week?). It is the same color as the canvases...it looks really blue in the picture but it is a gorgeous dark turquoise. I love having color in our house! It's my third piece to refinish and I used this method.
Yesterday Jon woke up with really bad allergies so after church we totally vegged out. We started watching 30 Rock from the beginning on Friday and are obsessed. Why am I just now watching?! We watched some Mystery Science Theater, Dateline, and didn't leave the house until a walk with Ernie at 9pm. It was a true, and much needed, sabbath.
I woke up in the middle of the night in a full sweat and Ernie was panting. Turns out our downstairs AC unit was just blowing air, not cold air. Just our luck huh? The high today is 104. Luckily we have a home warranty and hopefully have a guy out there today. The joys of homeownership! We are thanking God we have two units though.
& if you missed it Saturday, I posted a great recipe for quinoa 'mac & cheese'
What was the best thing about your weekend?

Yikes about the AC! But I love how it turned out! I'm doing my painting the headboard project and by I, I mean M and I. It's turned into a little bit longer of a project than anticipated, but will definitely look great once it's done.
That is my BIGGEST fear about living in AZ and the AC Konking out!
Our first home that we are moving into in 4 wks has 2 AC Units too, I am always fearful in my mind that it would break and Aspen would be home alone sweating/panting...can't mess with that stuff in hot states such as TX and AZ, right?
Sorry about the AC, that is no good! Hope it is fixed soon!
Sounds like a great weekend to me Ruthie! Love your canvases you're working on for the mantel. Can't wait to see the finished project. My allergies have been nuts this weekend too...strangeness... But I did spend practically all day Saturday outdoors: yard sale in the morning, and concert at a winery at night. It was a loooong, but fabulous day!
ah that color on your TV console is TO DIE FOR! Love it. And we vegged out after church too, which was funny because our preacher is doing a series on the 7 deadly sins and Sunday's was "sloth" :)
The milk! We are the same way! Ben drinks so much milk. He has to always have a glass with dinner. And I only use it for cereal too but we go thru it so fast. That's so funny!!
Um, the cardenza looks great!!
And I love your new glasses. I splurged a few months ago and got some DKNY ones and I'm so happy I spent the extra money on them. I've been wearing the same frames since high school so it was definitely time :)
The cabinet turned out amazing! I love it.
Ugh, I feel for Jon on the allergies. We totally ended up having a very, veryyy lazy Sunday too because I just felt AWFUL with mine. Clogged head, itchy eyes, the works! It was nice though, and much needed to have a day to be lazy together ;)
I can't wait 'til you share details on the canvas' you did- they look so good!!!
Ahh Cam and I love 30 Rock, Tina Fey and Alec Baldwin are the best! :)
I can't wait to see the canvas painting tutorial, those are way too cute! And I love 30 Rock too, there's not a whole lot that's funnier than Liz Lemon :)
You are a busy girl :) Love all your finished projects they look great!
Happy Monday!
The cabinet came out great! How could you help but not be in love with Ernie, he's a stud. Hope you get your air fixed :)
Wow what a fun week!
Love the glasses. I was just telling my hubby that I should get new glasses every two years like you do with cell phones lol we shall see how that goes over.
I so can't wait to have a home to recycle old furniture like that! Turquoise is my fav color!
Hope you guys stay cool.
Glad you're on the 30Rock train! Hilarious, isn't it?
Love your projects! You put me to shame!
Love the furniture makeover and your new specs!;)
I'm with you on the sunglasses - I lose mine all the time, so I cannot possibly justifying spending more than maybe $15 on a pair of sunnies. I'm really good with keeping track of all the rest of my stuff though! I just have a problem with sunglasses for some inexplicable reason.
oh noooooooo hopefully a guy comes out to fix ur ac! i can't wait to see a post on ur mantle project! the buffet looks awesome of course! you are so crafty girl.. teach me!! :) oh and my sister has a toy poodle/maltese mix - half white/half apricot! i secretly think the poodle in the picture above is cuter unfortunately haha.
How funny - we had a toy poodle when I was very young and his name was Jean Pierre...lol :)
You have been a busy bee. We have both been updating our house. It's fun.
Cute pictures! I love the furniture makeover!
I totally love those canvases! I'd love you to do a DIY post. I'm also in love with your refinished TV console. I'm dying to have a house where I can do fun stuff like that. Loved your pictures.
Those glasses are so cute! Love them.
Oh man, I feel you on the AC. We only have a tiny window unit for out 2 bedroom apartment... and record high temps for the state. Not the most fun thing. Hope that the repair people can be by very soon!
totally love those canvases. Sounds like such a busy weekend. Fabulous post, love. If you get a sec I'd love to hear your thoughts on my interview for College Lifestyles magazine. xo
So much good stuff to comment on...
Ernie is adorable. Seriously. Chunky little human describes him so well. HAHA
I'll have to try that peanut butter!
Jake and I are totally milk hogs like Jon. Yummy. :)
Those glasses look SO GOOD on you! LOVE!
Those canvases are SO CUTE. Could you somehow use a picture of all three of you? Or maybe of your house?
That poodle is adorable. Maybe it's time to get Ernie a little apricot sister? HAHA
I am OBSESSED with that console. I need one in our den, and I'm officially jealous. :)
You look so cute in your new glasses, love them :)
And Ernie is just too cute, i love all the pics you post of him. Did you ever think he would be such a celebrity?! Hehehe.
Glad you had a good weekend vegging out, sometimes those are the best.
Ernie really is like a little person in a fur coat...not a dog!
Those glasses are way cute!
Lol, we loooove 30 Rock in my house!! We've watched the whole series about 4 or 5 times! We leave it on in the background while we're cleaning sometimes, lol! So sad the show is ending!
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